COLÓQUIOS DO DEPARTAMENTO DE FÍSICA MATEMÁTICA DIA 24/09/2013 - 11H30 - SALA JAYME TIOMNO "The Intensity Frontier Experimental Program at Fermilab" Prof. Jorge Morfin, Fermilab The Intensity Frontier program at Fermilab covers muon experiments like Mu2e and g-2 and kaon experiments like ORKA. However, the emphasis is on neutrino experiments that include MINERvA, MINOS+, NOvA, MicroBooNE and LBNE. Recently a proposal for a new form of neutrino beam based on decaying muons circulating in a storage ring - nuSTORM - has also been approved. A description of the entire Intensity Frontier program will be presented with emphasis on neutrinos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIA 26/09/2013 - 11H30 - SALA JAYME TIOMNO "Significant gamma ray signal from dark matter: Scalar versus Majorana" Dra. Laura Lopez Honorez (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) There has been interest recently on particle physics models that may give rise to sharp gamma ray spectral features from dark matter annihilation. Because dark matter is supposed to be electrically neutral, it is challenging to build weakly interacting massive particle models that may accommodate both a large cross section into gamma rays at, say, the Galactic center, and the right dark matter abundance. In my talk, I will discuss the gamma ray signatures of real scalar and Majorana dark matter annihilating into lepton-antilepton pairs. In both cases, the two-body final-state annihilation channel will turn out to be velocity suppressed in the chiral limit. This allow for large contributions to the annihilation cross-section from virtual internal bremsstrahlung emission of a gamma ray. I will show that the virtual internal bremsstrahlung signal may be enhanced by a factor of (up to) two orders of magnitude in the case of scalar dark matter.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 18:51:45 +0000

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