COLD LOVE Matthew 24, Jesus makes His longest address about - TopicsExpress


COLD LOVE Matthew 24, Jesus makes His longest address about the END of The Age and the signs of His coming. Among all the prophecies about earthquakes, plagues, false prophets, and turbulent political situations, there is this one short statement about a “DECLINE in LOVE.” This decline in “LOVE” must, of necessity, signal a decline in True Spiritual Content, for, as the Bible says: “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love” (I John 4:8). Nowadays, whenever you meet anyone who shows any interest in you, be careful, for many have some ulterior motive: like filling a pew in their church-house, getting some of your money, or gathering their own little congregation of admirers to lord it over. Maybe because you are yourself a True Believer, God has led you to someone who truly cares for your welfare JUST AND ONLY BECAUSE you are a Christian. Jesus said, that BECAUSE iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. The word for iniquity is ANOMIA, which means, without fixed principle, and is often translated to the word “LAWLESSNESS.” What Our Lord Jesus Christ is telling us here, is that PROFESSING CHRISTIANS will not be reliable to obey the counsel of the Word of God: The Bible. Those whom we expect to be ready to stand for the Truth, and to LOVE, FORGIVE, and HELP us, will NOT BE FAITHFUL to the principles they confess. RATHER, you see INDIFFERENCE, HYPOCRISY, sudden TREACHERY, and CALCULATING GREEDINESS, all mixed up with professions of love and occasional generosity. Our Vision Statement: Christ’s Church is the place where the Hurting, the Depressed, the Frustrated, and the Confused can find Love, Acceptance, Help, Hope, Forgiveness, Guidance, and Encouragement.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 14:23:45 +0000

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