COME AND SEE THE GLORY OF THE LORD!! CHIEF MAGISTRATE COURT WUKA,RI 1. NAKAMBO RESOURCES LTD 2. BALA JERRY HABILA - COMPLAINANT AND LAMI SABO AGBU - DEFENDANT CASE NO: CMC/111/013 I am most grateful to God Almighty for seem me through in the above case. The enemy had wanted me to be in tears, the devil had wished to end my life, but to God be the Glory, and the devil is put to shame. In August 2013, my employer Mr. Bala Jerry Habila, Managing Director Nakambo Resources Ltd(Agrochemical Wukari), filled criminal charges against me, for criminal breach of trust and cheating. I have served the complainant for over four years without any act of misconduct. The complainant upon malice, leveled false charges against me just to frustrate my life claming that I Lami Sabo Agbu defraud his company the sum of Six Hundred Thousand Naira (N600,000.00). He has forged several document against me, he went about telling my colleagues and family members that I stole his money. Since i know who I am, I promised never to give the devil a chance, I cried to, the Lord to fight this battle on my behalf. Mr Bala Jerry Habila who is a Christian and a jukun by tribe also a member of the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria has failed to take the matter either to the church or to the Traditional council for settlement between us at the first instance, simple because he want to frustrate my life. I bailed myself with the sum of fifty thousand naira (N50,000.00) the day I was taken before the court. He alleges that I gave out his goods on credit and that I failed to recover the amount which amount to six hundred thousand naira (N 600,000.00), I pleaded not guilty before the Chief Magistrate because I know I commit no crime. I have been battling with these criminal charges against me since last year 2013, having sleepless night, wondering how wicked human beings are. I began to wonder why my former boss has chosen to destroy my life, I began to imaging if there is still God in heaven to witness this great humiliation, wickedness, and false accusation against me by Mr. Bala Jerry Habila. He took me to court without notifying my surety of any case he has against me, the charges he leveled against was completely different from the controversy w) had with him. In summery, Mr. Bala Jerry Habila has failed to establish a case against me, from August 2013 to April this year he failed to produce a single witness or document to testify against me. Having forged a document claiming to be mine but there and then in the court I made it clear that i am not a maker of that document. I became so worried considering the dimension the case is taken, but I never lost hope in God. I have been advised by friends and relatives to go and plead with Mr. Bala Jerry Habila to Withraw the case, but I vow never to do that, since I know I am not guilty and he has choose to take the matter to court so let it be. If the court finds me guilty I shall accept that in good faith and serve whatever penalty. Since he discovered that his aims of destroying my reputation can not be achieved, considering my boldness, he left and abandoned the case for over seven months. I went to the court and apply for hearing notice for him to come and continue with his case against me, he failed to appear. Yesterday been 27th Day of November, 2014 the Chief Magistrate Court in Wukari struck out the case on the ground that the complainant has failed to establish his burden of proof, and has abandoned the case for no reason. Based on that I was then acquitted. I wish to make it clear to all those who connived with Mr. Bala Jerry Habila in anyway, man or woman, boy or girl, to destroy my reputation, that God in heaven will continue to fight my battle, you shall never experience peace in your life till the day you join your ancestors, the way I bailed myself in the Magistrate court Wukari, you shall bail yourself also one day in the High Court of Abuja FCT, the way a criminal record was labeled on me same shall it be your portion, the pains you gave to me, you shall experience greater one in Jesus name. I wish to also use this opportunity to advice masters, and boss to be very careful in your relationship with your servant, no one knows tomorrow no condition is permanent, destiny can never changed, delay or deny. Destiny is accomplished at its appropriate time. Finally I give God the glory, I appreciate all of you who in one way or the other have identified with me in the days of my trial, I never find it easy at my age facing such a tribulation, even though I know he has deformed by character but he shall pay for it here on earth or in life after. Thank you my friends
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 10:22:40 +0000

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