COME INTO YOUR BROAD PLACE FOR BREAKTHROUGH MULTIPLICATION Beloved, because you know the name of the Lord Thy God you are forever blessed and highly favored. Nothing is too big concerning you that God Almighty cannot do because his hands are not too short to bless and his heart not too small to love. Because of the name of Jesus Christ which is a Strong Tower and a Fortress you must know that you can never lose a fight because his mighty name is the place of authority in your life that causes you to sit with Him in heavenlies places far above principalities, forces, and rulers of darkness in the unseen world. This is why when you are going through your storm you don’t need to go against it; just call upon the name of the LORD “ for whosoever call upon his name shall be saved” or better be delivered and restored. In this brand new season where God is taking to new heights refuse to be intimidated, limited, or be pulled down. This is your hour to shine and to rejoice in the name of the Lord Thy God because He is bringing you to a broad place where He shall make your name great and through you all the nations of the earth shall be blessed. It is about time you claim the promises of God for your life. Here is the word of the Lord to bring you out of the wilderness into your broad place where you rejoice at the mention of his name because He has done great and mighty things; “Whereas you have been forsaken and hated, so that no man passed through you, I will make you an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations.” – Isaiah 65:15. Receive it and thank the Lord!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 06:50:16 +0000

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