COMING SOON to the Black Centipede blog-- the long-avoided - TopicsExpress


COMING SOON to the Black Centipede blog-- the long-avoided CONCLUSION of the return of Doctor Reverso! theblackcentipede.blogspot/…/the-return-of-docto… SAMPLE: CHAPTER WHATEVER After the two strange young women vanished, I sank into a near-torpor. This current adventure was beginning to get on my nerves. There were plot threads all over the place, and we seemed to be getting further and further from any sort of resolution. I had started hoping that Bloody Mary Jane would pop up out of nowhere and tie the whole thing up neatly, as was her custom, but I knew how unrealistic it was. Anyhow, there were too many characters in the damn thing already. My dear deus ex machina would likely just get lost in the shuffle. No, if this mess were ever to be brought to an end, I would have to take strong unilateral action. The first thing I would need to do would be to finish off the entire bottle of whiskey. This I did, in record time. Thus fortified, I made my rather unsteady but absolutely determined way back down to my nerve center. Are you all right? Anonymoushka asked. You seem a bit wobbly. I am absolutely shitfaced, I said with my customary forthrightness. And its time to start cleaning house. That process starts with you, my fine faceless filly. I want you to vacate these premises immediately, if not sooner. You are nothing but a distraction, a pointless plot device whose purpose is beyond my ability to imagine. Ah! she exclaimed brightly. So sweet reason finally dawns in your excuse for a mind! Delightful! Show our lazy and capricious god that you will tolerate no more of his random string-pulling! It is wonderful to see you behaving like a man instead of a sickly gerbil of ill repute! Storm the fourth wall, my preposterous knight erroneous, and show the bastards that they wont have the Black Centipede to kick around any more! I grabbed her by an elbow and pointed her toward the door. Be on your way, I said, and dont come back until your presence makes some kind of sense. Absolutely! I do have a rather major role in Black Centipede Confidential, and a bit of recreation now would not come amiss. See you between the covers! Of the book, I mean... Go! She went. I can be very masterful when intoxicated. I turned to Doctor Unknown. Is Almanac still at the bottom of the elevator shaft? Yes, he is, was the reply. I think he may be waking up. Then hes going to wish he hadnt. Tell me, Raoul, what do you think the net effect would be if someone were to dump roughly 80 gallons of sulfuric acid down onto him? Sweet Hecate, he said, going a bit pale. I think the effect would be exactly what youd expect. I dont believe there would be very much left. I nodded. I knew that stuff would come in handy one day. I realize you have certain notions about the intentional infliction of suffering and cruelty to even the most vile and obnoxious specimens of animal life, so please just forget I ever asked. I do believe that if I were to twist their arms sufficiently, Patience and Prudence could be persuaded to help me with such a project. Broad grins appeared on the faces of both girls. This wasnt going to be a hard sell. They had absolutely no love for Doctor Almanac, who had, among other things, ordered the brutal removal of both of their tongues. By allowing them to actually do the deed, I would make lifelong friends of two people whose enemy I would never, ever want to be. What do you think? I said to them. Can you force yourselves to assist in this heinous operation for the greater good? They jumped up and down and clapped their hands. Since the girls were usually the very definition of taciturnity, it was rather like seeing the late Calvin Coolidge strip to his boxers and perform a Cossack dance in the middle of Times Square. Unknown cleared his throat. Yes, well, Im just going to go over here and sort of, ah, pretend that, you know... I dont know anything about this. ...TO BE CONCLUDED...
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 04:59:20 +0000

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