COMING TO AMERICA (PART 5) WE NEED TO PUSH THROUGH EVEN WHEN WE DON’T WANT TO: ALL OBSTACLES WE ENCOUNTER ARE PART OF A PROCESS WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH; EVERYTHING ALWAYS PAYS OUT AT THE END. Happiness is a choice, and leaving that building, with all the disappointment and frustration, I chose to be happy. I lied to my mind that I was fine, I did it so many times that my mind actually believed it to be true. I had my new passport in hand, with a VISA in it. That counted for something, which gave me hope. After all I’d gone through, and I had made it. I must admit, I didnt know how I was going to explain everything to my professors that had paid for my ticket. I didnt know how I was going to explain everything to my mom who was waiting eagerly at home to bid me farewell. I didnt know how I was going to explain everything to my friends, who were eagerly waiting for me outside the premises to take me to the airport. As I left the building, U.S was still asleep, didnt know if my professors were awake as yet, to cancel the flight, fortunately, they were already up and understandingly, they cancelled the fight. I then send a text to mom, to say, I’m coming back and explain everything when I get back home. I spent a few hours in town with my friends and actually had a good time. There was nothing I could do about the situation, they best thing I could do was just to accept it. The following week I had a new ticket, even though I had to fly to Amsterdam first, but I made it to the U.S finally. As I landed in Columbus, with my sweater and jacket on, after leaving a very cold Johannesburg, everyone was looking at me funny, it was flipping hot and everyone was in t-shirt, except for this African boy. We waited a while in a little circle around the luggage rail to get our luggage, guess what, mine wasnt there. It was lost somewhere in Atlanta, Georgia, when we took a connection flight from Amsterdam to Columbus. We’ll, they sent it the following day. First thing I had to do was to Facebook Refiloe to call my mom and let her know I had safety arrived and in safe hands of my professors. Even though it was 4 am back at home, I knew she wouldnt sleep till she knew I was OK, 24 hours later. Regardless of everything that we go through, we need to push through even when we don’t want to. This was a process I needed to go through, mentally. Regardless of the challenges, we need to focus on the end result, regardless of everything around us; we need to push through even when we don’t want to. Thanks to my mom, my brother and my friends, I made it. Maybe I couldnt stand the thought of the haters had I failed to make, so I kept pushing through even when I didnt want to. I hope this challenges the rest of us to push through even when we don’t want to. Every great achievement comes with great adversity
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 03:55:21 +0000

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