COMMISSIONER MBU: A SECURITY UMPIRE OR POLITICAL WATCHDOG? Help! The happenings in the once garden City state-Rivers call for serious concerns from all serious-minded and patriotic Nigerians. The rate at which the dramatis personae in the political arena go on fisticuffing if not timely checked and tamed may snowball into and beyond rancorous hurly-burly. Sadly enough the prolong silence of The Presidency on the various attacks and mudslinging from both groups has continued †ơ͡ hype, rather than douse the tension. The states Police Commissioner, Joseph Mbu who by virtue of the constitution is expected †ơ͡ be apolitical has continued †ơ͡ display appallingly his partisanship for The Presidency. Of course, when the group dubbed Grassroot Democratic Initiative holds rally or procession, theres usually no harrassment from the Police but when the other faction, the pro-Amaechi group, Save Rivers Movement does, theres always pandemonium. Then, you begin †ơ͡ ask questions as †ơ͡ why. For me, I think its more of a case of he who holds the piper dictates the tune. Or how do you describe a situation where a state Police Commissioner will go †ơ͡ airport and welcome the so-called First Lady whose office s a constitutional malady and aberration? So, if the GDI group holds rallies, theyre permitted but if SRM does, its illegal. Let me say at this juncture that this political brigandage should be halted, a ban should be placed on any gathering-be it political or otherwise for the time being. The blood of the hapless Nigerians are endangered and we cannot continue †ơ͡ risk masses life †ơ͡ satiate the whims and caprices of some political never-meant-wells. Nigerians, wise up! Please, feel FREE †ơ͡ share, re-broadcast and tag friends. Nigeria must be liberated! #liberatingourfatherland Czar Wisdom Omógbóláhàn Kòkúmó, Cfr, VoM....Àşe ñ tÈdùmàrè
Posted on: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 09:41:18 +0000

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