COMMONWEALTH AFRICA ANTI-CORRUPTION CENTRE TAKES ROOT The establishment of the Commonwealth Africa Anti-Corruption Centre (CAACC) with active involvement of member countries is a sign that Africa and the wider Commonwealth are committed to rooting out corruption, according to the Commonwealth Secretariat governance advisor, Dr. Roger Koranteng, who was speaking at a media conference last Friday. CAACC is a flagship project is expected to provide a visible and tangible demonstration of the Commonwealth African members’ collective commitment, which may be replicated in other regions. to support its efforts, with the potential for replication across the Commonwealth. Dr. Koranteng also indicated that the Centre, which is located in Botswana, had since its launch, attracted and received enquiries and interests of collaboration from international development partners and stakeholder organisations. To achieve more effective collaboration, he said a one-day development partners and stakeholders’ conference was planned for this month in Gaborone to provide opportunity for international development partners and other stakeholders to discuss their collaboration with the centre. Dr. Koranteng observed that such collaboration presented a vast scope for local and international institutions to complement the centre’s resources in assisting member countries in their effort to reduce corruption. He indicated that the centre’s strength in part, was that the association of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Commonwealth countries in the continent was a forum of heads of such agencies. He explained that the forum operations and shared initiatives coordinated by the centre, took place with direct involvement and interest of associated Anti-Corruption Agencies headship. Meanwhile, CAACC is also expected to provide training, research and other anti-corruption initiatives for all Commonwealth African countries, in areas among them, investigations, public education and prevention, prosecution, professional ethics. The Centre was originally initiated as a vehicle for improving coordination and strengthening the capacity of Anti-Corruption agencies in Commonwealth Africa. (BOPA)
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 17:30:27 +0000

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