COMMUNISM AND OUR TASK : Writings were invited from the members - TopicsExpress


COMMUNISM AND OUR TASK : Writings were invited from the members of the Information Centre For Workers Freedom, for discussion about Communism at the Fourth Council of the Information Centre for Workers Freedom to be held on 4th October 2013.This is my essay for that purpose. Context of discussion on communism of the Centre has been cleared in the books, published by the Centre uptil now. And to that goal, the Centre has been trying to build up a single Communist party internationally. It has been keeping uninterrupted communications by publishing books and through web-sites etc by the turbulent attachment and effort of so limited members. The relation has been establishing with the peoples of different languages and various places of the world. Hostility is not lesser too. Communist movement and communist revolution is only the job of working class, and working class alone revolutionary, thereby, a communist party which is a party of only working classis indispensable ; and its global, to unite the workers of the world to organize a communist revolution. The decision adopted by the 1st International was right and proper towards the goal of establishing socialism by defeating the bourgeouise class by the effective actions of a single global organization of the workers. But finally, the 2nd International had abolished itself by taking part in the so-called movement of national liberation from country to country by the working class as such by doing the vile job to divide & dividing the working class into nations & nationalities and country to country in one side, on the other hand by taking the ill attempt to do the misdeed to deviating the working class from the goal of its own class emancipation by abandoning the self–class interest by taking the line of “ right of self-determination of nations”. In fact, to consolidated the power and for confusing the workers of the world, the BOLSHEVIK PARTY of Lenin had founded the so-called 3rd International to implement the mentioned political line of the 2nd international that was seriously dangerous for the communist movement, by capturing the state power of Russia. As a result, the workers of the world really were divided into several fractions in one side, on the other hand confined within the boundary of country & nations by the wave of the Leninist politics of thinking on the basis of country & nation instead of the global to be concealed by the working class of the world. To divide &dividing the workers, though too temporarily but the traditional bourgeois leaders has succeeded to create the effective obstruction on the way of building up the global unity of workers of the world not only by means of fair or foul, rather by the continuous false & confusing propaganda as the USSR was the first socialist state of the world and Lenin – the socialist leader. But, workers have no country, no nation, but they have a world to win by losing their chain. Noted, working class is the product of capitalist class but not of country or nation. Thus, the conflict of interest of the working class is not with any such country, rather with only capitalist class by birth condition too. The end of this conflict is not possible in one country alone. Because, capitalism is a global system, thus, the capitalist society is a global society, so, the range of this conflict is global. Certainly sure , the working class will free the whole human being along with emancipation of its own class by winning the world by defeating the capitalist class to get relief from sufferings of this conflict. But the workers of the world still now are as such confined similar to and divided into manifolds in the circle of all those politics of bourgeois including decaying Leninism. On the other hand capitalist class is unified along with inter-hostility under the global rule of different global authority specially the IMF, founded by the winners of the 2nd world war. The number of proletariat has been increasing by the same ratio of increasing the capitalist. It was clearly stated in the Communist Manifesto that the united action of the leading civilized countries at least is one of the first conditions for the emancipation of the proletariat. In that time the leading civilized countries were England, France and Germany, where the mechanical development and centralization of capital had been accomplished. The working class got the materialist opportunity to organize rapidly, where there is mechanical development has brought about. But, which party is needed to organize them towards the goal of class emancipation that is the communist party. The primary place of the communist revolution was there. Globally united working class not only own, but will fulfill the freedom of the whole human being by removing the bourgeois economy and bourgeois class from the world for ever, subject to winning the working class there primarily. Therefore, the communist revolution is a global event thus, range of it is universal to replace the global capitalism. So, the communist revolution is not possible in any single country as well as socialism too. Therefore, grabbing the state power of Russia by Lenin was not a socialist revolution, rather, absolutely military coup. Thus, the story of setting up the socialism in Russia is irrelevant. So, the claim of establishment of socialism by Lenin is false. Noted, outcome of the contradiction of sellers & buyers of labour power of the world is socialism. But, the Bolshevik party, founded by Lenin did not narrate such aim & object in the declaration of its birth period. Or, it was not a party of working class to unite the workers of the world for a communist revolution. Rather, the Bolshevik party was a reactionary political party with the representation of interest of various types of bourgeoisie including reactionary peasants to increase the amount of capital in Russia, for the so-called development of capitalism by capturing the state power. The Workers of Paris had founded the Paris Commune. They declared the commune as World Republic. But the founders of the Commune were defeated by the combined attack & invasion of Germany & France and also had lack of unity of workers of the world. But, the founders of the Commune had proved their superiority for setting up peace and power as working class; furthermore, establishment of socialism is impossible without global unity of working class, though there had lot of sufferings including loss of lives of many. G-7 of today’s world that is at present the leading countries are the primary place of communist revolution. So, united action of G-7 is one of the first conditions of the communist revolution. Once upon a time there was communism before productive system and that was the primitive society. Master and slavery system had been originated from the original communism but, not everlasting. Thereafter feudalism, and the capitalism had replaced the feudalism. Because of contradiction of new means of production with old social relation the communism will replace capitalism in the same rule. Cause- capital it-self. That means by the existence condition of capital is over production and the effect of over production is recession, and consequence of repeated recession is the disappearance of the capitalism. In fact, recession is the revolt of means of production, the creation of capitalism, against capitalist ownership. Recession has damaged, endangered and deserted the manifestation of the capitalist ownership. As a result the incapable capitalism has became old to expand the private ownership. As a class, the capitalist class has became unable to pay the wage of the workers. Therefore, disabled capitalist class has lost their power of domination to rule the society. Various types of establishments of collective ownership of so many peoples including Multi-national companies have founded due to ineffectiveness of private ownership along with individual capitalist. Capitalist system has introduced the state capitalism for the same cause. And the capitalist globalization at present is under the control of various global authorities, including the IMF. That’s also failed. So, the capitalism is unable to solve its own crisis and problem. Consequently, the communism is only the destiny in the rule of change of society. Both the Marx and Engels had reached to the same conclusion in the period of writing the communist manifesto. But, yet the moribund capitalism is existing. But why? Because, workers of the world are not unified to graved the capitalism. The capitalist class has developed the capitalist society by the establishment of colonial rule, discover and unification of the unknown world but now unable to full utilization of the means of production. That’s why , the capitalist class were involved in two world war, has rejected the ineffective and unnecessary colonial policy, has increased the number of states, and founded the various global authorities including the IMF, WTO etc to live in a recession free that means war free world with claimed peace untidily, globally for overcoming the crisis of recession. The IMF is not only controlling the circulation of capital, but has been determining and monitoring the production and amount of investment with place. Member states are implementing the decisions and directives of the IMF. Even, member states are not capable to collect tax independently. Furthermore, member states are obliged to submit their own financial statement with income & expenditure as a whole to the IMF too. The WTO will punish the member states . Consequently, no such state is remaining independent. But, in spite of that the IMF do not have control on the over production because of the existing conditions of the capital .Therefore, the owner of capital, practically, slave of capital is also subservient to commit all misdeeds including war to protect the existence of capital. The capital again has fallen down into recession since 2008, because of over production. But the capitalist class could not be able to overcome the crisis of current recession till to date. Even, world bosses of the capitalism cannot assure the possible time to overcome the existing recession. Noted, total production of the world was $ 71.62 trillion and stock was $ 84.87 trillion, in the year of 2012.As a result nearly 600 billionaires have lost their capital partly and so many have became bankrupt. The revolutionary capitalist class has played leading role in the movement of uprooting the feudal system, reduced the all orthodox customs, overthrew the authority of the Churches; And has established the bourgeoisie democratic politics of secularism to establish the capitalist system by defeating the religion-the politics of defeated. But the capitalist class has taken shelter into the religion in the period of endangered old capitalism by the created crisis of repeated recession by the effect of over production to protect their own existence. As a result the capitalist class has became reactionary; And various global authorities have been founded to protect the ineffective bourgeoisie state by the repeated crisis of bourgeoisie democracy. Practically, States are playing the role of police to circulating the capital as directed by the IMF, currently. Thus, nation state is dead. Therefore, the capitalist class has been nursing and upbringing a huge parasitic groups of different types of executives and servants for their own interest by exploiting the unpaid labour of wage workers to expend the expenditure of all the living & non living authorities. Thus, a huge number of wage workers are living in so inhuman lives. More then 77,000 multi-national companies are conducting the production and business of the world mainly. Among them 500 companies are controlling more than 70% business of the world. The executives and staffs of these multi-national companies have been conducting all things, and those who are owners of share are counting the profit and cutting the coupon. The working class has been doing production, and owners are living lazy lives by procuring the interest, profit etc. Therefore, the capitalism itself has shown that the capitalist production system is ineffective without management of salaried employees that is the current global authority. Thus, it is possible to keep effective all things without capitalist. So, the capitalist class is unnecessary and harmful. Marx and Engels had written the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, which was published in the year, 1848. The birth, development and the dying moment of the capitalist system with cause & effects had been described in the communist manifesto, compiled at the decaying state of capitalist system. Steam engine, rail, ocean bound ship, etc were the then co-efficient of the modern industry for the production of various commodities, including textile. Transports of rapid speed, aero plane, radio & television, satellite, mobile phone, video camera, computer, internet service, solar technology etc have been included in the more developed communication system in the current epoch. Therefore, it is seen that the capitalism has been creating disorder & anarchy, instability and uncertainty in the society by building &breaking the entire social relations continuously, in fact, as like as non-stop transformation of the productive instruments constantly by making the new & newer machineries as old and unworthy to use by the non-stop manufacturing of the new & newest machineries so rapidly. Thus, the capitalist society is a society of certainty of uncertainty. So, the capitalist society with fear & distrust is the producer of instability and uncertainty is overwhelmed into the various self-contradiction including contradiction of sellers & buyers of labour power and contradiction of means of production with social relation of capitalist ownership. Consequence of all these contradiction is communism that is the end of wage slavery by the social ownership of means of production. So, communism is unavoidable and inevitable. Now the whole world is flooded with production of milk and honey. The stock is much more than production and demand. In spite of such milk and honey, 1.2 billion people has been sleeping by taking the one time diet every day and nearly 2 billion peoples of the world are living under the poverty line . But why? The capital has been centralized in the hand of some individuals and multinational companies. Conflict, contradiction and hostility are visible fact among the capitalists for the capitalist interest. It’s their class character. But in spite of that the whole capitalist class is globally unified under the control of IMF for the interest of their own class . But there is no such global party or organization of working class to unite the workers of the world for the united movement against the capitalism to vanish the global capitalist system. Rather, they are confined in the close net of politics of so-called national liberation and within state boundary by the influence and fraud & trick of bourgeois politics, including Leninism. Thus, they are not yet free from the wrong policy of observation to observe the global capitalist system, free from the boundary of national politics, partially and partly. Even, such scientific concept that the defeat and replacement of the capitalism of global system is not possible in a single country or in a national boundary line is absent among them. Rather, defunct nation states are still capable and fit to overpowering & oppressing ferociously the working class in their own territory. But, this is considered by the working class as duty and responsibility of such particular executives of states, still now. No such single individual or company can produce any commodity independently. Because, required materials that means raw-materials, machineries, technologies etc have to collect from different areas of the world to produce any such commodity, and so many workers have produce these. Moreover, a great number of peoples are involved in the transportation of these. Therefore, cooperation and dependency of the working class of the world that means the whole society is indispensable to produce any such commodity. So, commodity is a collective that is social product. Thus, capital – the unpaid part of commodity is production of social labour too. Therefore, though the private ownership of capital is legal but not justified, thus, unfair. So, social ownership of the product produced by social labour is justified, logical, fair and proper. What is the picture of current world? Victim workers of the recession have been doing militant movements including strike. But not globally united movement. Capitalist bosses have been committing misdeed to create and expand the atmosphere & violent excitement of war & riot and have been provocations the contradiction & hostility on the basis of local & non local or immigrants, nation, religion, color, race, gender etc for required small & big or civil & regional war to destroy the establishments for reduction the stock including creating confusion among the wage slaves to face the crisis of overproduction of multinational companies that means capitalism by implementing the subsidy, austerity etc the ineffective policies and involving in the political conflict. Running war and violent excitement of war in Syria and other countries are reflection of it. No doubt, the IMF has failed to control the world economy. Therefore, anarchy will be increased, and the fanatic & fundamentalist concept-helpful to politics of dictatorship including militarization will be spread out. Torture & oppression will be increased over the wage slaves. Working class will be experienced by the ultimate state of bitterness. Scientific thought and theory of class struggle will be exposed and spread out. The necessity of global unity and movement of working class will be realized. The Communist Party will be formed. The Communist revolution is only job of working class alone to end the wage slavery; Thereby, the working class will take the preparation for the communist revolution. The Communist revolution will be inevitable. The moribund capitalism with its all tools and instruments including the IMF, state etc will be the part of history. Ultimately Communism will be established. The fundamental things about the communist society has been stated in the ‘ The Principle of Communism’ and ‘ Communist Manifesto, primarily, but not elaborately; And there was historical limitation including some errors. Both Marx and Engels, the two had formulated the principles in their different books including ‘ Capital ’ and ‘ Socialism : Scientific & Utopian’ . Conditions of the communist society has described in the books, published by the Centre as ‘ The Manifesto of the Classless Society’, ‘ Consequence of Capital’, ‘ For Communism’ etc. There is no commodity in the communism thus, no selling & buying, therefore, no wage slavery, so no exploitation, thus, no class in the communist society free from discrimination. Therefore, there is no politics and state in the communism. Society or commune is the owner of the means of production in communism. Thus, there is no private ownership with right of inheritance in the communist society. So, all are equally dignified. Individual is the lowest unit of the society. A world association of all will coordinate and communicate all activities of the society to produce all required things plan fully. All are eligible to hold all the post at all levels in the association, subject to re-call. Communism is a society free from thinking of insufficiency of all ingredients of modern life including diet, residence etc, the elementary things is free from the concept and identity of nation, caste, religion, and colour etc, worthless. Gender discrimination is irrelevant. Marriage system is unnecessary. Each & everyone is free for friendship, love and union. Therefore, the communist society is free from jealous, violence, and war. So, a society of cooperation, friendship, love, pleasure, and eternal peace is communism. Undoubtedly, the communism is a scientific society of active scientists to win the nature. In the books, including ‘ Lenin Cheat & Betraying Marx So IMF – The World Lord And……….’ published by the Information Centre for Workers freedom, so rightly has determined and described that the adopted political line of so-called “ right of self –determination of nations” by the 2nd International, in the year of 1896, had confused and aberrated the communist movement . Still now, the that false and damaging line is practicing in the name of communist movement. Thus, communist movement, in fact is absent since 1896. So, communist party is also absent. But, it is not possible to unite the working class, globally for a communist revolution, without a communist party. Moreover, the communist revolution is not possible without unity of workers of the world. But, there is no such alternative except the communist revolution to solve the existing problems and crisis which means the emancipation of the working class. Therefore, a communist party is a historical necessity to unite the workers of the world for a communist revolution. The Centre has been working as an assistant to rebuild the communist movement and to forming a communist party by collecting, safe-keeping and exchanging the information & data and theories all over the world, required for the communist movement and communist revolution. Noted, the centre thinks that the science of communism-discovered, formulated and explained by Marx and Engels is right. The Centre has been working against the customary current with unbending challenge since its birth. We the few peoples have taken the challenge voluntarily to expose the documents and information’s & data’s with explanation & analysis, gained by the investigation and research, in fact, required for the communist movement to the freedom lovers and expectants of the whole world. Marx’s were a few in the starting too. But, the capitalist class has became afraid by the development of the communist movement. Therefore, the capitalist class has employed the cheater Lenin along with betrayal bosses of the 2nd International to ruin the communist movement including taming &torment the activists of the movement. The Centre is unveiling and publishing the reports of cheating and misdeeds of Lenin’s. It’s again presenting the science of socialism to the workers and freedom expectants of the world. Certainly sure, working class will be winner. Capitalism will vanish. Communism will be established. It’s the lesson of history. The Center, is partisan with working class- the future winner. Thus, we must have to go forward by overcoming the all obstacles as member of the Center. That’s why, its necessity to take required work-plan to improve our standard too. It is quite natural that the fourth central council will take the required plan for the same object. Therefore, implementing the decision and plan agreed by the council to rebuild the communist movement to win the communism is our task. Abed Hassan Date: 01st October, 2013, Dhaka. Published : INFORMATION CENTRE FOR WORKERS FREEDOM Web-site: e-mail: whatandwhy2@hotmail> icwfreedom@gmail> shahalam2012@facebook. On line group: https://facebook/groups/whatandwhy2/ https://facebook/groups/What.Why/> https://facebook/groups/COMMUNIST.REVOLUTION.UNIVERSAL/ https://facebook/groups/forcommunism/ https://facebook/groups/COMMUNIST.PARTY.GLOBAL/ Page: https://facebook/ Mob: (880) +01715345006; and 01675216486.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 18:18:36 +0000

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