COMPELLING EVIDENCE EXPOSES HAARP INVOLVED IN NEW ZEALAND QUAKE of FEBRUARY 2011 just before the GREAT JAPAN HAARP-QUAKE, TSUNAMI & NUKE DISASTER MEGARITUAL of 3/11/11! lest we forget... HAITI, SICHUAN, SUMATRA, CHILE, NORTHRIDGE, KOBE, BAM and OAXACA just to name a few. So one of THEE BEST PERSONAL INVESTIGATION/documentary VIDEOS & COMMENTARIES EXPOSING HAARP Ive seen to date! https://youtube/watch?v=wu0Qiq6AhOU She NAILS it all down in the 1st 5 minutes! YOU GO GIRL! THIS is the type of RESEARCH, spunk, attitude & assertiveness we need more of Imo. A GCM fan and doesnt even know it yet ;) But wait til she sees all the NEW DOTS and MISSING EVIDENCE that ties EVERYTHING TOGETHER from SINKHOLES, to WHALE STRANDINGS, ANIMAL DIE OFFS and LEY LINES in ways even she never imagined! And if Im not mistaken, I believe the position of SECRETARY OF SeisMISSity is still OPEN??? ;-o So Kudos to this Brilliant Lady from Hawaii that put this vid together & Deserie for posting these links here. https://youtube/watch?v=U9ApBWo6P_Q ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Uploaded on Feb 23, 2011 by Brutal Truth Media Maui (Oh, the 4th paragraph gets the GCM 188 Troll-Buster of the year award cuz I could have written it! lol) Dear FRANK, this one goes out to you. And howz Earths PROGRAM doing these days? ;-0 IMPORTANT FACTS,MUST READ Start connecting up the dots,it gets more and more obvious of the prior knowledge of this man made earthquakes before it even happened,man made quakes are real and being executed globally and at an alarming rate, wake up to the forbidden truth that has been hidden from you,its scarier then science fiction. p.s (sorry about the mistake at 12:43 on the video,do not let this take you away from witnessing all the other blatant clues in this video that amount to a huge amount of evidence of prior knowledge if this haarp induced quake. You do not need a fault line to be able to produce a man made earthquake,HAARP can create quakes anywhere there is water or trapped moisture,& our planet is honeycombed with water & pockets of gas. HAARP can move tectonic plates in any direction it is aimed at,Scalar waves which are generated off of EM waves can accomplish this.There are countless top secret HAARP arrays worldwide,stop focusing on just the HAARP in Alaska because its one of the only publicly known antenna farms,top secret above & underground haarp facilities cover the globe. To individuals who are handicapped in their ability to get the blatant facts this earthquake was haarp induced,to those of you who think the pole shift created the haarp N.Z quake,your clueless,NASA has gone to the extreme measures of brainwashing the masses,theyll tell the public of an oncoming pole shift& also make up fault lines just so that they can get away w/ creating their man made disasters,they also created a fraudulent cloud chart full of chem clouds& chem trails,get it ,the brainwashing starts in the highest levels of government ,science& education It cracks me up when i see brainwashed minds leave ignorant comments under this video like that chart is fake(even if it was off,look at the other huge amount of evidence) or haarp doesnt have the ability for mind control or to control behavior patterns/emotionsor haarp cant create earthquakes,prove it or why would they pick on a small town like christchurch or they say the stars had something to do with it there mind cant concieve of a man made quake & is grasping for logic,so its easier for them to disqualify all the blatant clues in this video of an inside job, then they go on about the volcanoes,the star alignment,or the solar flares or the falt lines being the cause of these quakes,they do not realize the government uses & hides behind these exact excuses,the govt knows how pathetic mankind is,they are so easily manipulated & controlled,they are judging in an area where they are ASLEEP & CLULESS,but the false ego has to think it knows everything even when it doesnt know squat...the nwo brainwashing machine of the mass media has their belief system by the balls,they couldnt fathom that our government could be capable of such evil,or hide something of this magnitude from them & get away with it,or that the science of today is not advanced enough for such nonsense,the fact that these issues are not in the news is the reason these brainwashed droids sabotage the forbidden truth,its like they are slaves to the lie being fed to them from the highest levels in science,government & education ,they are totally possessed by arrogance & disinfo,yet they dare come by this video of evidence & rip it apart,only because its so far over their heads,so beyond what their suppressed &confused consciousness could fathom that they have to spit on it with their brainwashed ignorance and mockery,just start adding up all the clues in the video & the annotations,they speak volumes of an inside job and prior knowledge of man made earthquake,if u do not have anything intelligent and supportive to say then just please just go away,i will block u if u spew ignorance here,if you have issues believing this Haarp chart to be authentic you still cant avoid the blatant pile of other evidence in this video that all points to prior knowledge of a man made haarp induced quake. all 5 of these web sites are using my video here,take a look beforeitsnews/story/438/90... indianinthemachine.wordpress.c... gatewaytoheaven.ning/video... floridagulfskywatch.blogspot.c… ================================================== https://facebook/249833015110848/photos/a.332493973511418.76762.249833015110848/760428177384660/?type=1 https://facebook/249833015110848/photos/a.332493973511418.76762.249833015110848/759739507453527/?type=1 https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=759447714149373&id=249833015110848 https://facebook/249833015110848/photos/a.332493973511418.76762.249833015110848/752477661513045/?type=1 https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=751850634909081&id=249833015110848 https://facebook/249833015110848/photos/a.332493973511418.76762.249833015110848/751754798251998/?type=1 https://facebook/249833015110848/photos/a.332493973511418.76762.249833015110848/744319652328846/?type=1
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:16:07 +0000

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mazes me how prim && proper some of these CPs are.
Mellie Wesberry

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