COMPLETE INFORMATION INCLUDING TOLL CHARGES BEEN UNLAWFUL INFO & NO LOCATIONS Receive more updates by clicking LIKE on each post you read, also share & comment. Send in updates for: road issues, traffic, police, sheriff or related. thank you to all those who send in updates as well as like, share and comment, you help us support this page and service , too the rest who leech on this page and dont support us, you are unwilling supporting the reason you are here. today you read an update and avoid something. tomorrow they will be 1 step ahead $ Please send in updates/Locations .. If you want to remain anonymous please send in updates through private messages Your friendly admin Freedom Fighter Please remember the Police are policy enforcers working for a corporation called VICTORIA POLICE .. Who take orders from another CORPORATION called the Victorian Government .. Admin Note .. We just wanted to let all our members know the police are monitoring this site .. We advise sending in you reports through private messages that way you can remain anonymous .. We respect your right to privacy even the authorities may not .. They are just worried about losing revenue we all know these unconstitutional fines should be stopped but they dont care .. We are here to help please help us help you When asked about fines been unconstitutional a member gave us this reply but well keep his identity safe .. When asked about the 4 month blitz and fines this was the reply given to us .. We wanted to know if the blitz was able to be challenged and if the fines were constitutional and what can be done THIS WAS THE REPLY .. Basically no. it is perfectly legal, yet unlawfull. You register your property private property (ORIGINAL TITLE) with a private company (goes for birth cert. and cert. of reg (vehicle)), you give up a right, and get granted a privilege/OBLIGATION, in which, another company (TREASURY of VICTORIA or PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA) assumes you as an employee. Then on on allegation alone, they either summons you to a magistrates court (another franchise under the company: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE), or they just make a default commercial fee call an infringement through a tribunal. When these companies act like government, you think they are government, and yet you wonder how they can break the is not law any more it is company policy. This is why they ignore constitutional infractions as they are working in the private while you think they are public! They work under commercial/Admiralty jurisdiction. Its about (assumption to) contract, policies, and rules...not law. This explains how the Constitution of the Commonwealth 1901 is being infringed, and common law principles aggrieved every day. Because you want to be a resident or a citizen, areas created for you by these entities that they treat you as property, because you identify yourself as property or PERSON. Victoria Police are at again .. More revenue raising as if they dont already make enough its a joke already .. Police Officers already spend around 80-90% percent of there shifts handing out fines .. Now they want to blitz even more .. The Government must be putting more pressure on the Victoria Police to achieve a higher income .. It has blatantly become about money and not road safety anymore .. I have been given a letter to pass on to anyone .. Letter for Police/Council HELLO PEOPLE IM GOING TO SPREAD SOME LOVE WITH YOU THIS IS A DRAFT FOR PARKING FINES AND SPEEDING FINES IM SORRY IF I SEEM TO HAVE MISS SPELT SOME WORDS THIS IS WHAT I HAVE USED AND PROVEN TO BE 100% EFFECTIVE THIS IS NOT COPIED OR PASTED THESE ARE MY OWN WORDS AND LAWFUL FACTS IM SETTING THIS OUT AS A EXAMPLE YOU JUST PUT YOUR NAME IN THE BLANK SPACES OK DEAR MR COUNCIL/POLICE RE INFRINGEMENT .EXPIATION I ............ .......... WILL PROVIDE SOME BASIC COMMONWEALTH AND FEDERAL LAW FACTS FOR YOUR INTEREST UNDER FAIR TRADING ACT 1999,{VIC) AND TRADES PRACTICES ACT1974(cth) prohibits conduct thats misleading or deceptive or is likely to mislead or be deceptive the average consumer from a council shire or enforcement body that concludes a legal basis and demands that are set out in that letter. YOU AND THE ........ .......... WILL ACT AND USE MISLEADING AND THREATENING LETTER OF DEMANDING AND MAKING A DECISION TO USE AND PASS JUDGEMENT ON THE INFRINGEMENT ACT 2006AND STATE THAT I .......HAVE NO OPTION BUT BUT TO ACCEPT YOUR UNLAWFUL DECISION UNDER THE INFRINGEMENTS ACT IN A ATTEMPT TO MISSLEAD ME BY FEAR OR FINANCIAL AND LEGAL DAMADGE AND CLAIM I HAVE NO OTHER OPTION. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DENY ME OR MAKE LEGAL DECISIONS AS YOU STATE IN YOU DEMANDING LETTER THAT NO FURTHER APPEAL WILL BE CONSIDERED . I HAVE THE RIGHT TO APPEAL YOUR DECEPTIVE FINE INFRINGEMENT EXPIATION TO OBTAIN MONEYS FROM MY SELF AT A INFRINGEMENTS COURT AS PER THE INFRINGEMENTS ACT 2006 AS YOU ARE NOT JUDGE AND JURY FURTHER TO CONSTITUTIONAL AND FEDERAL LAW THAT HOLD PRECEDENT OVER STATE LAW 80 THE TRIAL ON ANY INDICTMENT OF ANY OFFENCE AGAINST ANY LAW OF THE COMMONWEALTH SHALL BE BY JURY 106 THE CONSTITUTION OF EACH STATE OF THE COMMONWEALTH SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THIS COMMONWEALTH CONSTITUTION. 109 WHEN A LAW OF A STATE IS INCONSISTENT WITH A LAW OF THE COMMONWEALTH, THE LATTER SHALL PREVAIL ,AND THE FORMER SHALL,TO THE EXTENT OF THE INCONSISTENCY ,BE INVALID . EG DAYLIGHT SAVINGS IS NOT IN ALL STATES THERE FOR UNCONSTITUTIONAL . you wernt there at the time of the offence I DO NOT WISH TO CONTRACT WITH YOU AS YOU ARE A ABN .............(the number) A CORPERATION .NOT JUDGE AND JURY I WILL FURTHER THIS LETTER TO THE HIGHEST AUTHORITY AS YOUR CONDUCT IS UNLAWFUL YOUR FAITHFULL LADI DA DA SPREAD THE LOVE PEOPLE THIS IS THE LAW FOR YOU THAT IS HIDDEN FROM YOU, ALL COURTS HAVE A ABN NUMBER ALL COUNCILS HAVE ABN NUMBERS, POLICE HAVE ABN NUMBERS, WE ALL PAY GST AND PAY TAX UNDER THE 1999 NEW TAX LAW GOODS AND SERVICES TAX ..... SPREAD THE LOVE submit to redditEmail articlePrintReprints & permissions Police speed guns have technical limitations that govern their use. Photo: Gary Sissons Its one of the fastest ways to ruin your day. Flashing lights fill the rear view mirror, an icy feeling pierces your chest and that mixture of guilt, frustration and anger curdles as the officer strides toward your door. There is plenty of conjecture surrounding speed in Australia. The government will tell you speed is a killer and that you are risking life and limb by travelling a few kilometres per hour more than its limits. You may have heard it all before - the police are out to get you, they need to fill their quotas and keep state accounts running smoothly. Their equipment is infallible, you cant fight fines and a clean record will do nothing for you if the radar says youve done the wrong thing. The myths, misconceptions and old wives tales surrounding speed are numerous. We spoke with authorities, consulted police equipment manuals and talked to speed experts in order to break down myths and reinforce 10 truths you can take to the bank. Police radar and laser equipment does not work over the horizon Its an old common spot of advice that motorists crossing the red centre may hear – be careful on the road, police can book you several kilometres away, you wont even see them. Thats not true as police speed detection equipment needs a direct, uninterrupted line of sight to its target. Special military radars can look over the horizon, but they are not used to keep track of speeding motorists. Speed guns dont work well in the rain Speed detection equipment works by sending a series of signals from a device, bouncing that signal off a target vehicle, and measuring the distance it travels in a set time. Poor weather can affect the accuracy of radar and laser-based speed detection equipment. Operating guidelines for the Stalker brand of speed gun say Rain absorbs and scatters the LIDAR signal. This reduces the range and increases the possibility of obtaining readings from the speed of the raindrops. The operators manual for another common brand of speed gun says visibility conditions also affect the performance of the ProLaser III ... atmospheric or climatic conditions that impair vision also adversely affect the operation. A Victoria Police spokesman told Drive certain weather conditions may have an impact on the speed detectors effective operational range. Operators trained to use speed detectors are instructed on the impact of weather and can identify adverse effects caused by weather conditions, he says. Speed detection equipment is always accurate Speed guns must be calibrated to standards monitored by the National Association of Testing Authorities. Victorian police calibrate speed guns annually to make sure they meet legislative requirements. NSW police say all speed measuring devices comply with Australian and national standards, but as with most states they do not publish acceptable margins for error. Victorian legislation states analogue roadside speed cameras must have a margin for error of less than 3km/h or 3 per cent of a given speed, which drops to 2 per cent or 2km/h for digital devices, such as handheld laser speed guns. While police equipment must be accurate, operational errors can have a negative effect for motorists. An instruction manual for one type of speed device says failing to hold the laser gun steady can exacerbate readings, and that a twitch that moves the laser beam from a cars grille to the passenger compartment can increase speed readings by more than 10km/h. Speeding fines consultant Scott Cooper says it is easy for police to fine the wrong car at long distances. Any tremor of the human hand will make this thing cover half a football field – in multiple vehicle situations, [police] will not know which vehicle returned a reading, he says. There is nothing that device can do in court to prove when, where or what vehicle that came from. Equipment can dob in the wrong car Cooper says police equipment is not as accurate as people expect it to be. Everyone expects when they hear the word laser that this thing is firing a pinpoint, thin red beam at massive distances. Im here to tell you it does not, he says. It fires a beam that spreads out like a torch, and at 300 metres the beam width on a ProLaser III is 1.2 metres, thats a massive circle. An operators manual for the Stalker speed measurement laser says police need to be careful when booking motorists in traffic. It says that over distance, the beam becomes wide enough that some separation between targets is necessary to insure accurate target identification. The beam does get proportionally wider as distances increase. It is suggested, in heavy traffic and multi-lane usage, that speeds be obtained at the shorter distances to assure proper target identification. Drivers can ask to see evidence used against them Police are not always required to show exactly what their equipment has recorded, but may do so to demonstrate why a motorist has been stopped. When speeding motorists are caught in NSW, drivers can later visit a police station and view footage of the incident. Victoria police say motorists are entitled to ask for a speed readout and officers are encouraged to invite drivers to inspect the speed reading, but they are not legally required to do so before issuing a ticket. Highway patrol do not operate on a quota system Some police agencies deny there is a quota system compelling officers to book a set number of people each month. But Australian governments budget on receiving about $2 billion in traffic fines each year, money that is relied upon by state treasuries. NSW Police did not address Drives question asking whether quotas are in place, while a Victoria Police spokesman insists quotas are not used. Quotas for vehicle stops are a common misconception, there are no and never have been quotas in place for the highway patrol, he says. Motorists can be stopped anywhere, at any time, by any member of Victoria Police and be asked to do a breath test and license check. An Adelaide newspaper recently published a police email exchange that hinted at a quota arrangement. We fell below our expected returns for traffic contacts for the last reporting period, an email said. Well hammer those poor people who choose to drive when were night shift. South Australian Police Commissioner Gary Burns responded by saying there are no quotas, but there were benchmarks for the minimum number of people police should interact with. However, I, and the executive, make no secret of the fact that we have broad road safety benchmarks. These are not quotas. The most important issue is that a driver who has done the wrong thing is spoken to and dealt with in some manner - documented caution, [traffic infringement notice], report or arrest. Radar detectors can help avoid trouble In all states except Western Australia, radar detectors are more likely to get you into trouble than out of it. Radar detectors are illegal to use in all states and territories except WA. Many police patrol cars are equipped with sensors that seek out radar detectors or jammers, helping police to find and confiscate illegal equipment. A small number of businesses in WA sell anti-radar devices, with one website promising its equipment is 100 per cent undetectable by all police radar detectors. A radar detector salesman who preferred not to be named would not say how many units are shipped to eastern states, and that once units were received by customers, what the individual does is up to the individual. It may be possible to effectively use radar detectors east of the Nullarbor, but drivers risk losing their licence and paying thousands in fines if caught doing so. Demerit points apply if you are booked interstate Improved communication between state road and police authorities means that fines accrued while travelling within Australia follow drivers to their home state. If a Victorian driver is caught speeding in the Northern Territory, they pay a fine to the NT government, but demerit points are applied by the state that issues their licence. Police can let me off with a warning Victoria Police policy is that officers are able to exercise discretion for breaches of a minor nature. South Australian Police Commissioner Gary Burns says police will always maintain the ability to apply discretion. NSW police may be less friendly. A spokeswoman for the force says an average of more than 575 people were booked for speeding every day in July, and those that continue to risk their own lives and those of other road users when speeding will most certainly be identified and prosecuted. Good behaviour could get you out of trouble In some circumstances, a proven record as a safe driver can help motorists to escape conviction for minor offences. Victorian drivers can apply for an internal review of their alleged offence and may have fines replaced with an official warning. Drivers who are booked by multiple speed cameras in a short period, or receive a rash of fines in the mail without an adequate chance to modify their behaviour, can apply to have fines withdrawn. Other speeding offences may require that drivers have not been issued with a traffic infringement or official warning for the past two or three years, and that they do not deny committing the offence. NSW motorists can challenge traffic fines in court. Even if the motorist is found guilty, magistrates may apply a section 10 legal bond, which does not record a fine, conviction or any other form of punishment against the driver. Motorists cannot apply for more than one section 10 bond during any five-year period. Drivers who run out of demerit points in NSW can also elect to be of good behaviour for 12 months, on the proviso that accruing a further two demerit points will see their driving ban doubled. As with NSW, South Australian and Queensland drivers who exceed the maximum permissible number of demerit points can swap a suspension for a period of good behaviour as long as they do not acquire more than a set number of demerit points over the course of a year. TOLL CHARGES AND WHY THEY ARE UNLAWFUL State Goverment Corruption .. Please we must stand as one and change this Goverment Fraud .. They are a corruption corporation pretending to be Goverment and commiting FRAUD all day everyday !! Posted by Paul Barratt 3 hrs was sent this by a friend in an email, thought i would share and seek knowledge Subject: Toll Charges are illegal Another one to burst your bubble about the fallacy of honest Government: It can only be fixed by their removal constitutionally. TOLL CHARGES AND WHY THEY ARE UNLAWFUL: Long Winded but Factual! Some of you may know me, l was the lady who pulled on all the transport blockades for the interstate transport industry, blockade 2000 at the Albury/Wodonga Border and the Nation Wide Shutdown in 2008. As a representative of the transport industry l made it my business to know the laws they were throwing at us, in this post l will cover TOLL CHARGES and the FRAUD behind it! Every time you fuel your vehicle you pay fuel excise of 38.4 cents per litre on every litre sold. Fuel Excise is a TAX and is charged by the Federal Government to pay for building of roads, bridges and tunnels and the maintenance of such. Fuel Excise replaced the ROAD TAX in 1979 when it was abolished after The Razorback Blockades. Each time l fuel my truck which tows a single trailer I am charged fuel excise in the amount of $55,000.00 per year for just one truck. Every transport user pays fuel excise even if you are fuelling off road vehicles like a boat. Every time you pay registration and license charges part of those charges also go towards the building of roads, bridges and tunnels. ALL ROADS, BRIDGES AND TUNNELS are therefore paid for by the Australian People and Australian People therefore own those roads, bridges and tunnel systems! Some state governments when they got low on funds sold off infrastructure including toll roads, bridges and tunnels to mock investors that are in fact subsidiary companies of the state governments and the state government gave those companies the right to charge the people who already own that infrastructure toll charges! However, they did not build other roads or bridges off those motorways that would allow road users to bypass those toll roads. This in itself is unlawful as how does a government sell off infrastructure that is built in the middle of publicly owned infrastructure and not provide an alternative route for public transport and still have the sale of that infrastructure be a lawful contract? In addition, those toll roads, bridges and tunnels no longer belong to the Australian Public or does it? The new owners (Subsidiary companies of that state government) who originally owned that infrastructure are now charging us (the original owners; TOLLS for the use of our own infrastructure) The reason the state governments set this up this way is because our constitution states that once a TAX is placed on anything by the Federal Government, no other TAX can be charged by ANY other government department State or otherwise, even if that tax is removed by the Federal Government! Therefore, the only way the state governments could make more money out the present road system was by charging tolls under a fake subsidiary company, and the only way they could do that was to sell off the infrastructure to themselves under another name and then that company can charge us tolls or as l like to call it Another TAX! I know this to be true as the government couldnt risk a private company buying infrastructure in the middle of Public Infrastructure and then 1. Not maintaining it 2. Altering it in some way that it would cause problems with the flow of traffic 3. Going bankrupt and closing it down for good (in effect making that entire motorway or infrastructure completely useless) and it would cripple that entire Road System for public use! Can you imagine the dilemma? In which case the government would then have to buy back that infrastructure in whatever condition it is in and at whatever obscene over inflated price that a private company would like to extort/sell it for! For example: The Burnley Tunnel in Melbourne and The Clem 7 Tunnel in Brisbane; if these alleged private companies were to go broke and close down those tunnels; this would cause traffic jams that would take months to deal with; by forcing all that traffic onto already heavily congested road corridors and hence, which is why the alleged sale of this infrastructure is unlawful as the state governments have not provided exits on this infrastructure as a safety measure to this problem occurring and in not giving the public a choice of using those bridges, roadways, tunnels or not! To add insult to injury, if you dont pay the toll charges, the government subsidiary companies then employ our own Police Force as debt collectors, in that they issue you with an infringement notice to pay the toll charges. If you dont pay the charges the traffic infringement courts then issue you with a NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE AN INFRINGEMENT WARRANT so your original $2.70 or in the case of a Semi $11.90 then has charges added to it such as Infringement penalty $122 Penalty Reminder Notice Costs $22.60 Lodgement Fee $48.90 Enforcement Order Costs $26.30 As you can see from the above costs this has become a very lucrative business for our State Governments as nowhere on these NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE AN INFRINGEMENT WARRANT does it give you 1. The name of the alleged private company 2. And only makes reference to the alleged debtor as THE RELEVANT CORPORATION! 3. It is so lucrative a business that the State Governments have set up a Magistrates Court as an INFRINGEMENTS COURT just to deal with TOLL EVASION and Infringement Notices! As a private business owner operator l cannot employ the State Police or State Magistrates Court to use as my personal debt collectors, in fact a judge would laugh in my face at taking someone to court who owed me $2.70. This is also a fair indication that this whole setup by State Governments is a Farce and the biggest Fraud Scam that this country has ever seen; as they no longer try to hide these facts and The Australian Taxation Office will inform you that the Fuel Excise you pay is for the building and maintenance of all road systems throughout Australia. This is not an issue that can be dealt with by a single person on a single infringement notice and needs to become a class action dealt with by a Constitutional Lawyer someone with the same calibre as Gerrit Schorel - HLVKA MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL! The other thing you need to be aware of is that there are 3 TAXES ON FUEL! 1. G.S.T (A TAX) 2. Fuel Excise (Another TAX) 3. World Parity Excise (Another TAX) So on FUEL we pay A TAX on a TAX on a TAX! All set up Unconstitutionally (TAX wise), (Property Boundary wise) etcetera; with the soul intention of to commit FRAUD against the Australian People by our very own trusting Government over the decades! Until The People of this great country stand together on Constitutional Grounds to take the State Governments FRAUD REQUETEERING COMPANIES to a COMMONWEALTH HIGH COURT on this issue; then nothing will be done to stop it, and we The People will suffer in silence and just go on whinging about it! I trust this information is enlightening and opens fellow Australians eyes to just one UNCONSTITUTIONAL FARCE where our governments have robbed us of our rights! This is only one reason why we must stick with our Annoted Commonwealth Constitution written by Quick & Garren and not allow our Government to make us a REPUBLIC, as to do so would throw away all our RIGHTS and allow the government to write our Republic Laws without consent from the Australian People! United We Can and Will Make a Difference! Yours truly Lyn Bennetts
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 05:01:36 +0000

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