===COMPLETED=== PLEASE USE THIS TYPE Geography type - TopicsExpress


===COMPLETED=== PLEASE USE THIS TYPE Geography type C. 1-10: ccbadcecbc 11-20: dbebcaeeed 21-30: ebeeddbbcd 31-40: dbadbdbbed 41-50: ecaddcedea 51-60: daeecccaec (2a) -day and night: as the earth rotates, only one part of the earths surface facing the sun receives the rays of the sun and experiences daylight(day) while the other part of the earth backing the suns rays will experience darkness(night) (2b) tabulate Rotation: -the earth rotates on its axis -rotation causes day and night -the earth rotates through 360 degree in 24 hours(one day) Revolution: -it revolves round the sun along its orbit -revolution causes seasons -the earth revolves round the sun in 365 1/4 days(one year) ========================== 7a) Ecosystem: this is a basic functioning unit in nature.it is made up of the living and their non living environment 7b) i)abiotic factors(non-living thing) ii)biotic factor -producer -consumer -decomposer 7c) i)abiotic factor:-these includes basic inorganic compounds of the environment.e.g carbon-dioxide,water,nitrogen,temperature,humidity etc ii)producer:-they produce their own food by themselves and they are the main source of food to other organisms in the ecosystem.they produce either by photosynthesis or by chemo-synthesis e.g green plants, algae,photosynthetic bacteria iii)consumer:-they are heterotrophic organisms in the ecosystem which eat other living creature.they are categorised into herbivores carnivores and omnivores e.g man,lion,goat etc iv)decomposers: reducers,decomposers,saprotrophs or macroconsumers are heterotrophicorganisms that breakdown dead and waste matter.e.g fungi or bacteria. ============================ 5a)Chemical weathering:-this is the gradual disintegration of rocks due to their exposure to air and water. 5b) Chemical weathering is higher in tropic region than the temperate region because of the action of rainfall.through rainfall the chemicals from the atmosphere combine together with rain but the chemical weathering is gradual when their is high temperature which usually occurs at temperate region. 5c) i)Carbonation:-atmospheric carbon dioxide mixes with the rain water to form weak carbonic acid.this acid dissolves rocks resulting in their breakdown e.g igneous rocks changing metarphic rock ii)Hydration:-this occurs when rock minerals absorb water resulting in the chemical alteration of the minerals e.g conversion of iron to rocks then to hydrated rock iii)Hydrolysis:-this is the reaction of water with rock minerals to produce a trock entirely different from the original one e.g olivine rock is changed to serpentine ===COMPLETED===
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 15:10:17 +0000

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