COMPLICATED LAST PART BY: BALEKANE - Mpho was about to pull - TopicsExpress


COMPLICATED LAST PART BY: BALEKANE - Mpho was about to pull the trigger when he heard a minor pain on his leg and that made him to stop what he was doing, he then looked down to his left leg and he saw a nurse trembling while laying flat on the floor and carrying an injection in her hand. Mpho tried to kick the nurse but he felt dizzy and stood still to calm himself down. Maria came to a halt next to Mpho and shouted at him... Shoot me! Shoot me! Said Maria with eyes full of tears while others were flooding through her face. Mpho only heard only the first command but before Maria could finish her second command, Mpho fell and the gun went loose. Tebogo looked at the gun then shifted her eyes to Maria, Maria did the same. Both Maria and Tebogo ran for the gun, it was Tebogo who reached it first but Maria didnt dispair as she went and grabbed the gun as well, they fought for the gun and the trigger was pulled suddenly then there went a silence it the ward. Mampho stood up and raised her hands up... All of you stop! We had enough drama the past few days, please stop! Said Mampho with a thick voice that was also heard by people who were at the next ward. If u want to shed blood then shed mine, you are all young and still have a long life to live. Please put the gun down just to avoid trouble said Mampho heading to Maria and Tebogo. Luckily no-one was shot by that gun-shot. Maria and Tebogo looked at each other for seconds still carrying the gun, Maria then let go of the gun and within a minute Mampho came to a halt and took the gun simple away from Tebogo. Mampho looked at Tebogo with a scorn then said... You were supposed to be a Social Worker in actions, Mxm, Call the police! Said Mampho looking at the nurse who was standing up then after looked at Mpho who was sleeping helplessly and said... I knew you were trouble the day I met you, mpya kwena He is the one said Maria pointing at Mpho who was laying there. Which one? Asked Mampho with a scowl. The one who kidnapped me and wanted to kill our son said Maria one tear dropping. Is this person Gifts father? Asked Mampho with a bit of a shout. Maria nodded now releasing many tears. Mampho looked at the gun then looked at Mpho, he then pointed at Mpho and closed her as she was about to shoot him... Stop! Stooooop! Shouted Gift on top of his lungs then Mampho turned to look at him. Aunty, think about Caroline, Silas and the lovely Mpumelelo.. Said Gift then breathed in and out before he continued... You are way clever to do such thing.. Said Gift interrupted by the police. Put the gun down, Mam said one of the police pointing his gun to Mampho. Mampho didnt waist time but dropped the gun and the other police man rushed to take it. The police cuffed Mpho and put him on the wheel-chair then pushed him to the police car then drove him to police station and the other police man remained while questioning everyone who was in that ward. Within an hour, patients came from their wards to look at what was happening in that ward. The media was glad to hear that incident and also discovered that Gift a road accident again, Gift was rocking the newspapers and the news. After a day Mampho was discharged and he went to consult a rehabilitation consultant at town. Maria spent much time visiting Gift from her ward to his. Maria was discharged two days after Mampho and Mampho fetched her and told her that she booked for her at the rehabilitation centre but she can only go there if she is determined to get Gift back, Maria was excited and thanked Mampho more than many times. It was thursday when Maria signed the agreement for admission and again it was the day when Mpho was found guilty for multiple charges including kidnapping and attempted murders. Gift was told the real story of what happened by Maria as he visited her at Rehab continuously. After a month Mampho gathered with family members including ntate Tau and spoke with them about the fate of Gift. All family members were surprised by how Mampho has changed after the incident and how she was sober, they listened to her and agreed to her suggestion though only Dintle didnt. After three months of rehabilitation centre, Maria was released and she was called to attend family gathering at Gifts adopted parents who are deceased. When Maria went in the house, she saw many people in the house smiling at her while others nodded at her. You can sit there young lady said Ntate Tau/Ratau to Maria. We welcome you to our family and without wasting time, we called you to this meeting and as well as it is our birthday we want to say happy birthday, we called you to take care of our grandson whom the DNA tests says that he is your son said Ntate Tau then stopped and cleared his throat. Maria didnt believe what she just heard, how did they know it was my birthday? How did they do the DNA without letting me know? Asked Maria to herself. Now for your present, You will get this house and a minimum payment of R5000 every month to take care of yourself and importantly Gift Said Ntate Tau while women ilulinates and Mampho smiling. All this, thank that woman said Ntate Tau pointing at Mampho then sat down. They celebrated the day with nice music and cold drinks then before the party could end, Mampho went to Maria and told her that she had a last surprise for her. You can come now! Shouted Mampho to the back of the house and within five seconds Maria was taken away emotionally by seeing her parents and Lerato... After such a long time. Maria could not hide her tears of joy and her giggling sound of crying. Marias mother and father went to hug and then rubbed Maria while whispering in her ears... We have forgiven you my child Said both Marias parents. Maria had much energy and heart of appreciation but the only thing she had in mind was to go to church and thank the Lord. Sunday morning, Maria and Gift prepared for church then went after few minutes and enjoyed the service. After church, Maria received a call to come and be interviewed by Noeleen Maholwana-Sangqu on three talk, Maria accepted the invitation then went home to prepare. When tuesday came, she waited for Gift to come back from school and then within minutes Tebogo came all of a sudden to ask for apology and then after Maria forgave her, Gift requested Tebogo to accompany them to the studios. Tebogo didnt waste time to agree then she did so, accompanied them. The show started and Mpho was looking at the correctional services tv while regretting. Maria shared her story through a beautiful english and answered well to questions. After the show, Maria was offered a new classic mercedis-benz and got calls as well from known authors to write her story. Marias life changed since that day and one day she was asked on Metro-Fm what was her dream... She said... To take care of my child and family and again to build a rehabilitation centre Said Maria. Maria went back to school(college) and did electrical course. Gift received a scholar-ship to study at London. Before Gift went to London, Maria told him that his first name was Complicated though Gift didnt understand. #TheEnd Tomorrow we start with a new story :)
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 18:33:34 +0000

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