COMPROMISE IS A COVER FOR SURRENDER One of the deadliest words in - TopicsExpress


COMPROMISE IS A COVER FOR SURRENDER One of the deadliest words in the English language is compromise. Frequently sold as a necessary skill set for the effective politician, it is no coincidence that compromise is also a skill very much necessary to the profession of prostitution. Through compromise, conservative values, the Constitution, reason, political sincerity, and a whole lot of other good things are being sold out one practical and generally self-serving concession at a time. It was Thomas Jefferson’s suggestion that we go with the flow on trivia but stand like a rock on principles. Going with the flow on just about everything and pretending it is a good thing has become a pattern in twenty-first century America. Fans of compromise persistently chide the Republican Party for not working with Democrat leadership. Why should they? The donkey’s brand of big government socialism is against just about every one of the Republican Party‘s stated principles. Compromise under these conditions is most realistically an act of surrender. Retreat is not a viable leadership model. In contrast to Hollywood fabrications of wise grey tinged statesman reaching for the solid high ground, out of compromise comes complexity and chaos. Instead of blending the best of both sides, the least threatening options tend to assert priority status and egos are more likely to be soothed than problems. With time, whatever is practiced becomes second nature. As one compromises values and principles they fade from consideration. What’s left are the transient comforts of today purchased at the expense of tomorrow. Firm resistance to compromise on principles is different from stubbornness, an unwillingness to learn, arrogance, or vanity exercises. All of these involve self-service. A refusal to compromise almost always involves a measure of self-sacrifice. Contrary to popular view, habitual compromisers are really opportunists attempting to conceal hidden agendas. Compromise creates a “good guy” illusion when what’s really needed is someone with the courage to fight for what’s right. We should save the word compromise for things like the movie we see on Friday night. When it comes to principles, standing like a rock is important – for exactly the same reasons we don’t build houses on sand… “All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take.” – Mohandas Gandhi The Candid Conservative says— Compromise requires the suspension of truth and principle in sacrifice to pretense and ego…
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 19:46:59 +0000

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