COMRADE FELIX MEDAYESE Wrote: FOOD FOR THOUGHT: FAILUREvsSUCCESS Have you ever imagine the borderline between the rich and the poor all over the world, Nigeria as a raw example. The rich only listen to the rich. They allow the poor to have their say while the rich have their way. Your struggle will only end when you find yourself relevant in offering what matters to the populace. It is not enough to go the crowd rather create your own crowd. Nobody caries the mentality of job only that is ever rich. You can only be a gloried poor man who can cater for the immediate need of the family within their meager income but you must always involve in rat race till you are shown the way out of your job. Meaning your mental effort is no longer worth buying wholesale for them to sell you retail. What are your plans now that you are active in that modernize slavery you’re into? Because, either you like it or not that work you are into right now for your greener pasture is all about building another man vision if you have no alternative to your work as per leverage income. Forget the days of credentials, where our parents emphasized on you going to school to study better courses (is there any better course…they are all academic witchcraft). Not only that but you should try and make 1st class…all for what? For people who have an established vision and dreams to buy you wholesale and sell you retail till when your initiative are warned out. You are then advice to retired to become a liability for those children you suffered in order to please your BOSS at work who now drop you like a pieces of firewood. What move the world now is potentials and not a hip of credentials? Education only show you the way out of tunnel but to establish yourself after the rain it all depends on your initiative. Please, I’m not asking you to resign or those of you looking for a JOB to stop searching. But engage your mental strength instead of your physical strength. Many must always pray for you to get a good JOB and non has ever prayed for you to create a good JOB. You too worsen the whole situation and echo AMEN… instead of you to unlock your covenant right of subdue, multiplication, replenish and dominion. Start listening to your spirit man and not people that have been circumcised with perpetual fear of unknown. Because they will always forget that God did not say if the wind shall come…but God says when the wind shall come. Meaning that the wind shall surely come but the difference between you and the crowd is that your boat will not sink. WHAT MUST BE DONE? Let us talk on phone 08036924588 or e-mail fmfmcool@gmail, ojounla4eva@yahoo or even here on facebook. Not amebo talk but productive talk that will benefit me and you. Please, I do not belong to the group of egbe alai nikan se. I can introduce you to a life changing business opportunity called FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS. Site: foreverliving, discoverforever, flpnigeria if you have not discover you might not recover your lost. Ignorance is the greatest killer disease we have now and not HIV/AIDS because ignorance had subjected a lot to a living corps. They are alive and adding year to their years but not growing with proof of development. One of my little brother shared this epistle with me sometimes on facebook…read ahead “MTN came to Nigeria at a time when nobody wanted to invest in Nigeria, at a time when Nigerians did not have phones. Even Zenith Bank refused to loan MTN cash to operate, UBA rejected MTN’s offer but today see the difference. What about Cowbell? When they came to Nigeria, they made milk in a sachet, Peak was laughing at them - they said Cowbell was milk for the poor - but they were right! 3-million poor people could afford N10 a day for a sachet of milk. Oya, do the arithmetic now - 3 million people buying milk at N10.00- that was N30 million every single day. In a month they grossed N900million (almost N1billion). Even Peak had to make sachet milk in order to survive in the market stability. So what have people told you? What have they said you cannot do, or you do not qualify for,or you do not have experience for? They told Cowbell, they told Goodluck, they told MTN, but today the story has changed. I have a feeling something is changing for you today! They will change their strategies just to keep in step with you. Don’t listen to what people are saying or what life is showing you… YES,YOU CAN. Success is not about where you graduated from, or what grade you graduated with, but what graduates out of you. Keep the spirit UP.. Let me tell you little about myself. I was offered admission at university of Jos to studied education/social studies sociology option. I said to myself no. but one of my big uncles…Boda Peter Ajayi said to me even if you are called to study shit, just study it with a difference. Now as I talk to you I’m an educational/research consultant. An IT guru. And forever living products business had made me a great health consultant and nutritionist. What a great opportunity. My mentality developed from being an opportunity follower to and opportunity creator. “Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose.” – Tom Krause There are no guarantees in life. Even the false security of having a house, a family and money in the bank will pass. “The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.” – Sven Goran Eriksson We all fear failure. It’s a learned habit. It is said that the only fears we are born with are the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, the rest is learned. There’s nothing wrong with failure. In fact, if you never fail, you will never grow. “If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.” – John Maxwell I couldn’t agree more with this. The more comfortable I get with being uncomfortable, the faster I grow. When you’re moving forward and making progress, you will feel uncomfortable, and that’s okay. “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell We grow up with the idea that we have to look for others for answers. Instead of seeking approval, look inside of yourself and feel what is right. We are all unique, therefore we are all on our own path. No one can tell you exactly what to do, because their destination is different from yours. COMRADE FELIX MEDAYESE 08036924588
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 06:12:36 +0000

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