CONCEPT OF ECO-SYSTEM - ECO-FRIENDLY AGRICULTURE >> 1.What type of challenge our country has in relation to food grains?Ans. our country requires over 200 million tones of food grains to feed its huge population? By the year 2020 we will need about 294 million tones of grains, which will be about 94 millions tones  in addition to the present one. This additional food grains will have to be produced from the same area of agricultural land which is available today. Now it’s a big challenge before the scientists and agriculturists of the country to increase production efficiency of land and reduce the production cost.2.What are the problems emerged because of excessive use of fertilizers & pesticides?Ans. The fertility of agricultural land and nutrients of food grains and vegetables are being deteriorated because of the excess use of pesticides and fertilizers. The detrimental effects are also being seen on the human health. They contaminate the land and underground water which is very harmful for eco-system.3.What is eco-friendly crop productions?Ans. An integrated approach to cropping systems management through the application of results of scientific researches may be a way for sustainable use of resources. Sincere efforts are needed on balance fertilization and integrated nutrient supply systems involving organic manure, bio fertilizers crop residue, proper cropping systems approach , weed pest disease management, low cost technology, post harvest technology, crop produce technology , social and environmental sustainability etc. to adopt proper resource management  for eco friendly crop production.4.Describe plant protection management?Ans. To meet out the national goal with respect to grain productivity, we are required to protect crops from weeds, pests and diseases. Now-a-days, the losses due to weeds in crop yields are estimated up to 31.5 percent. On an average 10 percent reduction appears in the crop yields. Therefore, we need to adopt proper protection measures to  control the losses in crop yields. Several pre and post emergence weedicides are available now a day with the formers.5.Why there is a need of soil and water management?Ans. The most important aspect in present day agriculture in India is soil and water resource conservation. The non-agricultural sectors are increasing day by day and are utilizing huge quantity of water. This shifted trend is reducing the share percent of water in agriculture. To bring out the maximum crop yield with limited water resources has become the need of the day. Now we can use several new techniques like drip micro sprinklers, micro jet and low head bubbdler irrigation. They are the effective tools for scientific management of water resources.6.Why integrated nutrient management is helpful in eco-friendly agriculture?Ans. The ultimate objective of nutrient management is to use all the major sources of plant nutrients such as fertilizers, minerals, organics and biological sources in an integrated manner. This leads to attain maximum economic yield without any bad effect on soil properties or ecological balance. Green manures, waste crop residues etc. appears to be quite beneficial in sustainable agriculture.7.What is allopathy? Ans. Allopathy is a low cost production technology where a biochemical interaction between all types of plants including microorganisms takes place. This covers both detrimental and beneficial reciprocal biochemical interactions. Date of sowing, zero tillage, planting geometry, spacing, seed rates growth regulators, planting techniques etc. are low coast technologies.8.Describe organic farming.Ans. Now-a-days the heavy use of pesticides, weedicides and other chemicals in agriculture is resulting   bad effects on human health. Therefore we should use organic farming which is also known as BIO-FARMING. Some of the organics like compost, green manure, cakes, and bio-fertilizers like rhizobium culture, azotobactor, Azospirillum, blue green algae etc . are beneficial in present day agriculture.9.What type of relationship is there between women & eco-friendly agriculture?Ans. Only eco-friendly crop production is not enough but sustainable culture management    of sodic soil is also required through agro forestry system. Such as use of Azolla as integrated nutrient management of saline soil.  Woman can also play an important role in social forestry, resource management which is a major issue in present day agriculture.10.What are the benefits of eco-friendly agriculture?  Ans : a.We can save our environment.          b.Human health can be maintained.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 06:21:00 +0000

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