CONCERNING ALL THE GRAMMY AND HOLLYWOOD/MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY: Here comes a big chunk, but somebody may read this in its entirety that needs to understand me a little better is all I can pray. Here goes... All I can say is I KNOW what they (the music industry) are doing and what they are into. Anytime I read I think or sarcasm concerning the fast growing emergence of the masses loving things of darkness rather than light it just PROVES the falling away has already happened no matter how funny one thinks they are, no matter what anyone thinks (Satan is much smarter than any of us unless God gives us eyes and ears for truth). Satan has a lot of wool over mankinds eyes already, not too mention people love to make excuses instead of learning the truth because we have become VERY apathetic as a people in general, so, all I can do is share and tell the truth no matter what anyone says to me, about me, or whatever...I am not out to get ratings or win a popularity contest. I serve God Almighty and know He has called me out of this worlds ways to expose the darkness this world has grown to love in the name of art or entertainment....what a great way to get people to take the bait....make the darkness FUN. It only takes a few minutes to research scripture, pray about it and God will reveal whats happening. But I truly believe Einstein said it best: The highest form of ignorance is condemnation prior to investigation. Amazing how many who proclaim to know The Lord will blindly and willingly skip over the warnings by those who God had IN the business, AROUND the artists, who has SEEN the actual chambers where rituals take place, who have laid their lives (big Hollywood/entertainment dreams and worldly success) down to speak out. Some day, and maybe not too far off, there will be a gnashing of teeth and screams of panic and MANY will wish they had listened & more time to get right, but in the mean time, the growing trend, thanks to apathy and the love of SELF , is to mock, scoff, persecute and wish death upon those warning...those telling the truth and speaking out against the darkness knowing full well that the message and warnings they give will not be seen by the masses as a loving message. The masses are already deceived and cant even think straight enough to stop and think, What does one have to gain by speaking out against this stuff? The answer is NOTHING of this world. Nothing to gain here, ACCEPT a few that will take the seed of truth and want it to grow. They will want to know the depths that The Lord has gone to to insure His children will rise up in the last days, just when Satan has the world in the palm of his hand, here comes another crazy Jesus freak dropping bombs of light on people and yet, they scream in sarcastic parables to shut the light off and dont remove our blindfolds. The REDEEMER is coming, but the great deception will happen first, like the set up happening now....all I can do is pray each and everyone one of you reading this take the time alone to go to a quiet/private place and ask The Lord, Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMachia to show you...if you mean it...He will. He knows your heart better than you do. This stuff and the attacks on people like me will continue....sobeit. They are expected. Dont stay in darkness, folks, this stuff IS deeper than you think and I pray God Almighty reveals more than you have ever asked for today. Be blessed and may His will be done. It shall.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 17:22:13 +0000

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