CONCERNING THE POEM, GOD IS MY MISTRESS {ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST OR ~ TONTOS MIS~TRUST OF THE LONE RANGER..OR TONTOS MISTRUST OF THE LONE RANGERS SILVER BULLET} fROM tHE sHAIKHS MYSTIC oPUS! rEFLECTIONS fROM THE kINGDOM oF SIAM ~ MO CON~VO~SA~SHONS OF LUMINOUS EGGGGSSSSSSS ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST OR TONTOS MIS~TRUST OF THE LONE RANGER Gary ~ God is not like nor likened unto…it says that…somewhere..quite sure…its there…to …read . The first two letters of IQRA (READ) are I.Q. (intelligence Quotient) RA. RA Raises as does Shamsi Duha….aha. SIAM ~ IAM going to do that right NOW Gary, RIGHT AFTER I DELETE YOU, for your capacity will only do this here! and IAM so disappointed in this limited perception of you but this is YOUR capacity so you need to be with those like Moses (as), NOT like those with al khidr (as)! you need to read sura al Khaff! and find out why al kidr left Moses (as) who mis~understood everything Al~Khidr (as) was doing and who did NOT have his knowledge and judged him by his own limited knowledge, and missed! you do NOT do this on my page before my other students not ever! for you will put your doubt and mis~trust in them that you have in SIAM because if you trusted him as a shaikh who is a spiritual doctor, you would take the prescription and the spiritual surgery i provide, but since you are the doctor and speak like the doctor, you need your own patients that trust and receive your knowledge, NOT mine. What patient do you know that does what you are doing with a doctor they trust and know went to a qualified medical school!??? you ever see a patient of qualified surgeon laying down on the operating room table telling the surgeon what prescription to give them, and how to operate on them???? dont you ever come quoting NO scripture to me for i know far more of them than YOU but i thank you and i surely wish you so much good where you belong. i did not liken GOD to anything other than the only one i love in this poem, as the poem clearly states. and my poems are written by GOD through SIAM, not by YOU, and obviously my poems are NOT for YOU! for you are seeing this poem, you are seeing your concept of outer Islam, and IAM a teacher of inner Islam! as the poem clearly states. as salam alaykum Gary! Good traveling elsewhere among others who also obviously can NOT read to well and you need to debate with and leave such comments on my open page, and mis~perceive! NOT everyone belongs with SIAM like Moses (as) did NOT belong with Al~Khidr (as), who possessed Ilm laduni (knowledge that came directly from GOD), and this you know NO~thing about, and to stay here with SIAM would NOT do you any good at all, so find you some of the many other scripture quoting religious idiots all over the net who think just like you; for to stay in this kingdom would NOT do your capacity any good, but only harm, and offend it, because that is what people who are trapped in the USE AND MIS USE OF RELIGION DO! THEY NEVER REACH THE CORE BUT ONLY THE OUTER SHELL WHICH SURROUNDS THE CORE! THEY NEVER REACH THE OIL AT THE CENTER OF THE KERNAL, THEY ARE ONLY ABLE TO DEAL WITH SYNTAX, SO THEY NEVER DISCOVER THE CORE ESSENCE OF ANYTHING but like i just said, YOU READ SURA AL~KAHF, AND Ii wish you well! MUCH LOVE AND GRACE TO YOU AND I THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENTS! THIS IS NOT! A PAGE OF RELIGIOUS SHARIA WHICH NOW HAS MUSLIMS KILLING EACH OTHER ALL OVER THIS WORLD WHO THINK LIKE YOU! THIS IS NOT SHARIA, THIS IS HAQIQA! AND YOU KNOW TO MUCH TO EVER RECEIVE THIS FROM SIAM! IAM FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK AND TIRED OF SCRIPTURE QUOTING SPIRITUALLY EMPTY DEAD PARROTS! YOU NEED TO BE WHERE YOU TEACH, NOT HERE WHERE I TEACH AND YOU LEARN! AND IAM SOoOOO SORRY GARY, THIS IS JUST NOT THE NIGHT TO DO THIS WITH SIAM as salam alaykum (C) 1029.13 ~ 1.04 OM ALL who bless this page with their divine presence ~ Please Go likemy new authors page @ facebook/pages/Rain-of-Grace-New-Selected-Poems-by-SIAM/391947264153529 For those who wish to traverse the Stations (Maqams) of my Mystic Light, please fold space to enter the emanations (9th carom) of Rain of Grace @ rainofgrace And those that wish to have an extarordinary poetical encounter can purchase my book directly by traveling to createspace/3238789
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 05:11:42 +0000

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