CONCERNING THE QUESTION OF WORRYING Things may be deliberately done,so to have you your existing worries worsen. See! Let the worries find not their way into your mind. Worries are more or less computer virused discs. Once slotted into the disk drive,the system obeys few or no command due to the worries (the virus). Worries discourage even the courageous minds. With worries,even the careful minds tend to care less. Possibilities get the prefix im affixed to them. The implication is simply endless! You,the infected,begin to move backward,hopelessly knowingly. Worries make the ugly look uglier,the pretty,less pretty. Trust BAKANO not! But endeavor to stand before a mirror;look at the image that stares back at you;smile at it...behold the raving beauty oozing out of it. Now,frown and wry your face;look fierce as you glare at the image in the mirror...behold the abominably unacceptable appearance on its face. Imagine carrying such a disgusting look around for months...who in their right mind would dare befriend such a face? Who in their right head would dare risk spend time with such a face? Who would share their flickering happiness with such infected infectious virus? Note that I say FLICKERING happiness...yes!because everyone does worry about one thing or the other. All that differs is the subject,or the extent to which we dangerously worry about it. This fact is general, universal... everyone(the rich,the powerful,the influential inclusive) has a worry of some sort. And therefore,everyone is constantly on the lookout for a shelter,a place that houses...before turning it into a home. Celine Dion sings the fact: Everybody needs something to hold on. Rihanna,too,as wild and crazy,as famous and rich,as she is,recognizes the fact in her WE ALL WANT LOVE song. Heres a brief lyrical excerpt: We all, we all, we all, we all, we all I can pretend that Im not lonely But Ill be constantly fooling myself I can pretend that it dont matter But Ill be sitting here lying to myself Some say love aint worth the buck But Ill give every dime I have left To have what Ive only been dreaming about Everybody wants something Everybody needs something I know what youre fighting for Cause... WE ALL WANT SOMEONE THERE TO HOLD WE ALL WANNA BE WARM WHEN ITS COLD [Everyone wants to be happy when theyre sad] Yeah yeah yeah No one wants to be left scared and lonely [Thats the fact...everyone is scared stiff. Even the so-called brave!] We all want the same thing We all want the same thing Everybody wants something Gotta want something Yeah, yeah we all want love RIHANNA Culled from: azlyrics/lyrics/rihanna/weallwantlove.html No right-minded human would dare befriend such a worrying character,let alone submit to it for marriage. Worries are comparable to HIV/AIDS (among other infectious,and questionably incurable diseases)...even doctors fear them! Ask them,if you yourself arent a medical practitioner,they always take precautionary tablets...apart from the hand-globes they wear! Fellow Intellect! Even the restless want rest. Even the peace-brakers want peace. Even the sadist that crazily enjoys hurting others or making others suffer does so to get a dose of HAPPINESS. Be cautioned!Worries deface facial presentabilities. Both happiness and sadness are infectious. Sad faces telegraph sadness;happy faces inject happiness through the beholders eyes with an overdose that affects even the third parties. Happiness is the most unquenchable thirst in human life. It is constantly thought and sought of,because every living organism can only do with it! Look! If a trouble gets tossed into your lap,do not panic;yes,deceive it into befriending you. That is nearing a way out. Take this advice from Napoleon Bonaparte, In war,one must lean on an obstacle in order to overcome it. And take this too,from James Hadley Chase: When you are in a jam,confusion is your best friend. Mark my words,some people (circumstantially)hate to see others living in PEACE. They struggle tirelessly to see you apiece. All they are out for is to see you troubled,not loved. Dear friend!Let them believe that you are troubled therefore,so to avoid being troubled by them anymore. But remember,trouble not those who troubled you. Let them find their way to,to a dell so to farm the grasses and trees into tablets and shelters. Do not be a cheat!Be a cheetah,so to out-run your enemies and their infectious efforts to cripple you. Take troubles to see you are not troubled .YOU ARE TOO IMPORTANT TO BE TROUBLED. GO BACK TO THAT MIRROR...LOOK AT IT, STRAIGHT INTO YOUR PRESENTABILITY,SO TO PROBE AND PROVE THE REALITY OR OTHERWISE OF THE FACT. Remember,fellow intellectual! Theres really nothing worth worrying in life...because therere too much to worry about that life itself isnt sufficient to be spent to the worries. See? So why waste your time and energy then? BE GLAD,DONT BE SAD. Watch your blood pressure! BAKANO A.M.;Do I Think Or Sink?;2008-2014 ...................................................... A Dedication to the Human Race...because of my friends and foes thanks to whom I still smile thru life,coz my worries are encoded glories! .....................................................
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 22:37:50 +0000

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