CONCERNING TRIBALISM IN SIERRA LEONE POLITICS, OSWALD HANCILES SAID : There is tribalism among a few of the elite of the Mende-speaking people/South-East people/SLPP. A few!!! There is tribalism among a few of the elite of the Temne-speaking/Northern province/APC people. A few. This tribalism is at the core of our politics over the past seventy years or so; it is this tribalism which has been used by a narrow elite in successive governments to rationalize their grabbing power, and sustaining themselves in power (with the overt support, or, the acquiescence of the majority of their tribe people) - only to enrich a narrow elite; pauperize the majority of their own tribe on whose back they ride to power; and, it explains the rank failure of nearly all the political elite to harness the best of the intellectual powers of Sierra Leoneans. It is this tribalism which largely explains the disgraceful paradox Sierra Leone has been over the past fifty years - a wealthy country in natural resources burdened with about the poorest people on earth. This tribalism is WORSE THAN THE CURRENT Ebola outbreak; because, the elite are vehement in denying its existence, but, they use this tribalism in nearly every computation they make in the national discourse. Lets me honest about this, Ambassador John Leigh. If we dont do neutral or objective analysis of Sierra Leones (and most of Africas) worst malaise, we would not move forward as black people. Indeed, it was a form of tribalism that made the Atlantic Slave Trade possible for over three hundred years; it was because a tribe would see the next tribe thirty miles away as an enemy tribe, that is why slave raiders would capture slaves from the enemy tribe and sell them off to the white man.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 18:22:36 +0000

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