CONCLUSION It is clear from the narrations of Hadith that Nabi - TopicsExpress


CONCLUSION It is clear from the narrations of Hadith that Nabi (SAW) was taken in Meraj with, body and soul by Allah Ta’ala in a state of complete wakefulness. This is the belief of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaá. In only one night, Nabi (SAW) left from Makkah Muazzamah and reached Baitul Maqdis where he led the various Ambiyaa (AS) in Salãh. From there, he ascended the heavens where he again met the Ambiyaa (AS). Then, he saw the Sidratul Muntaha and the Baitul Ma’amoor and reached the place where the screech of the pens could be heard. In the realm of the heavens, 50 times Salãh was made compulsory. On the advice of Moosa (AS) Nabi (SAW) presented himself several times requesting Allah to lighten the responsibility of the Ummah until it was reduced to 5 times Salãh daily with Allah’s promise that these five Salãh will carry the reward of 50 Salaah. Then, on the same night, Rasulullah (SAW) descended from the heavens and returned to Makkah Muazzamah. On his way, he met a trade caravan of the Quraishi. When he mentioned the episode of the night before the Quraishi, they rejected what he had told them. But after describing to them and answering all their questions about the Baitul Maqdis to their full satisfaction and since the caravan he had met had now returned and their utter amazement everything Nabi (SAW) had told them about it turned out to be true, the Quraishi had no answer and were left completely speechless. Yet, sadly today we find some of our present-day skepties reluctant to believe in the incident of Meraj. While some ignormusses totally deny it, others brush it aside as only a vision or a dream of Rasulullah (SAW). Little do they realise that if it was nothing more than a dream, why did the Mushrikeen (Idolators) of Makkah deny it? and what had prompted them to ask how the joourney of one month to Baitul Maqdis was covered in such a short span of time? And what was the need for them to ask for a meticulous description of some of the features of Baitul Maqdis? In the beginning of Surah Israá, Allah Ta’ala uses the expression“Glory be to him who took his servant in a night journey” to highlight the fact that Nabi (SAW) went on this journey with both body and soul. The word “Israá” a verb perfect of the fourth form which is derived from the root words “ Saraa, Yaseer” denotes a journey undertaken by night. When someone wanders anywhere in a dream, this is never described by the verbs “Saraa” Asraa”. However, those who have not the faintest intention to believe and accept the truth will have no qualms over even rejecting the Verses of the Qur’an or the Sahih Ahadith of Rasulullah (SAW). May Allah Ta’ala guide them. Another baseless contention of the detractors and those who deny the (physical) Meraj is that after a certain point in the atmosphere, there is no oxygen and theefore anyone who undertakes such a distant journey must bypass such planets, where because of the lack of Oxygen, he cannot survive nor pass by these planets alive. All this is the prattle of ignorant people. In the first place, how credible are all these claims? Moreover, even if what they say is true, doesn’t Allah Ta’ala have the sublime and complete power to transport any of His servants whom he wishespast whichever planet he wishes in an atmosphare of total safety. Does our Allah not have the power to sustain us without the need for air and Oxygen when He has himself created air and Oxygen as a means of keeping us alive. If He so willed, he could havekept every human being alive from the very inception of human existence. without the need of air and Oxygen. And furthermore, does not a person who is suffering from (?) remain alive without Oxygen and does not the patient of (?) remain alive for hours on end without air? Some ignoramuses actually deny the existence of the heavens and basse their rejection of this purely on an ignorance of something is not a proof of its non-existence. They reject the Book of Allah purely on the basis of naive assumptions. “The curse of Allah be on them! how are they deluded (away from the truth)”. Reasoning of those who espouse the philosophy of the past or the modern age is inconsequential and of no consideration in the Shariah. Allah the sovereign creator of the universe has expilicitly mentioned the creation of seven heavens in the Qur’an. Yet, we find that while the protagonists of the old philosophy used to aver that there are nine skies, the devotees of modern philosophy, reject outright the existence of any of the skies. Now let us decide whose words we should believe as true and correct? The hypothetical findings of those who speculate, or the words of Allah Ta’ala, the sovereign creator of the universe. Allah says in Surah Al-Mulk Ayah 14 (i.e. does he not know the one who created. And he is the one the understands the finest mysteries and well aware (of all that takes place). The protagonists of the old philosophy used to also concede the existence of skies but refused to believe that it could be penetrated at any point and sealed again. In other words, they held that the sky could not be split open. This was their own foolish and speculative reasoning. Without actually going up physically into the skies to see for themselves they have anchored themselves firmly on the earth and are engaged in brazenly forming their own presumptions and conclusions. The being who created the earth and the skies has himself informed us that the skies have doors in them. In other verses also, ALLAH discusses the splitting of the skies . Therfore, those who claimed that the skies cannot be parted and mended could not have been further away from the truth. Some people in the past used to object how such a great distance could be covered in merely one night. In the past, such an objection would have been understandable in view of the absence of the modern vehicles and inventions at our disposal today. Nowadays, an Aeroplane from Jeddah can reach Damascus within an hour or an hour and a half. By this calculation, a journey to Baitul Maqdis and back would take only three hours and for anyone on such a journey to spend the rest of the night travelling in up to the heavens and witnessing all that was to be seen there before returnign to the earth again is by no means anything hard to believe. Nowadays, there can be no doubt that such a long journey could be covered in one night and moreover, we also know fully well that the power of Allah still exists. If Allah wills, he has the power to make even the most superfast vessel travel even faster or even create new vehicles which could travel at speeds unprecedented by prasent day ones. Is Surah An Nahl, after mentioning a few means of travel, Allah Ta’ala declares: “And He created (other) things of which you have no knowledge”. As an indication of all those vehicles and modes of transport which will appear until before the day of Qiyaamah. Today we have already entered the time at inventing even faster modes of transport. Let those people who deny the Méraj or even doubt it, themselves, tell us (according to their own theory) the total distance covered by the earth in its 24 hour rotation around its own axis, during the alternating of the day and night. And let them explain to us how many seconds it takes for the light from the rays of the sun — after it appears—to reach the planet earth, despite being so many millios of miles away. And let them tell us the distance of the moon from the earth, and then remind us about the time taken to cover this distance and land on the moon. When all this is as clear as daylight before their very eyes, why then do they have reservations about the Méraj? It has been narrated about the Buraaq on which Rasulullah (SAW) had travelled during the Méraj that its evry step forward is as far as its eye can see, althout the exact extent of this has not been mentioned, it is assumed that its sight reaches as far as a hundred miles, then the journey from Makkah Mukarramah to Baitul Maqdis would take only seven or eight minutes. Calculated in this way, the journey to Baitul Maqdis and back would last only fifteen minutes which would leave us with the remaining part of the night to travel to the heavenly world. Today, the flying time of an aeroplane from Jeddah to Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem) would be only about an hour to an hour and a half. If we were to reason in this way, then nothing would prevent us from accepting that a person can travel to Baitul Maqdis and back in only three hours and then send the remainder of the night in the heavens above. i.e. only those who will take heed who turn (in repentance) to Allah. The way of a Mu’umin is to hear and to accept with conviction the words of Allah and his Rasool (SAW). “While those who choose to stay in doubt will be ruined”. Now I shall conclude with the verses of Qasidah Burdah Shareef (The poem of the scarf) which relate to the event of Méraj. The author (RA) says,: You travelled at night from the Haram (Holy place) of Makkah to the Haram of Baitul Maqdis. As the full moon travels through intense darkness And you continued ascending into the heavens until you attained the position of Qaaba Qawsayn (two cubits length Such as has neither been attained (by any other) nor sought (By anyone else) And on account of this rank, all the prophets and messengers gave you precedence In the manner a servent honours his own master And you went passingby them through the seven heavens And in a grand heavenly army of which you were the standard bearer Untill you left no goal of approach for any advacer To such hieghts did you advance that you rendered every position inferior in comparison to yours You were addressed by Allah in exalted terms as the unequalled leader of mankind So the you may be blessed with a closeness with him, deeply concealed from the eyes of others And with such profound secrets which can never be revealed So you attained every voveted rank unshared by others And rose beyond all exalted positions, not occupied by others And certainly very lofty are the ranks conferred upon you Glad tidings,O, people of Islam!verily we have been honoured by Allah with strong, unyielding (pillar of) support When Allah himself has nominated our prophet, who called us to His worship, the noblest of messangers, we have become, consequently, the best of nations. O My Lord your Salutations and peace forever On Your beloved, the best of all creations And with these words we come to the end of this treatise. “Glory be to (Allah) your Lord, the Lord of honour from whatever they ascribe to him. And peace be upon the messengers, And all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. (Quran).
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 21:17:54 +0000

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