CONCUSSION REHAB TESTIMONIAL FOR D1 BASKETBALL RECRUIT. Although some would say we were really lucky, I know there was divine timing involved! The day following my sons injury from football, I sat in south Minneapolis on a Friday at a friend and soon to be consultant to work on my new companys brand and messaging. In an effort to articulate why I felt a bit in disarray that morning, I articulated the details of my sons injury and shared that I had left him next door at the coffee shop for our meeting because his doctor appointment was quicker than anticipated. My friend quickly shared that she was working with a client who was a functional neurologist who specialized in sports injury and went in to a bit more detail about his practice. I couldnt believe the timing and I asked if I could call and leave a message during our meeting. My sons injury was bad and I needed answers...and as quickly as possible would be ideal. Dr. Schmoe called back within a few minutes and gave me brief instructions for how to proceed caring for Myles over the weekend and said that he would like to see Myles on Tuesday. I sent Myles to school on Tuesday for his first day of school and picked him up early for his appointment. It would be almost three weeks before he could return to school again. Dr. Schmoe, after extensive testing...testing Myles could not fool and I could not believe, shared with me the extent of Myles brain injury. It had affected his entire left side leaving numbness, disjointed movements and a lack of balance my 65 athlete couldnt override with determination. We were devastated. (Our local sports injury clinic said it was a concussion and were ready to send him back to school after a few days.) Weeks of therapy, nutrition advice, supplement encouragement and eventual recommendations for reintegrating into school life...Myles was healed. We are SOOO thankful to Dr. Schmoe for his care, concern, honesty and expertise in handling Myles brain injury and recovery. I am quite confident if we took the advice of our local sports injury clinic physicians, the headaches would be nagging and the healing would not be complete. Thank you Dr. Schmoe. We are thankful God brought you into our lives at the very perfect time! Blessings on you and your practice!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 07:06:51 +0000

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