CONFAB DELEGATES MAY INSIST ON PAYMENT OF AIDES It emerged on Friday that National Conference delegates are spoiling to insist that the Federal Government should pay their aides. This is coming as the 492 delegates prepare to commence plenary on Monday with the adoption of the conference rules of procedure. The rules which will guide the conduct of delegates throughout the duration of the talk shop were released to delegates on Thursday by the conference secretariat in Abuja. Findings by our correspondents showed that the delegates are insisting that apart from other logistics, the aides they brought to the conference should be paid some allowance. Our correspondents also discovered that a group of delegates have concluded arrangements to send a written request to the conference secretariat on the need to pay their aides some allowance. A member who spoke to our correspondents in confidence said that “the issue of paying our aides a little allowance cannot be swept under the carpet for obvious reasons” The delegate from Anambra State noted that “what we have come to Abuja to do is a serious business and should be seen as such.” He added, “We have come here for a serious business, whatever will assist us to do a thorough job should be accorded priority by the government. For most of us allowing us to hire one or two aides that will be paid by the conference secretariat will not be out of place. “We are meeting and talking about how to impress it on the conference secretariat to pay our aides. Our aides are as important as we are. We may have to put it in writing if need be.” He noted that there was no doubt that aides would assist delegates in the discharge of their duties at the conference. If the delegates succeed in pushing through payment of allowance for their aide, N7 billion the Federal Government was reported to have set aside for the conference may be increased. One of the delegates, Chief Mike Ezekhome, had underscored the fact that the conference involved a lot of brain work and research. Another delegate from Adamawa State also pointedly asked the conference leadership how many aides they were entitled to hire. The conference Secretary, Valerie Azinge, however told delegates that there was no provision for payment of personal assistants to the delegates. Funds provided by government, Azinge said, were specifically meant for delegates alone. It was obvious that Azinge’s dismissal of payment for aides of the delegates did not go down well with most delegates when the issue was broached at Tuesday’s meeting. Another delegate, Pastor Tunde Bakare, however admonished delegates on the need for sacrifice. For Bakare, delegate should be ready to make sacrifices for the good of the country. He enjoined them to be less concerned about monetary gains from the exercise, citing instances of wide condemnations that trailed the disclosure of National Assembly lawmakers’ take home package. According to him, most of the participants have had to complain about the allowances of Federal lawmakers, “We should be ready to make sacrifices during this assignment since we are quick to take our lawmakers to the cleaners over their allowances,” Bakare said. Senator Florence Ita-Giwa, another delegate observed that more members would be prevented from airing their views on issues they want to present if proper arrangements were not made to avail delegates ample opportunity. She said, “If we start with Mr. President’s speech, how and when do we present our individual mission statements. “I believe that most of us have our grievances that we want to present and most leaders here are part of the architects of where Nigeria is today. “I would want the conference to create time for every member to present their mission statement.” For Emir of Gummi, Alhaji Nuhu Gummi, the delegates should exercise restraint and be open to compromises on issues of national discourse. The monarch was aware that it would take a lot for members to shred their individual and regional differences in favour of national, patriotic interest. “Let us eschew bitterness and see one another as Nigerians,” the monarch said. Mahmud Ahmed had reservations with the venue of the conference and its suitability in terms of accommodation and offices, while Atedo Peterside was concerned about the internet link in the complex. The conference leadership said the venue remained the best option as the International Conference Centre, Abuja was not available. Another challenge for the delegates, it was discovered, is the issue of accommodation. Some of the delegates spoken to said that accommodation remained their major headache. The conference secretary was quoted to have said that ‘about three quarter of the delegates have so far been accredited for the conference” She noted that all the delegates have not been accredited because they had been coming in trickles. (Nation)
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:22:04 +0000

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