CONFESSION OF A SOUND MIND By Milton Rodriguez “Words of Light - TopicsExpress


CONFESSION OF A SOUND MIND By Milton Rodriguez “Words of Light upon the Face of Covetousness, Craftiness, Lust, Pride, Selfishness, and Subtlety” The way that I take is known of God. My location in this life is known of him. The path I have traveled is known of him. He knows all about me. He knows my beginning, and he knows my ending. I look to Jesus, my Beginning and my End. I behold the clarity of his promises in my face. He brought the fruit of his promises to my mouth, and I have tasted of the fruit of his promises again. He has placed this fruit in my mouth many times. The taste of this fruit has never been sour or bitter. The only bitter things that I have tasted are the fruit of the things that I picked from the tree of covetousness and selfishness. I lean on Jesus and know that he is strong and faithful. The design of faithfulness is working in my life. This design cannot be marred, but it will not mix with the designs drawn by the engineers of the darkness and of the flesh. The Lord is my engineer. I have allowed the implementation of the spirit to control everything; therefore, I will behold the finished structures of victory and satisfaction. He has come that I might have life. Life is always abundant and never insufficient. The insufficiencies and empty possessions are from another source and not from life. Jesus is life. In him, there is sufficiency and fulfillment. I have cast off this leanness that has come from the meat of this world. He has come to give me manna from above. The manna from above is filled with all the spiritual nutrients necessary for completeness and wholeness. I have struggled in vain. Unbelief has intimidated me through the subtlety and craftiness of traditions. God has sent forth a new surge of his word and healed me of unbelief. I have received of this healing in my heart, mind, and tongue; therefore, do I speak of his glory and talk of his power before the sons of men. He is my star for this day and the next day. He is the bright star for every day. There is no day for me when he is not shining on my behalf. I have believed the things spoken in my ears now and in times past. God is faithful and cannot lie. The work of redemption was accomplished before the foundations of the world and so were the things of victory concerning me accomplished. I have walked into the finished works of Jesus Christ and worshipped with a new expression of faith and confidence. He is the Lord, my God, the only true God. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the first and the last. He is the star who shines for me and into the face of all darkness. He leaves darkness without any comprehension or strategy against me. I have looked unto him, and beheld my victories at my feet. I have picked them up where I have cast my crown of humility, for he has placed all my victories at the feet of humility. I have come and enjoined myself unto humility and forsaken all forms of lust and pride.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 01:45:37 +0000

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