CONFESSION OF A SOUND MIND By Milton Rodriguez “Words of - TopicsExpress


CONFESSION OF A SOUND MIND By Milton Rodriguez “Words of Light upon the Face of Agitating Voices, Drought, External Enemies, Impossibilities, Obnoxious Experiences, and Ugly Presentations” The Lord has made me as a palm tree. In this season of drought, he has fertilized me with grace. I am flourishing and growing in grace and in good works. I am in a prosperous state. I shall spread out and enlarge my coast. He has ordained that I shall become more eloquent in presenting him, and he will parade the words of grace as never before. God’s word has adorned my life and decorated the atmospheres that I dwell in. It shall abound with goodness and liberty for all who hear it. The beauty of his word shall go forth as the splendor of a mighty tree. It shall flourish in wisdom and understanding. The spirit of wisdom and understanding shall leap within me and produce new arenas of liberty and miracles. I have beheld the miracles blossoming on the trees of impossibilities. In the Spirit, the flowers of miracles are blooming; even their shrubs are cultivated for ornaments of victory. God has given me spiritual eyes so that I may see the beauty of these flowers before they appear. By faith, I have beheld the flower of miracles as they expand their buds. Miracles are blooming. They are shooting forth from impossibilities. Though impossibility holds forth an ugly presentation, grace stretches forth the beauty of a finished product, crowned with the affection of love. Grace has adorned itself with the shoot of a miracle. Though it is a winter presentation, I have beheld it unfold in summer. The covering of impossibility is merely protecting it from the cold weather and the external enemies that seek to injure my miracle. I have not removed my spiritual eyes from the flower and the leaves contained in the bud. The bud of my miracle may be ugly, but I remember, it shall blossom into a thing of beauty. The germinating power of grace will not fail. It shall be what he has sent it forth to be. The enemy meant it for an obnoxious experience, but God meant it as an experience that will benefit me and all that will hear me. The Lord has turned the expectations of the devil into a flower of love. I have dried my tears and adorned myself with gladness. I have anticipated a miracle. It is growing. I do not attempt to open the petals of my miracle before time. I simply allow it to unfold into the beautiful flower it is destined to become. The flower of love is the best part of his revelation. This miracle that he is working for me shall be very valuable to my faith. My faith shall become more vigorous and powerful as a result of this experience; therefore, I do not despise the agitating voices sent forth from impossibility. He shall place his hand over the mouth of these voices, and grace shall speak loud and clear. While I wait, I adorn my miracle with the fresh aroma of praise. I have cast aside the odious smell of doubt and unbelief. Unbelief and doubt has sought to fill me with the fermented drink of death. I have thrown it down, and now I am waiting on Jesus. He has strengthened my heart. He aborted sickness and death at Calvary. It was unwanted and unproductive then. It is discarded and sterile now. I rejoice. There are miracles blossoming in hopeless situations.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 07:09:26 +0000

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