CONFESSION OF A SOUND MIND “Words of Light upon the Face of - TopicsExpress


CONFESSION OF A SOUND MIND “Words of Light upon the Face of Perishing Souls, Sin and Trust in Man” By Javier Nieves I behold the way of the world and note its devastation to come. All that is in the world is the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. Man has gambled all that he has and thrust it into a ship of self-confidence that is propelled by his own lust and pride. His calamity looms on the horizon lurking in the cold dark waters of death. His own deceitful heart blinds him. The darkness of his own heart does not provide him with a vision of clarity; therefore, death remains hidden in the waters of his own sins. With full confidence in self and the achievements propelled by his pride of life, man journeys further into the waters of death without God. I am determined to preach the gospel of Christ, for it is the only light that can enable man to see. Man is detached from God, and man must be connected to God. Man must be reconciled unto Jesus, the true light. Christ must reach them. He has chosen the gospel as the means by which they are reached. Only the light will enable them to see the icebergs of cold love in the waters of sin all about them. They are headed on a collision course with these icebergs. I remember the Titanic. Time is short. The laborers are few. God is sending more laborers into the harvest to carry the light of the glorious gospel unto perishing souls. I have arisen to preach. The hour is late and time is spent farther than I had perceived. I purpose to preach the gospel everywhere to every creature, and not allow the great falling away of brothers and sisters to affect me or my zeal to win the lost. I am not distracted from God’s purpose, which is to seek and to save those who are lost. I can imagine being on the Titanic and beholding the perishing souls who did not have lifeboats as a refuge, and I understand the urgency of the hour. I have familiarized myself with the history of the Titanic, and I have a different view of my purpose. I journeyed with Christ in the spirit, and beheld the people of that ship screaming as the terror of death grips them with its cold teeth of surety. I behold the fear on their faces. God has sent me with the lifeboat of the gospel; therefore, I determine to carry it to the people, and not stand detached from the purpose as they perish without a lifeboat. Instead, I will continue to preach the gospel. Souls are perishing while men are waiting to make the decision to obey. Time must be redeemed; therefore, I am redeeming it, for the hour is much later than I had perceived.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 11:09:54 +0000

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