CONFESSIONS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST (These declarations are to be - TopicsExpress


CONFESSIONS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST (These declarations are to be said out loud with emphasis and faith) The month of August is a month of bliss for me. My expectations come through in the Name of the Lord Jesus My desires are granted; manifestations come to my prayers in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ By the time this month ends, I will look back with joy and ahead with great expectations Whatever I do shall prosper. More than ever before, my joy will be full and testimonies will fill my mouth. The divine purpose of God is fulfilled in my life and God’s grace increases in my life everyday If there is anything that has been difficult for me the past months, the Holy Spirit now makes it easier for me, He gives me the solution that I need. I experience wholeness and the grace of God in all areas of my life. Everything I have asked God for according to His Word He has heard and answers all my prayers in Jesus name. I daily incubate over the answers I have received until they hatch in the form of physical events in my life. I never lose focus of my answers nor get distracted by events. When contrary things appear I stir my spirit up by quickly declaring the scriptures He gave me with words of praise for their fulfillment. I win this war over my answers by keeping my angels activated through my prevailing prayers and the words I get from the scriptures. I periodically receive the supply of the Spirit into my heart as I come to the throne of grace at the times when I feel the pressure of circumstances trying to steal the answers from my heart. The Spirit of God, whom I receive, in turn strengthens me and causes me to overcome all doubt He fills me with the knowledge of God’s will with all insight and spiritual understanding, such that I walk in a way that pleases God, doing all that is needful, making my answers a living reality. He strengthens my inner man with all might such that regardless of appearances, the Word remains in my heart by faith and I remain rooted and grounded in love towards men. This love abounds in me in all knowledge, influencing all judgments I make. Regardless of what happens I remain sincere in my dealings and I’m without offence towards God or man. As I made decisions in love by His nudging, I literally walk into situations where I see His living presence on earth and I have the answers to my prayers realized. In prayer I overcome all demonic forces, neutralizing their interference with the answers to my prayers. Through prayer, I weaken their influence over my environment. I set angels loose to minister on my behalf – You are given charge over all the members of my family and over all that I possess. You hearken and fulfill every word of scripture I declare, guiding and guarding me in all I do, so that I never dash my foot against a stone This month & always, I go in and out of my house in peace for safety is of the Lord Violence and crying of sorrow shall not be heard in my household in the Name of Jesus In place of breakdown, I experience breakthrough; in confusion, am enlightened; in weakness, am strengthened Because I am led by the Spirit of God, am led out of trouble and misfortune in Jesus Name.AMEN
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 11:43:07 +0000

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