CONFESSIONS OF A CARBOHYDRATE ADDICT LOW CARB-HIGH FAT DIET (Week 1) It’s been a pretty tough week, but I’ve made it through. I’ve not screamed at anyone, I’ve not burst into tears (although I did have a bad case of food envy when I saw my wife thoroughly enjoying rice with her curry…) and I didn’t fall off the wagon and demolish a loaf of bread in one sitting! However, it has been a pretty difficult week. For someone who has not strayed too far from Weetbix for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and meat with rice/potato/pasta for the evening meal, making sure I stay under 50g of carbohydrate for the day has been a bit of a shock to the system. Although conducting this experiment has meant having to plan and prepare meals a lot more thoroughly, the eating has been enjoyable. Bacon, eggs and tomatoes for breakfast, meat (usually leftover from the night before) and a lovely salad for lunch. My evening meals have not changed too much; just replacing starchy carbs with lots of vege. Mashed cauliflower with a teaspoon of mustard and some cheese is a great substitute for mashed potato, and grated cauliflower looks just like rice once you boil it. Tastes pretty good, as well (which is of great importance to me!). During this first week on the LCHF diet, I have lost 3kg (mostly fluid) whilst consuming somewhere between 13,000-15,000kJ per day. That’s pretty hard to get you head around. Whilst weight loss is not really the motivation behind me doing this experiment, it is mind-blowing to think that you can consume all this fat and lose weight so quickly. In preparation for this diet, I’ve cleared out all my reduced fat products and replaced them with the full fat original version. My home-made curry this week has had full fat coconut milk instead of the usual reduced fat version (tasted so much better!). Having read a lot of literature about LCHF diets before even thinking about experimenting with this diet, I was aware there may be some side-effects, such as headaches, dizziness and irritability. This proved to be the case. By day 3 the headaches had really kicked in, headaches like I’ve never experienced before in my life. I felt dizzy at times, irritable, and not in the best of moods! In all honesty, I feel rubbish. If I hadn’t told so many people that I was doing this experiment, I’d probably be sitting down to a big bowl of pasta, with a bread roll chaser by now…
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 21:11:26 +0000

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