CONFIRMATION! CONFIRMATION! CONFIRMATION! AMEN sister Janice! (y) Ive been confronted that I dont believe Jesus, dont love Jesus, and I am destructive based on issues that I address. This provoked deep introspective thought and examination. I walked away concluding that God has called me to be a WATCHMAN ON THE WALL among other things. Im grateful for the clarity. When Paul addressed the church of Corinth as recorded in 1 Corinthians:16:13, he stated to Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. That would be me, and I make no excuses for it! Under the unction of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul was telling believers to NOT be PASSIVE SPECTATORS. Jesus stated that we are to WATCH AND PRAY. Ive been confronted with Christians telling me that my focus needs to be on getting people to JUST PRAY. Yet Jesus said we are to WATCH AND PRAY. I know how to pray, and I do it daily. WATCH involves an entirely other level of involvement; especially if one is called to be a watchman on the wall. Watch means to stay awake and to be sleepless; to be vigilant and on guard, fully awake, aware, alert and intently focused. Again, that would be me; and I make no excuses for it! Jesus rebuked the disciples for not staying awake to watch and pray. On an even deeper level, He told Peter in Matthew:26:41: Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing [i.e., intentions are good], but the flesh [mere human willpower] is weak. Paul instructed Christians to awake unto righteousness, and do not sin. Why would God tell us that? Could it be that even true Christians can be spiritually asleep to varying degrees? I interact with people on a daily basis who are asleep; which leads to some of them literally attempting to take their own lives. God is calling all of us to read, study, and think. I often have people confronting me that say things like All black people have to stick together. or ALL Tea Party members are racist against women and blacks. My response was: I AM A TEA PARTY MEMBER; I AM A WOMAN; AND I AM BLACK! I can readily conclude that many people ARE NOT THINKING!!! Having a Christian world view; propels one to get involved with whatever aspect of the culture that God has called them to. Jesus said things that shook people up! So do I; and I make no excuse for it! Jesus said things that did not make many comfortable; and it LOCATED THEM. He even called people names; and it made them uncomfortable. He turned over tables and it made them uncomfortable. When I have Christians standing flat-footed and saying We have no business saying anything about what a woman does with her body that has ANOTHER HUMAN INSIDE OF IT I know what spirit Im talking to. WHAT ABOUT THE BABYS BODY???!!! If it is not another SEPERATE HUMAN BODY; then why was Scott Peterson charged with double murder? I am an activist; and I make no excuses for it. It was not my choosing. If God called you to go to Israel for 1 month or 6 months; more power to you! Ill support your efforts to go as a matter of fact. God calls people to address issues from different sides of the mountain. You focus on your side; and Ill focus on mine. In the book of Mark Jesus said: Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time [of Christs coming] is. It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. God called the prophet Ezekiel to be a watchman to the nation of Israel to warn them to repent of their wicked ways or else suffer dire consequences (Ezekiel:3:17; 33:7). God told Ezekiel that He would hold him accountable—that if he didnt warn the people he would share the guilt for their suffering (33:1-6). Well, there are modern day Ezekiels; and I am one of them. It is not my choosing; I just have to decide if I will obey. The true gospel includes the wonderful news that Jesus Christ will soon return to give us true peace on earth! And before that, God will give forgiveness and protection to those who repent of their sins and make the commitment to obey and serve Him. Additionally, many are walking in sheer ignorance; aligning themselves with things that they have no clue is an abomination to the Creator of the universe. In the end, Jesus states in Matthew 7, that there will be those who said, I did this and I did that in your name. He says to them, Depart from me you workers of iniquity; I dont even know you. Lord have mercy on us all as we WATCH AND PRAY! The election this week was a measuring gage of where we are as Americans. I declare and decree that this nation will rise up and be what God has called her to be before we are raptured out of here. For this to happen; we have to have conservative leaders who will obey God no matter what. He will not bless or align Himself with anything that is contrary to His Word. ~ Janice Gilmore Ponds youtube/watch?v=J9Imcu9O3Ic
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 21:17:10 +0000

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