CONFIRMATION! O thank You Jesus!!! I needed this Lord! Notes - TopicsExpress


CONFIRMATION! O thank You Jesus!!! I needed this Lord! Notes From My Pain. Psalm 119:71. My God, my God, my God!!! Rev. Waldrons testimony.... O God!!! Thank You God for allowing the world to witnesse for themselves a brother beloved who, like me and many many others, doesnt look like what hes going through. Praying for a greater understanding and more support for the Invisible Disabilities Community from those who hear his testimony. May they pass it on to friends and family. In Jesus Name. It is good that I was afflicted. After all Ive been through it is good that I was afflicted because Im still here. But it is hard to make that declaration when youre in the crucible of your pain. It is only in reflection when you can look back over the things youve been through, the trails in your life, the pain youve endured, and when you think about that fact that youre still you can say it is only good. It is not good only when its over. It is good also when you are going through. But theres only one way you can call it good when youre going through and thats when it helps who you are. When it saves your life. When God uses your pain as the medicine to deliver you, it is good. It is good that I was afflicted because I found out I was stronger than I thought I was. Thank You God for what ever reason you allowed me to be afflicted. It hurts, but You give me strength to endure it all. I dont know the answer to why I was afflicted but I do know who continues to carrie me through these wave of painful flare ups, and it is no one that I can see or touch with my physical hands. The truth! Yes, I have tapped into this reservoir of strength that I never knew I had. God knows yesterday was one of those pain filled days when the attacks came like contractions for an expecting mothers. Its hard, but like Paul, Reverend Waldron and my brothers and sisters who endure pain everyday, we hope to be used by God in it and we hope beyond hope that we will share in His glory when it is all over. I personally embrace my affliction because of the suffering of our Lord and the glory He received after. He had His cross and I have mine. I limp, I cry, I cream out just like Pastor Waldron, and I praise God and boast some more that I made it through another session of pain without losing my mind. I dont know why and I didnt question God about the pain as much as I did the loss of a career I loved. I so wanted to go back. Pastor Waldron said it best, somehow in Gods awesome design, I was built for this assignment. I have thanked God many times for trusting me in it and trusting me with His people. No, God doesnt trust just anybody with trouble, especially the kind that will transform the lives of others. He made me to endure this hardship, this pain, this condition that has devastated a once strong and fit body. There are some things that only the valley can teach me. JESUS! There is companionship in my chaos. Hallelujah!! Thank You Holy Spirit!!! I am not walking this thing alone. My prayer life has increased, my spirit is higher, my ear is so much more sensitive to Holy Spirits voice. Yes, as Pastor Waldron said, God spoke clearest to him in those times when he was in the pit of his own hell. Indeed, my greatest moments and instructions from God are coming right now while I lay in this valley of mine. My back is against the wall. I have no control over any aspect of my life right now. My health, strength, medical insurance, finances have all been taken from me for a long time now. And although God is beginning to restore everything to me, I can honestly say that surrendering all to Him, even under these extreme conditions, was hard, but I finally did it. And it was then that I really began to use my voice concerning my very real personal needs and the financial blessings and support began to rush in. God speaks to us in our conscience but He shouts to us in our pain. CS Lewis This pain, this experience has changed me. And just like Pastor Waldron, I have begun to look at pain and suffering differently. The notes from my pain are written on the pages of this social media network for the whole world to see. God is operating on me in front of you all. And glory be to God, I have received message after message of thanks and gratitude from friends and family members who have been encouraged by my story, my journey and my courage because they too are afflicted. This quickly became for me, a ministry, Gods own desire and I said yes. My Lord, in my affliction I have been drawn to You and I have learned from You. And I have discovered more and more that Your promises are true in my life. In my pain the anointing has grown, in my pain my pride has decreased, in my pain souls have been saved, and lives transformed, especially my own. Thank You God for my pain. Thank You for the purpose, promise, promotion, and yes, the healing that is taking place in my pain. God, You have never left me. Father, You have never forsaken me, but You have upheld me, and everyone I hold dear, with Your right Hand. You kept me Jesus, and Youre keeping me right now. Glory to Your Holy Name!!!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 06:38:39 +0000

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