CONFLICT (THE) NEW KING...SAID TO HIS PEOPLE, THESE ISRAELITES HAVE BECOME TOO MANY STRONG FOR US. WE MUST TAKE PRECAUTIONS TO SEE THAT THEY DO NOT INCREASE ANY FURTHER; OR WE SHALL FIND THAT, IF WAR BREAKS OUT, THEY WILL JOIN THE ENEMY AND FIGHT AGAINST US, AND THEY WILL BECOME MASTERS OF THE COUNTRY . EX 1:8-9-10 NEB Sometimes the obvious events happen are indicative and symbolic of major shifts and trends far more significant than the events themselves. The discovery of steam power and the flying shuttle ushered in a new age of mass production, industrialization in Western Europe two hundred years ago. Known as the Industrial Revolution, it changed the world. The new king of Egypt saw the danger that the growing numbers of Israelites posed to his rule and worked out a policy to counter this threat. But it was much more than that. His decision became an engagement with the God who was guiding and using the Israelites for his saving mission in the world. Always in the Bible there is this conflict between God and the forces of evil that are ranged against him. It was there in the Garden of Eden in the form of the serpent, through all the empires that fought against his people, to the tempter who faced Jesus and the Jewish authorities who opposed him. In Revelation, St Michael finally slays the dragon, symbolizing the conquest of evil by God. Throughout there is the conflict - between light and darkness, truth and falsehood, faith and unbelief, life and death. Christian believers need to recognize the fact of this ongoing conflict in the world today. It is what some people call spiritual warfare. Make sure you fight on the right side. Lord, help me always to fight the good fight.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 13:32:50 +0000

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