CONGESTION IN EKSU BANKS AS DEAD LINE REMAINS TWO DAYS: OPEN LETTER TO THE VICE CHANCELLOR. Dear Vice Chancellor Sir, Ill love to appreciate your intelligence and your transformation al agendas in ensuring that Ekiti State University becomes a better school that we all can be proud of...Within the short period you have spent as Eksu Vc...the institution have witnessed in both academic and infrastructures outstanding achievements that cannot be underestimated. It is our prayer sir that God in his infinite mercy shall grant you more and abundant wisdom. Permit me sir to also use this medium to salute our amiable Dean of students affairs...Eksu Community,Prof I.G Adanlawo for his Father/Son approach at all time. He is one in a million Deans of students that is full of understanding. God bless you sir. Dear Vice Chancellor Sir, We are aware of the financial challenges facing our dear citadel of learning, We are also aware that you are not encouraged by our students nonchalant attitudes towards the payment of our school fee and it is obviously bad for us to start rushing to meet up with the deadline of the payment at this moment. Dear Sir, Notwithstanding,I believe that our students actions are cling with cash scarcity which is all over the states across our nation and overnight inflation of our school fee which had caused much damages than normal to many of our students who are responsible for their school fee payments. Thank God for the senior advocate of the masses,the executive governor of Ekiti state who have reduced our tensions. Dear Vice Chancellor Sir, Following the Senate Press Release on our school fees payment,deadline as stated therein is Friday 16th of January whereby late payment shall attract 5,000 Naira which our students have been rushing to meet up with this deadline and turnout has been encouraging. Since you will always address us as sons and daughters,this gives us more courage to discuss with you as our father and tailor our challenges accordingly. In this regard sir,Our students have been facing a lot of challenges which had been preventing many from paying their fees. Some of the challenges faced by our students are; -Banks in Ekiti State University runs for 6hours ranges from 9am-2pm in which they are able to attend to little out of the Teaming Eksuites that have been queuing to pay. The attach images are sections of our students waiting in suffocating banks to pay since banks have not been switching on their Air Condition System anymore because of the population. In between this hour,our students would still want to attend lectures and fulfil their students obligations. Dear Vice Chancellor Sir, Another worst challenge is that automobile teller machine (ATM) in school premises have stopped working like before,many that are even working refuses to dispense cash whereas many would have used to withdraw cash and enter into banks to face the payment challenge. Our Students are also facing internet challenges that staff at internet room had to relocate to the school ICT centre that can accommodate thousands of complainers. Still,our students are still queuing in thousands. Dear Sir, All these and many more are the challenges facing thousands of our students who have gotten their school fees and are ready to pay. Considering the above listed challenges,we are convinced that Banks may not be able to entertain all students before friday which is just 2days away and 12 hours time of the bank workers. We therefore plead your fatherly understanding and your kind heart to please extend the Closing date without an additional Late Fee Of 5000 Naira. Extending late payment date would allow 99% of our students to pay in adequately without a further challenge of finding the additional late payment charges which may prevent many poor students from paying at all. Dear Vice Chancellor Sir, We cant express how much we appreciate your listening ears and efforts in returning dignity and discipline to our great citadel of learning. Its great to have someone as special and kind as you as a Vice Chancellor. We shall rely solely on your passion,kind heart and fatherly understanding as we expect a positive review. God Bless You Sir, God Bless EKSU God Bless EKSUite God Bless Nigeria.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 18:42:08 +0000

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