CONGRATS, STATEN ISLAND VOTERS! YOUVE BEEN HAD. And by Michael Ill break you in half like a boy Grimm of all people. Fuhgeddaboudit. Quotage: It will take some time, specifically until the announcement of his criminal sentence, to fully appreciate the snow job Michael Grimm just pulled on Staten Island voters. But we already know plenty enough to call it a criminal’s virtuoso parting heist. Grimm, you’ll recall, ran for reelection last month as a two-term GOP incumbent in socially conservative Staten Island, with a 20-count indictment on his back. The charges, largely misunderstood by the voters (and media, for that matter), essentially amounted to this: He ran a restaurant some years back, and in an effort to skirt payroll taxes, paid workers under the table and submitted a fake payroll to the feds. He was then caught lying about it when a real payroll was discovered by prosecutors in his computer records. This last part is important because it tells you what Grimm knew: he had lied to federal officers (a crime that never gets ignored), and they had the goods on him. In other words, he was very likely going to prison – and he knew it. Hand it to the former congressman, though; he was a pretty good actor during this campaign. For all of 2014, he strutted across his district conveying the confidence of an artful blackjack dealer. Sure there were charges against him, he said, but they were trumped up, he was the victim of a liberal witch hunt, his political opponents were after him precisely because he was such an awesome Republican. You get the idea. salon/2014/12/30/michael_grimm%E2%80%99s_sick_final_con_using_staten_island_voters_on_his_way_out_the_door/
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 16:23:40 +0000

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