CONGRATULATION TO MY PRINCE VON! HAPPY GRADUATION ANAK! Love is not easy to put into words, especially a Father’s Love, the depth of which is unfathomable. And you taught me my Prince Von about courage how to face our situation right now. Our family life has been marked by struggles and trials and you taught me how to be strong. You always said to me that Daddy I love You.You are my inspiration Anak. I can see in you Anak that you have a natural tenacity and ability to accept life as it unfolds. This is a skill that will serve you well in the years to come, because life is about transformation, a decades long process of becoming. There are chapters, but no destinations. And if you are able to visualize each stage as having a beginning, middle, and end it will be easier to recognize GOD’s plan for you as He chooses to reveal it. His plan is rarely the same one that we envision for ourselves, so, in the years to come, as you are surprised or sidelined unexpectedly or sent in directions unanticipated; remember that it is unfolding as it should be. That’s when you will appreciate your already sharpened abilities to navigate change. Each chapter has a specific lesson that GOD, in His all knowing wisdom, sees that you must learn. Painful chapters draw us near to Him, and joyful chapters illuminate the glory and wonder of our world. Both are important. I Love You Anak. Always remember your character and integrity are important to you. You are finding your voice and moving forward in positions of leadership especially you have sister Viana and your Mommy Vicky beside you and your family is in the politics. God will rely on you to use that leadership to model the qualities of a good, honest and loving man. You have been blessed with height and people will have to look up to you during your lifetime, the important thing is to make them want to. A faith journey is a daily one. It is vital to see our moral choices, both grave and not, as turning points. Your choices will lead you closer to God or further from Him. Lead you down a path toward a peaceful heart or a troubled one. No choice is made in secret as God is always with you. Choose wisely and you will live without regret, because real and lasting happiness has nothing to do with material possessions, it is a result of living your values, even when it is difficult. Even when choosing to stand for what is right means that you will lose friends or perhaps a job/position. This gift of clear sightedness, to recognize the path that supports your values is the prayer that I will pray for you every day as you move forward into the world. Every day I cry Anak as your Daddy Erwin will go abroad to find a new job there for your future and Viana’s future . As of now I am so excited for you to embrace this next phase of life. Have fun Von, work hard, and enjoy every single day. Daddy will coming back for you! I Swear to GOD that time will come your Daddy Erwin will give all your needs. I am in your corner Von whatever happens , I’m your loudest cheerleader, and proudest Father! Youve done a good thing son. You listened well to us and faithfully followed our instructions. Take Care of your Mommy Vicky and Viana because I Love you all Anak ko. I’m proud of you Von Eliezer Rances. HAPPY GRADUATION! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MAHALKO! ERWIN R. RANCES-YOUR DADDY
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 12:41:39 +0000

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