CONGRESS ENSURES PEACE, PROSPERITY AND BETTER DEVELOPMENT IN THE STATE : SHABIR INAGURATES BLOCK ELECTION OFFICE AT THAMNAMANDI AND ADDRESSED PUBLIC GATHERING AT DRERI, DABROTE & THANAMANDI AREA. Shabir Ahmed Khan Former Minister for Health and MLA Rajouri who is campaigning day and night in his constituency and visiting every nook and corner for seeking votes for him, today inaugurated Block Election office at Thanamandi along with the District President Sain Abdul Rashid and addressed public gathering at Thanamandi, Dreri and Dabrote areas. Khan in his address maintained that the Congress-led government between 2006 to 2008 under the able leadership of Ghulam Nabi Azad, laid emphasis on equitable, balanced and all-round development of the state. khan said that for better future of the youth and to revive an era of prosperity, development and fast-track infrastructure building, the people should opt Congress to lead the state government. He reminded the public regarding the major achievements of Congress government. Khan said that Medical College for Rajouri-Poonch people, plenty of Sub-centres, Administrative units to reduce the gap between public and administration are the historic decisions of Congress government. Recalling the thrust laid on speedy and time-bound execution of developmental projects, Khan said that it is the Congress- led government which has given sense of governance in the state. Khan asked the people to beware of the vested interests in politics who are out to grab power and subjugate the interests of people and the State for personal ends. Khan maintained that the agenda of Congress aimed at political stability, solidarity, peace, youth welfare and equitable development of all the regions and sub-regions of the state. Khan said that though a lot has been registered on the development front and peace process received considerable share. Khan reiterated his plea to the people to give mandate to his party and contribute positively in resolving all political and developmental issues. Lambasting BJP over the disreputable agenda of abrogation of 370 Article, khan said that BJP has no existence in Pir-Panjal region. He said that BJP functionaries in Rajouri-Poonch failed to put impression on the public as voters know their hidden agenda, which could ruin the state. Khan claimed that Congress is set to win all the seats of Rajouri-Poonch region. He categorically mentioned that Azad and Soz like leaders are once born in century and by the grace of God and the blessings of congress veterans all the party candidates shall win in their respective constituency. Time has gone when people used to come under the influence of divisive forces,now all the voters have their own sense to cast vote in favour of pro people party, which can ensure sense of security and development on all the fronts, said khan. Leaders of BJP who could not win elections at panchayat level should not put tall claim and must open their minds to understand the leaders like Azad and Soz, who not only brought people friendly schemes but also changed the scenario of state. Mohd Shafi Dar Sr. Congress leader and Sain Abdul Rashid in their address said that people are wise enough to differentiate between right and wrong. He said the his party’s agenda and policies for all round, inclusive and equitable development of all sections of the society especially for border area people and people belonging to rural areas is very clear and friendly in nature. Shakeel Mir Gen Secy, PCC in the end exhorted his party colleagues to intensify their field visits for interacting with the people at far off and remote areas and make their party win. He stressed the need for strengthening the party, saying a strong Congress party is guarantee to development and prosperity of the State. All sarpanches, Panches and public of the area assured full support and pledged for khan’s win. Other who spoke on the occasion were fazal Hussain, Zaheer Chowdhary, Youth President, Molvi Bashir, Sarpanch Haji Farooq Sr. Congres Leader, Subhash Sharma, Sushil Sharma, Mohd Akram Khan Sarpanch, Iftiqar Dar, Pushpinder Gupta, lalit Mahajan and local leaders.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 02:41:19 +0000

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