CONGRESS HAS ONLY ONE MISSION: FIX MODI ! The latest plant on the - TopicsExpress


CONGRESS HAS ONLY ONE MISSION: FIX MODI ! The latest plant on the investigation into Ishrat Jahan’s encounter death proves two things: Congress’s panic level is rapidly rising; the CBI is a willing tool in the hands of the party The pattern is well-established by now, as is the purpose behind the pattern. Instead of seeking judicial closure of cases emanating from Gujarat, whether related to the post-Godhra violence of 2002 or the alleged ‘false’ encounter killing of criminals, the Congress is determined to drag them out forever, or at least till sufficient political damage is inflicted on Chief Minister Narendra Modi. Towards achieving this goal, the Congress has deployed both state and non-state actors — spineless officers of the tax-funded CBI, now derisively referred to as the ‘Congress Bureau of Investigation’, perpetually aggrieved jholawallahs and intellectually compromised mediapersons willing to collaborate with a corrupt-to-the- core establishment for reasons that are far too well known to merit reiteration. The devious ploy of the Congress first surfaced when the Best Bakery case went to trial. A carefully orchestrated ‘outrage’, entirely the creation of professional instigators, led to the case being shifted out of Gujarat. What those given to calumny and worse had not bargained for is that the trial would get over so fast and the case would disappear from public memory so soon. So, tactics were changed and the results are there for all to see. Trials in other cases have dragged out over nearly a decade; the findings of a Special Investigation Team set up by the Supreme Court to investigate the terrible arson at Gulberg Society on the insistence of jholawallahs have been repudiated just because they did not fit into the Congress- determined template to ‘fix’ Modi; and now the same deceitful game is being played with the CBI’s inquiry into the encounter killing of Ishrat Jahan and three of her associates, Javed Gulam Sheikh, Amjad Ali Rana and Zeeshan Johar, on June 15, 2004. Earlier, we saw this happen with the CBI’s investigation into the encounter killing of inter-State criminal Sohrabuddin Sheikh. Facts cease to matter, fiction and fevered imagination come to substitute evidence, and a vicious campaign of slander is mounted with a view to influencing courts. As part of this strategy to target and taint Modi, and I say this with great sorrow, sections of the media have chosen to play the role of collaborators, willingly offering front page or cover space and airtime for the Dirty Tricks Department to plant stories with a startling twist. At first glance, these planted ‘exclusive reports’ appear convincing; the most casual scrutiny strips them of the façade of ‘investigative journalism’ and lays bare the unwholesome fact that they are crafted with the despicable purpose of maligning Modi and vitiating the atmosphere prior to an important hearing in a trial court. Let’s take the CBI’s investigation into what has come to be known as the ‘Ishrat Jahan case’.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 10:14:15 +0000

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