CONNECTED COSPLAY: LESLIE FROM Philadelphia, USA! NAME: Leslie LOCATINON: My hometown is Philadlephia, but since Im a college student most of my year is spent on the Eastern Shore in Maryland. HOW LONG IN COSPLAY? Ive been cosplaying since 2009. HOW DID YOU GET STARTED AND WHO WAS YOUR FIRST CHARACTER? I had watched things like Pokemon, Teen Titans, and Sailor Moon for years, but never really knew about the surrounding fandom world until my friend invited me to a small anime convention called Zenkaikon where she said almost everyone there liked the same things I did and that many people dressed up like their favorite characters. So in about 2 weeks I got a Raven from Teen Titans cosplay together, had a blast, and Ive never looked back since! WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO? A lot of Daft Punk, especially their debut album! Other than that I listen to a little bit of everything: top 40, rap, EDM, country, you name it! MOVIES? Im a big movie junkie and because of that I watch a TON of movies in all sorts of genres: I LOVE Disney more than I can properly express, the Star Wars and Star Trek sagas, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, anything Studio Ghibli, Marvel, seminal 80s films like The Breakfast Club, musicals turned movies, the Indiana Jones saga, funky 50s surfer flicks hold a special place on my heart...Ill really watch anything! TV SHOWS? Face Off is hands down my favorite show on TV right now, but I also watch The Walking Dead, The Will Wheaton Project, Project Runway, Legend of Korra (even if it was moved online, it still counts to me!!), The Big Bang Theory, Heroes of Cosplay (I almost feel obligated to watch, but I still enjoy it), Bones, and Castle. I also cannot deny my guilty pleasure for wedding dress shopping shows...I just really like pretty dresses!! BOOKS? The Chronicles of Narnia have and will always hold a very special place in my heart as the first full series I read on my own and as one of the most defining pieces of literature in my life thus far; I still reread it to this day! I also LOVE the Harry Potter series and universe JK Rowling created! ANIME? There are so many that Ive watched and enjoyed over the years that Im going to try and keep it to 10 of my favorites, in no particular order: Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Pokemon, Teen Titans, Macross Frontier, Spice & Wolf, Magi, Tsubasa: Resrvoir Chronicle, Paradise Kiss (the manga more so than the anime), and Naruto. ICE CREAM? Vanilla, but Im more of a water ice and frozen yogurt type of person. In which case Id definitely go for mango water ice or froyo. If you were stranded on a deserted island and wanted to get off, what anime/character would you want there with you? Might have to break the rules on this one a little, but Id want a full 6 Pokemon party with me including at least Blaziken, Lapras and Salamance. Advice to those getting started in cosplay? Dont concern yourself with what anyone else thinks the right or best way to cosplay is. If there is a character you love or identify with--regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or otherwise--just go for it! If you want to make your entire costume from scratch, thats amazing! Just know that you are by no means required to do so and are no less of a cosplayer for buying your cosplay; I know I didnt start by making my own cosplays!! But most importantly, dont cosplay for anyone but yourself. Make the experience worthwhile and have fun with it!! Character: Wood Nymph Series: Original Character Photographer: Stefan Anton Character: Walker (aka a zombie) Series: The Walking Dead Photographer: Brian Palmer Character: Sakura Series: Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Photographer: Kat Olivia Martin Character: Sakura Series: Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Photographer: Daphne Friedman
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 18:47:26 +0000

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