CONSCIENTIOUS PROJECTOR and the OLD PASADENA FILM FESTIVAL PRESENT BIDDER 70 THURSDAY, JULY 24 - 7:00 p.m. SCOTT PAVILION ON RAYMOND/PASADENA SENIOR CENTER 85 EAST HOLLY STREET OLD PASADENA For our final screening in this years Old Pasadena Film Festival, we feature the story of a true environmental hero. On December 19, 2008, climate activist Tim DeChristopher posed as a bidder to disrupt a Bureau of Land Management lease auction of pristine Utah wilderness marked for oil and gas development. After bidding successfully on 14 parcels totaling 22,000 acres, at a price of 1.8 million dollars, he was arrested on federal charges. Postponements by the prosecution delayed his trial for two years, then with the judge disallowing any defense based on conscience or moral grounds, he was convicted and served 21 months in prison until his release last year. Filmmakers Beth and George Gage tell Tim’s tale of courage and self-sacrifice in this compelling study of a classic act of civil disobedience. Featuring Bill McKibben, Robert Redford, Terry Tempest Williams, Daryl Hannah and more. Rob Haw, co-founder of the Pasadena chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby, will lead a discussion following the film. Admission is free and the facility is accessible to disabled persons. For more information contact Bob Brummel at 626.794.2587 or visit bidder70film. THEN SAVE THE DATE - THURSDAY, AUGUST 14 - FOR OUR REGULAR MONTHLY DOCUMENTARY SCREENING, 7:00 P.M. AT ARMORY CENTER FOR THE ARTS: URBAN FRUIT The burgeoning urban organic farming movement in Southern California as a healthy and sustainable alternative to modern industrial agriculture and our fast food culture is the subject of filmmaker Roman Zenz’ stimulating new documentary. Rishi and Manju Kumar, who are featured in the film, lead a community discussion. Check out our Conscientious Projector blog at conscientiousprojector.wordpress and look for us on Facebook
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 04:37:44 +0000

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