CONSERVATIVE IDEAS FROM A LIBERAL (which neither party will - TopicsExpress


CONSERVATIVE IDEAS FROM A LIBERAL (which neither party will support because of lobby money!) 1. No Lone Star Card for healty people, rather offer employment through Public Works projects like CCC or WPA if cannot work. (our roads and infrastructure suck) 2. Limit welfare to a set number of years with real emphasis on getting people off welfare through manditory job training or education. 3. Pass a minimum wage that actually allows a person working full time to make a living without resorting to public aid. (We subsidize Walmarts profits in public aid to many of their employees.) 4. Recognize that the millions of working immigrants already here are sucking public aid and resources and are not going away. Get them some kind of legal status and require them to join the system and pay taxes like the rest of us. 5. Scrap the IRS, and institute a National Sales Tax in its place, with every transaction taxed, (no more wholesale and retail). No more tax returns, no more deuctions and everyone pays from GE to the poorest person. Everyone has skin in the game. 6. Require Keystone pipleine and similar lines transporting oil shale from Canada to be limited to oil for US consumption, instead of requiring american land owners to give up their land so Canada can sell oil to China. 7. Pass laws to limit power of lobbyists and their money, whether from direct contributions or contributions to pacs. Require donors to identify themselves. 8. Recognize that Public Schools exist for education and stop building sixty million dollar football stadiums like the one in Allen Texas. When Texas starts worrying as much about academics as they do about football, we might catch up to world standards. 9. Stop policing the world, and no more wars unless we are attacked or threatened with attack. Go after terrorists directly, not whole countries. 7. Promote real energy independence by placing high tarrif on exports of natural gas and oil from the US. 8. 3. review welfare and lone star card programs on case by case basis and weed out deadbeats who are young and can work. 4. Discard IRS 3.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 14:56:46 +0000

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