CONSIDERING THE REPORT OF CONCIPOL Written by: Valayee V. - TopicsExpress


CONSIDERING THE REPORT OF CONCIPOL Written by: Valayee V. Dukuly Choosing a single candidate from among a list of over a dozen of candidates was not an easy task for the Conscious Citizens for the Promotion of Lofa County (CONCIPOLL). After many surveys and critical analyses, Prof. Alhaji Gaxim Varmuyan Kromah emerged as the best person for the people of Lofa County at the level of the house of elders at the National Legislature. In this article, three categories of qualifications are discussed which place Prof. Kromah above his political opponents, viz; education, experience and advocacy. EDUCATION Lawmakers are elected to perform basically three major responsibilities, namely: lawmaking, representation and oversight responsibilities. To perform all these properly and adequately, some kinds of formal education are highly needed. In lawmaking Prof. Kromah has an edge for he is a professional and well trained lawyer. He earned an LLB from the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia in 1988. In 2003 he received his Master Degree in law with high honor from the AU Washington School of Law and currently he is a candidate of SJD-Doctor of Juridical Science. As a Senior Consultant in law, his presence at the National Legislature means a lot not only to the people of Lofa County but Liberia at large. As stated earlier, every kind of educated people are needed at the National Legislature. With a master in International Relations, he is much needed in the upper house when it comes to critical and better decision making on International Diplomacy. His qualification for representation is a fact that stands undoubted. The fact is so glaring to the extent that even his political opponents can all allude to it. No one can carry on representation without knowing the region and people he represents. Prof Kromah who understands and speaks Gbandi, Lorma, Kpelleh, Mendi and Mandingo is fully cognizant of the cultures and traditions of our people. As a man who is a would-be speaker of the Kissi dialect, he has travelled throughout the length and breath of Lofa County. He possesses, through the grace of God, a vast knowledge on the various traditions of the seven administrative districts and five electoral districts of Lofa County. With BA in Economics he is an access to the house of elders in making sound economic policies. EXPERIENCE According to the report of CONCIPOL, experience was one of the criteria used in vetting out the most qualify candidate. Through my own research on the official web page of Prof Kromah, I learned that he has over forty years experience. He has worked both in the private and public sectors; he served as assistant minister of information in 1979 at the age of 25. With an MA in journalism, he was Director General of the Liberia Broadcasting System in 1982, 1988 and 2011. In 1995, he served in the Collective Presidency with several ministries under his control including the ministry of lands, mines and energy. As former president of the Barolle Football Club, he has traveled in over sixty countries in Africa, Europe, Asia, Middle East and the Americas. He also served as Keynote Speaker at the Special Session of the United Nations Security Council in February 1996, New York City. As a former minister proper at the Ministry of Information and a former President of the Lofa University Student Association, he is also the founding president of the Washington DC Lofa County Citizens Association in 1982. He was declared by the analyst news paper as politician of the year in 2007. These are just few among the many places has worked at but to get more information on him you can please log onto his personal page via Google search. ADVOCACY Prof. Kromah’s presence in advocacy can be dated as far back as his days in high school. From the St. Patrick High School to the University of Liberia coming up to the present he has always stood for social justice and academic emancipation. He fought and spoke against all forms of social vices. His stance for religious equality at St. Patrick forced the school administration to give the Muslim students two prayer days a week. As he surfaced at the nation’s premier institution of higher education, he stood tall against the cooking of pig meat for all students at the dormitory. This led to the separation of a special meal for the Muslims on the campus. CONCLUSION We didn’t intend to say much for our purpose of putting these pieces of information together is to present to the public particularly the electorates of Lofa County who really is Prof Alhaji G. V. Kromah. With the political campaign now in progress lot of politicians will be coming to you with political rhetoric in an attempt to win your vote but the time has come for you to shine your eyes and vote wisely for the decision you will make comes December 16 of this year is the same decision that will be will you for the next nine years. A hint to a wise a quite sufficient; thanks I rest my case. The opinion expressed herein through this article contains positions and viewpoints that are solely of the writer and does not anyway necessarily reflect that of the Conscious Citizens for the Promotion of Lofa County (CONCIPOL).
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:45:28 +0000

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