CONTINUED: F). Jesus was humble. Though HE was a KING by - TopicsExpress


CONTINUED: F). Jesus was humble. Though HE was a KING by rights and the God of the universe in the flesh NOT once during HIS ministry on EARTH did He proclaim to be a KING. No it was only in front of Pilate that HE agreed that HE was KING of the Jews. In fact HE humbled HIMSELF so far as to be called a servant. In fact Jesus even washed the disciples feet, which was ONLY a slaves, the lowest of servants job. 1). Likewise we too should humble ourselves. Jesus stated that those that exalt ourselves will be abased and those that humble ourselves will be exalted. (Matthew 23:12) 23:12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. 2). We are to humble ourselves as unto little children. (Matthew 18:3-4) 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.18:4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. a). Note here how VERY important this humble issue is. Jesus stated that its so important that if we DONT come unto HIM like a child then we CANNOT see HEAVEN. Wow what a statement. 3). Notice in our next Scripture that Jesus humbled HIMSELF to be a servant and told us to do like wise. (Mark 10:42-45) 10:42 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them.10:43 But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:10:44 And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.10:45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. G). Jesus was a patient man. He waited till the correct time for everything. He didnt rush ahead, no, HE waited on the Father to give the commandment. Most of us would, at least i know Im bad at this, run ahead and try to accomplish something before its time. See Satan tried to get Jesus to get HIS throne faster BUT Jesus knew that would be only a substitute and NOT as glorious as the promised Throne. So HE waited and had patients on God to give HIM the promised Throne. H). Jesus was a loving man. His love is unsurpassed. In fact Jesus showed the greatest example of love on the cross. He died for your sins. He suffered so much just for you. He took on your sin and felt the separation of God just so we may have eternal life. 1). Now just because Jesus was a loving man HE was also a JUST man who couldnt stand sin. In fact HE did get angry with the Pharisees and not just called them hypocrites but even flipped over tables in the synagogue. a). So likewise we too should be loving but we arent to accept sin. We should lovingly point sin out and exhort one another to do good works. CONCLUSION: Wow what can I say. We have a VERY tall order in front of us. You can clearly see why, not just the sin issue, we wont be fully mature in Christ until we get to Heaven. See it goes completely against our human nature to be like Christ. So as this new year goes on lets strive to learn more about Christ and strive to be more and more like HIM. Now for those that dont know Jesus as their SAVIOR. Youre missing out on a wonderful life. Not just a wonderful life down here but an even better life in Heaven. One with NO tears because theres no tears in Heaven. Jesus promises to wipe away ALL our tears. Now yes we will have problems and trials on earth BUT we still live a life better than without Christ. See we know with Christ at the lead that that everything will work out for our good. We live with a hope of a better future, one that the unsaved doesnt have. Now can you earn Heaven with good works? Noooo you CANNOT. In fact to even try to do so will push away further from Christ. We ALL are sinners and in need of a savior. That savior is Jesus. So if youd like to accept your gift of salvation through Jesus and experience a love and peace that surpasses ALL understanding just cry OUT to Jesus. Pray with me. Jesus Im a sinner. I know I CANNOT save myself and that there is a sin debt that I CANNOT repay. Come into my heart Jesus and save save me. Wash me clean with your blood that you shed for the remission of my sins. Please Lord I accept what you did on that cross for repayment of my sin debt. I thank you Jesus for dying in my place. I love you and ask that youll help me from now on live a life pleasing to you. Satan by FAITH in Jesus Christ and His blood Im commanding you to get out of my life. You have no more authority here. My life and my soul belongs to Jesus Christ the Messiah. So get OUT NOW Satan. I love Lord Jesus and thank you for everything. AMEN and AMEN If you just prayed that prayer and meant it or would like to pray one similar with someone please get a hold of me and let me know. That way I can first off welcome you personally into Gods loving family. Secondly Id like to be able to keep you in my prayers and be a partner in your walk with Jesus. If you need prayer for ANYTHING and I do mean ANYTHING or if youve got a praise report PLEASE get in touch as well. Yall can get a hold of me by commenting, pm me, call or text me. If its an emergency PLEASE call me and dont stop calling till I answer. Well yall I hope youve enjoyed this sermon. I look forward to seeing yall back on Wednesday evening. If you do enjoy these sermons please share them and invite your friends, family, and co-workers to follow us and like us on Facebook as well. Also if yall would like to hear me preach a live sermon or revival have your pastors, or if you are a pastor of a local church yourself, get a hold of me so we can set a time for me to come preach a revival. Id be honored to come and no dont feel stressed about paying me as Ill rely on the Lord for my well being and travel, unless God does place it in your pastors heart to give a donation. Well yall till next time remember me and Jesus loves you and are here for you. Pastor Bucky WTLC of Newark Ministries 7407552026
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 23:01:35 +0000

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