CONTINUING THE LAW OF CONFESSION THE RIGHT SEED BRINGS THE RIGHT FRUIT When I am fighting a battle in the spirit, I pay special attention to what is going into my spirit and my soul. I know that whatever goes in is going to come out under pressure, and I want only good fruit produced from my life. NOT THAT WHICH GOETH INTO THE MOUTH DEFILETH A MAN; BUT THAT WHICH COMETH OUT OF THE MOUTH, THIS DEFILETH A MAN. THEN CAME HIS DISCIPLES, AND SAID UNTO HIM, KNOWEST THOU THAT THE PHARISEES WERE OFFENDED, AFTER THEY HEARD THIS SAYING? BUT HE ANSWERED AND SAID, EVERY PLANT, WHICH MY HEAVENLY FATHER HATH NOT PLANTED, SHALL BE ROOTED UP. MATTHEW 15:11-13 Fruit is the physical manifestation of the seeds that have been sown in your heart. In this passage of Scripture, Jesus tells you that your words can defile you. He said your words plant something in your heart, which grows into a tall tree with deep roots. A tree of truth will hold you steady when pressure comes, but a tree of deception and lies will cause you to fall and fail and must be pulled out by the roots. A tree of truth will hold you steady when pressure comes, but a tree of deception and lies will cause you to fall and fail and must be pulled out by the roots. In Luke 8:11 Jesus said, The seed is the word of God. He is the Sower of the Word, but the devil is the sower of lies. When you speak, you will speak from the tree that has been planted and has grown deep roots in your heart. Those words are the fruit that reflect either the truth of Gods Word or the lies and deception of the enemy inside you. A tree of lies could be the perception you have of your self. If you do not see yourself as God sees you, if your perception of yourself does not line up with Gods Word, you know you must allow the Holy Spirit to pull out the evil tree as you plant the good seed in your heart. You need to put some new seed in there so you can be free and speak and walk in Gods great plan for your life. God wants to expose everything in your heart that doesnt come from Him or agree with His Word. Thats what He did with the Israelites when He took them through the wilderness. AND THOU SHALT REMEMBER ALL THE WAY WHICH THE LORD THY GOD LED THEE THESE FORTY YEARS IN THE WILDERNESS, TO HUMBLE THEE, AND TO PROVE THEE, TO KNOW WHAT WAS IN THINE HEART, WHETHER THOU WOULDEST KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS OR NO. DEUTERONOMY 8:2 The children of Israel had some trees of evil in their hearts that needed to be pulled out before they could enter their Promised Land. He knew that once their hearts were purged of idolatry and unbelief and filled with faith in Him and His Word, they would be able to overcome all pressure and all obstacles and take the Land He had given them. The same is true for you. If you find you are not able to realize your dreams or you are continually battling discouragement and depression, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any evil trees of lies in your heart.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 23:15:43 +0000

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