CONVERSATION AMONG THREE THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD GIRLS I am posting in two places: my regular FB page which I use to learn and teach from and as part of Mind Valleys Jeffrey Allens Duality Training. I am hoping to attract like-minded souls so we can all learn together. Now picture this (photo taken just outside our living-room window - no pun intended) and my butterfly photo taken from my meditation classes at Three Jewels Vancouver. Recalling about a two-kilometer walk from my home in 1963. Trudy, Barbara, and I would walk to school each morning. We were full of anticipation going from being big fish in a little school, that is, Sir John A. Mackenzie Elementary School, to being little fish in a big school, that is, John Oliver Secondary School or JAYO, one the biggest high schools at that time. So we have a Catholic (me), a Lutheran (Trudy) and a Jehovah Witness (Barbara) chatting about life. On this particular morning we were discussing different religions when I said, You know, if we were born into each others families, we would be saying different things- and they agreed. At that point, I reached a fundamental truth - what we believe and what we think and do depends on our family, our society, and our culture. In those days in Vancouver, BC, individuals would not venture into the church or temple of another group. Catholics were considered second-class Christians and practicing Jehovah Witness were considered to be on the fringe. Years later Trudy and I would begin to be part of other church communities...... And today, groups still vie for power and slaughter each other over religion beliefs and philosophies..... When will we get it? Our planet is in real danger and people are starving and in short supply of fresh water etc. Please choose to be my FB friend is you wish to participate in deep conversations, reflect on world issues, and have some fun! I am continuing to work on Living an Examined series.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 00:24:13 +0000

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