CONVERSATION WITH ADAM UPDATED (Scroll down for updated - TopicsExpress


CONVERSATION WITH ADAM UPDATED (Scroll down for updated conversation. It is marked.) Chase and Adam want under God removed from the pledge. Does anyone have any kind words for these two? Lets show Chase Adam some real love -- seriously. I have already responded. I re-posted the conversation below. Yesterday, I posted the story of Samantha Jones and her counter-suit to keep Under God in the pledge. Chase Jaycox: Once again the point is missed. No one should be forced to not say Under God. If for whatever strange reason you want to add that in there, feel free....we have something resembling freedom of speech in this country. Its that people are forced to recognize / thank a God theyre not even sure exists or that they dont believe in that is the problem. 2 hrs · Like · 1 Adam Brenkus: Separation of Church and State. Simple as that. Please stop forcing your religion down the throats of those who do not want it. 21 mins · Like Reach America: Hi Chase and Adam. Thanks for chiming in. Do you guys know why under God is in the pledge? This came along in 1954 along with In God We Trust as our national motto. The Russians were proclaiming to be a godless nation, they set up a secular nation. President Eisenhower and members of both parties and in both chambers of Congress ALL voted to make these changes. Why? To tell the world that America was founded on a trust in God. This is our history. This is the law. These are the facts. I can appreciate your positions. This is America, we can disagree. But lets dont throw away the God and the values that have made us the greatest nation the world has ever seen. As our Founders did, the Congress affirmed in 1954 --America is great because of our belief in God. Do we really want to mess with what has worked for over 230 years? Do we really want to become like Russia? Commented on by Gary Brown · Just now · Like UPDATED CONVERSATION Adam Brenkus I suggest you go back further in your history and read the letters of Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin, you know our founding fathers. They clearly state we are a non secular nation. You are free to have your god. I am free to have none. You are not free to force yours on me. Do we really want to become like the England that the Colonists revolted against? 39 minutes ago · Edited · Like Reach America Hi Adam, I studied American History and Political Science at the Douglas MacArthur Academy of Freedom. I dont claim to be an expert -- really, I dont. But I have studied history. All you need to do is look at the Declaration of Independence, that Jefferson wrote. Adam, there are literally hundreds of documents that I can site here. No one is trying to force anything on anyone. It is an historical fact that the Founders where overwhelmingly Christian and that their belief in God is reflected in the founding. The Congress in 1954 only re-affirms this. Commented on by Gary Brown · 33 minutes ago · Like · 1 Adam Brenkus I also studied history, I was a history major at the University of Florida. I also have a personal passion for trying to understand those men as well as I can. I have extensively read their personal correspondence as well as many of the laws and treatys they enacted. Here is a good one for you. Why did Jefferson refuse to offer Thanksgiving proclamations while president if he was such a Christian? It was because of his belief in the separation of religion from his public office. The founding fathers were diests, that in true. They also wanted a nation founded on law, not on religion. The First Amendment clearly states this. 24 minutes ago · Like Reach America I cant tell who posted the statement about England above, but I agree totally. No one wants to be like England. England had set up the Church of England as the state church -- They were one in the same. That IS NOT what we have in America. Christianity is not and NEVER should be the state religion. Our country wasnt founded that way and the Congress in 1954 wasnt suggesting that. America was founded on Christian principles and a strong belief in God, the Creator. Heres the line, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights Guys, get it? The founders believed we were created and the fact that we are created makes us all equal. That our creator has endowed us with rights that can only come from Him. They say that this is self-evident. Question for Adam. If our rights do not come from God, where do they come from? Commented on by Gary Brown · 19 minutes ago · Edited · Like Adam Brenkus I know many atheists who are moral people. I also know many Christians who are not good people. (I also know quite a few wonderful Christians and Muslims and Jews so you do not think this is an attack on your faith or any faith). Morality is a personal choice. You can choose to be a good person or you can choose another path. Morality and religion have nothing to do with one another. Our rights come from evolving beliefs that might does not always make right. Our rights come from Law. 14 minutes ago · Unhide Reach America Adam. great to hear you are well studied. Seriously, I congratulate you on your efforts. I wish more Americans would take the time t understand. I do not believe Jefferson was a Christian. That is obvious when you read his later work. But, Adam, he wro...See More Commented on by Gary Brown · 7 minutes ago · Like Reach America Adam, thanks for your honesty and for being transparent with us. If I understand you correctly, the Declarations straight-forward and plain assertion that our rights come from God is not reflected in our founding documents and that, to quote you, Our rights come from evolving beliefs that might does not always make right. Our rights come from law. Thanks, Adam. Commented on by Gary Brown · a few seconds ago · Like
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:33:57 +0000

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