CONVERSATIONS AMONG AN LLM STUDENT NAMED MR GRAHAM, THE STUDENT UNION LEADER AND THE UNIVERSITY’S VICE CHANCELLOR: 1) STUDENT UNION LEADER: Sir! Graham’s deadly and long standing torture case is not only our university’s case due to his studentship here but also a case of humanity. As the student union leader, I have found myself to stand up with such terrible issues which he has been slowly sharing the world everyday through the social media. I have today requested Graham to officially submit all of his allegations inclusive evidences so that we, together, can move forward with these. Besides, I know it’s needed huge time to file by him considering conspiratorial issues since 2011. The most crucial evidences of Graham’s notorious case are left at his evicted flat which is located at E14 3NE in London. Graham was evicted on 03 April 2014 in the worst way without a notice by his landlord after he went down to post his written complaint of 28 pages inclusive evidences to the honorable PM of this country. The landlord changed his front door lock within 25 minutes who stayed in an opposite flat parking his car there. He received no calls or texts back made by Graham. Graham couldnt get in after his return. The landlord exercised such bad attitude as Graham put lines into his complaint letter to PM. The lines were against the roles performed by the landlord and all harsh techno tortures on Graham in this flat. There is also another potential reason for such behavior is that Graham complained earlier over phone to the local council against his problem of voter registration in this flat, a bad state of repairs, council tax cheated by the landlord and anonymous tenants lived with Graham likely military secret agents who stayed at two different flats at the same time. VICE CHANCELLOR: You are absolutely right. I have been hearing around about Graham’s exceptional case which began actually on drug related issues in July 2012. Graham case has been inhumanly spread from then due to the involvement of global dirty politics. His country’s dirty politics have been dirtier and more risky due to his case. Can you please tell me about the political parties’ steps that did take part in all barbaric tortures on you since July 2012, Graham? Please tell me also what the political parties’ agents particularly want from you, or how they would like to come to an end of this silent third world war. GRAHAM: Thank you very much Sir, for giving me floor to let you know about all gigantic and dangerous issues of mine. But I must be very brief today as it’s a long history with more than ten thousand stories from day to day since July 2012. It’s definitely not an authority’s investigation on any specific allegation put by a third party. I still know nothing as they launched it unofficially. As soon as I sought their help describing my problems, most of them including my second university chased me up blaming a “PARANOID”. From then, I have been sharing everyone regarding multiple inhuman techno tortures in most organs of my body as well as my brain. The torture has been reduced now-a -days despite I am still under 24 hours surveillance. I can simply claim such investigation is rather, a dirty political race by a combination of global authorities, who have simply aimed to win either their next thrones or to save their present thrones and/or to keep themselves safe from being behind the bars. Sir! My case, basically, started in July 2012 with two different notions which were plotted on egoism by my former two public universities. The torturers are military agents from secret services who were first in direct divisions over my issues. USA, UK and EU were in the lead who involved the rest of the world’s secret services and political leaders. There were numerous human killings, spread of huge money to hide the truths, a serious violation of human rights and an enormous wreck of public assets. They directly involved police who had automatically been divided under two political platforms. They dangerously floored similar authorities and political activists of my country who have been openly involved in my case. The issues got then “so conflicted” and a “serious blame game” among them without a solution. A political party in the country has been now triply divided following my country’s three political parties like AA, AB and AC. Both political platforms have, still, been running on their dirty races by attacking each other following their targeted victory. My brain has simply been “a football field” for kicks and counter kicks by their agents. But, to be honest with you, I do reasonably believe that the very kind God has taken my political support to a specific political party from my heart. To get more inspired by you today here, I can truly share you now is that I feel a new heart has been replaced by a special angel of GOD following GOD’s command. This is because no secret service agencies have been able to have killed me despite their multiple attempts since July 2012. I do NOT boast myself saying it but just to let you know. The military agents along with police forces indirectly named me “SUPER MAN” for this reason. I, earlier, in Sept 2014 wrote to all f/b friends being an open heartened critic, “BRAIN has been defeated by HEART”. 2) VICE CHANCELLOR: Please tell me about the political cyber agents from your nation who listen to your thoughts for 24 hours and/or manage to supply all sorts of artificial dreams into your brain during your sleeps. GRAHAM: This is totally rubbish how they have been torturing me. If the agents on duty do believe that it’s a God case, they must stop from torturing me. I can simply tell you all interesting prizes to me by the political agents after all of them have failed to kill me. The present ruling party of my country, through their artificial dreams, in January 2014 offered me to be a Cabinet Minister which was surely “the Foreign Minister”. Due to non-support to such offer by my heart; the offer has, later, been reduced. The MICRO CHIP listeners, subsequently, supplied a dream to be a state Minister on another Government department. But it has been completely a matter of my KING HEART which does not want to be “GREEDY” at any cost. In September 2014, it is surely “ITALY’s secret service” that has been failed to kill my heart through the existing ‘MICRO CHIP’ into my brain. But these secret worlds on their racial angers have been able to kill a number of innocent individuals particularly in USA and UK inclusive a pigeon just at the shed of my window. The pigeon was killed on test after they failed to kill me through the existing MICRO CHIP. My country’s “Opposition Party” was in control of the shared flat in E1 5RD. The politically motivated secret cyber agents transferred dreams into my brain during my sleep offering “the Party’s young wings seriously want me to be their new leadership”. But my heart, still, does not want to be a “GREEDY” one. My BRAIN, rather, remembers my past political activities on behalf the present ruling party behind the only reason of refusal. PM office hasnt responded even a single email of mine of my dangerous moments while I sought our government’s help until Dec 2012. My GOD gifted extra-ordinary heart, rather, remains to be steady on my own target of a new political Party. I have already proclaimed the first announcement of my new political party in the social media despite it is yet unregistered. After my heart denied the opposition party’s leadership proposal in the first week of Sept 2014, a huge multiple tortures both solidly and bodily on me had been going on in the above flat (E1 5RD). The Islamic Party’s cyber agents on duty were likely the co-assisting torturer in this flat who similarly served their proposal to be party’s “CHAIRMAN”. This proposal was served a few days after the opposition party’s proposal was refused. The Islamic Party’s proposal is also directly refused by my heart without a single thought. I, then, risked coming out of this flat to save my life. The agents on duty gave me troubles for around 01 month so that I can’t even rent anywhere else. After moving out, I had to pass nights in hostel and hotel in another city. In the hostel, I received harsh torture of “Gay test” in the most horrible way at my first night’s sleep by likely the USA secret agents. I, later, got my new rented shared flat at N22 5QU through “GUM TREE”. I, earlier, posted about “the ugly hostel story” in my f/b accounts. I will also brief about my present home in future. 3) VICE CHANCELLOR: I have heard that your immediate elder brother has been used against you on behalf of your country’s opposition political party. He had to travel twice in this country despite his first travel was completely on tricks. He could realize nothing but you understood everything. Is it true??? Doesnt he believe these serious matters???? Didnt he come to see you??? GRAHAM: Sir! I do believe that my elder brother will definitely not work against me despite his serious involvement with the political activities of the opposition party. He may have been used by his party’s clever agents who seem to me like “CROW”. Sir! Just trust me. I don’t need anyone’s help except the almighty GOD. All of those criminals, rather, once require my help whoever they are and however powerful they have been. They may not acknowledge it today spontaneously. But it is to let you know with my pride that I have taught them huge lessons since July 2012. They have to remember my lessons at least behind me. STUDENT UNION LEADER: Sir! We would like to end here for today. We must come to you with detail. VICE CHANCELLOR: Certainly! You must come by next Friday in the office hour. Thank you very much both of you. GRAHAM: Thank you too, SIR.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:52:04 +0000

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