COOK ISLANDS NEWS, Thursday 17 April 2014 FRONT PAGE STORIES - TopicsExpress


COOK ISLANDS NEWS, Thursday 17 April 2014 FRONT PAGE STORIES Snap election called for July Early elections have been scheduled for July 9 after the dissolution of Parliament yesterday by Queen’s Representative Tom Marsters. According to a statement issued by the office of the Head of State, QR Marsters said he was advised by Prime Minister Henry Puna to dissolve Parliament and to call a general election. In his statement, Marsters said the current government “... is of the view that it is necessary to have early elections because of the need to have the incoming government in place well in advance of the 50th anniversary of self government in 2015”. “An early election will also allow the incoming government to prepare and pass an appropriate budget in plenty of time to give full effect to its plans for this major event”. Marsters said the current government will continue to manage the affairs of the nation in a “caretaker capacity”. A statement issued by the Office of the Prime Minister said the Cook Islands Party (CIP) government “has put the wishes of the people first ahead of key decisions” in calling for early elections. “The early election is due to our respect for the wishes of the people,” said PM Puna. “Next year, the significance of our 50th anniversary and the importance of key events and projects will need the support from a mandate by the people.” The Prime Minister also paid tribute to what he described as “Government’s progress and record of achievements”, adding “we’ve built a very strong foundation of positive achievements, which can only grow and improve.” Behind the scenes in the backdrop of the bombshell announcement, political leaders were buzzing with speculation and offering alternative theories for the early election call. Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen was dousing rumours that Aitutaki MP and Cabinet Minister Teina Bishop and Tupapa MP George Maggie had an arrangement to join the Democratic Party ranks by crossing the floor. Rasmussen said he had been approached by a third “go-between” member of the Government about a possible deal, but the idea was tossed aside after meetings between caucus and the Demo party executive. Atiu Member of Parliament Norman George said he was in “a state of surprise” Wednesday morning. Only minutes before hearing the announcement, the veteran MP said he was drafting questions for yesterday’s scheduled 1pm sitting of the House. “Call it the red moon surprise,” he said. - Emmanuel Samoglou Election call was ‘selfish’: Rasmussen Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen says he believes discord within the Cook Islands Party Government let to yesterday’s announcement for early general elections. “The PM has finally realised he doesn’t hold the majority and confidence of his own team,” said Rasmussen. “We are only speculating, but it has to be that.” The nation’s political scene was hit by a blockbuster announcement yesterday morning by Queen’s Representative Tom Marsters, who announced the dissolution of Parliament and the scheduling of a General Election on July 9.Rasmussen lashed out against Prime Minister Henry Puna, describing his request for early elections as “selfish”. “It’s self preservation,” he said. “They tabled a number of bills, and for them to do this, it throws everything in the air ... it’s extremely irresponsible of the Prime Minister to do this.” In addition to digesting the news of the election call, Rasmussen was forced to confront rumours that Members of Parliament Teina Bishop and George Maggie had a deal to join the Democratic Party, therefore stripping the CIP of its majority in the House. Rasmussen denied any arrangement with the allegedly rogue MPs, however, he acknowledged he was approached by a “go between” CIP MP, who notified him of the intention by Maggie and Bishop to not give the Government “majority support”. Additionally, he speculated that there could be up to four CIP members of the Government “... who are displaying unhappiness with the PM.” “The Demo was not going into any coalition… I called a meeting with caucus and executive and we said we were not interested, we would rather go to an election.” “We are ready ... we are happy that it has been called.” The Opposition leader also said he had concern with how the PM’s request was handled by the Queen’s Representative, saying an option existed to see “... if Parliament could hold confidence in any member other than the Prime Minister”, thereby avoiding the early election call. “He chose simply to dissolve Parliament ... he does have discretion, he does have authority to consider what is best for the country, rather than just dissolve Parliament.” - Emmanuel Samoglou No paper tomorrow There will be no Cook Islands News published tomorrow (Good Friday) or Monday (Easter Monday). Our offices will be closed on both Friday and Monday, but late special notices can be emailed to adverts@cookislandsnews up until 1pm on Good Friday for Saturday’s paper; and again until 1pm on Easter Monday for Tuesday’s papers. Any news tips or contributions can be emailed anytime to editor@cookislandsnews OTHER STORIES Cyclists to call for more road space Local cycling enthusiast Brett Porter is gearing up to fight for bigger and better roads in Rarotonga so that cyclists and motorists can co-exist safely. Porter, who owns bike shop Ride Rarotonga, is looking to form a Cycling Advocacy Group, comprising a core of about 12 people. The group’s main focus will be on pressuring the Government to build a decent shoulder on the island’s main road, Porter said. “It’s about getting our shoulders reinstated. When you’ve got diminished road space like we have, you’re going to have conflict.” He said there has never been roadside drainage so when water drains off the camber of the road, it takes the shoulder with it. The result is that cyclists are forced to share the lane with motorists which is unsafe and creates angst. However, Porter said he is not out to advocate for the rights of cyclists over motorists. “The two must exist side by side on the road. We need to understand each other’s rights and what comes from that is a common courtesy.” He said his aim is to make the roads safer for everyday people who want to commute or go for a casual ride. Porter, who cycles more than 300 days of the year, said he knows how to navigate our roads safely but only because he has years of experience. “Kids are not as confident on a bike as I might be. They can’t necessarily ride on the rough shoulder.” He said Ride Rarotonga has sold 260 bikes in its first four months since opening. “What that shows is there’s definitely a market for quality bikes and an interest in getting out cycling.” The Cycling Advocacy Group will be promoting road upgrades as a major political issue leading up to the next election. - BCS Departure tax change soon? Cruise ships will be allowed to stop over for more than 24 hours without being charged departure tax if a new proposal gets the green light. Financial Secretary Richard Neves met with representatives of the tourism industry on Tuesday to discuss last week’s debacle with the MS Marina. The large cruise ship cancelled an overnight stopover in Rarotonga after finding out that its 1245 passengers and 764 crew members would be hit with a $65 departure tax. Under the Departure Tax Act 2012, anyone who stops in the Cook Islands for longer than 24 hours must pay the tax upon leaving the country. After meeting with the tourism sector, Neves and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management have developed a proposal for Government Ministers to consider. “We are confident that we have come up with a solution to shortly present to Cabinet that will avoid the issues we suffered last week in terms of departure tax and the cruise,” he said. The exact change will involve extending the amount of time cruise ships can spend in the Cook Islands without having to pay the $65 tax. It will be up to Cabinet to decide how long but extending it to 48 hours should solve the problem, Neves said. “This will only require a regulatory change, and therefore does not need to go to Parliament. It will be through an Order in Executive Council.” The exemption will only apply to cruise ships; any other vessels stopping for longer than 24 hours will continue paying the tax manually through the Ports Authority. Neves said visitors who come ashore from a cruise ship but then leave the country by plane after 24 hours will have to pay. Metua Vaiimene, Director of Destination Development for the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation, said he is confident the new proposal will prevent a repeat of last week’s eleventh-hour cancellation by the Marina. - BCS Bishop denies floor crossing allegations Education and tourism Minister Teina Bishop has described allegations of floor crossing as “absolute nonsense”. Bishop, along with Tupapa Member of Parliament George Maggie, arrived from Aitutaki yesterday just after noon. Both had been absent from Parliament on Tuesday, shrinking the numbers of the Cook Islands Party-led Government to 11 in the House. Political observers and elected officials were speculating on the intentions of Bishop and Maggie, and whether their absence in the House played a role in the Government’s decision to ask Queen’s Representative Tom Marsters to dissolve Parliament and announce a snap election. Bishop said the two were coming back to sit in Parliament for a scheduled 1pm sitting, where he expected to deal with a number of pieces of pending legislation, including the supplementary budget bill which included amendments to the $195.5 million budget for 2013-14. Previously, Finance Minister Mark Brown said he was intending to table the budget bill in a night sitting on Tuesday – putting Bishop’s interpretation of how events were supposed to play out at odds with the government. In a press conference yesterday afternoon, Prime Minister Henry Puna said he was “very disappointed” not to see Bishop and Maggie in the House on Tuesday to offer support to the Government, saying numerous phone calls and text messages to the MPs went unanswered. “They both bolted to Aitutaki,” said Deputy Prime Minister Teariki Heather, who was present at the press conference, along with Agriculture Minister Kiriau Turepu. “It’s hard to argue against negative conclusions drawing from that,” added Puna. As for Bishop’s role in the Prime Minister’s inner circle, Puna’s Advisor Trevor Pitt said the future remains uncertain for the Aitutaki MP. “Technically he is a Cabinet Minister, but I think there is a question mark hanging over his head as to what his future is,” said Pitt. When pressed yesterday, Bishop said he was remaining loyal to the PM and the CIP. “I’m not going to criticise my leader, he is still the leader of the party I belong to,” he said. “If they want to believe rumours,that is their problem,” he said. “The fact is that we have never let the team down.” Maggie said he had “no comment” with regards to the developments. - ES Bishop denies floor crossing allegations Education and tourism Minister Teina Bishop has described allegations of floor crossing as “absolute nonsense”. Bishop, along with Tupapa Member of Parliament George Maggie, arrived from Aitutaki yesterday just after noon. Both had been absent from Parliament on Tuesday, shrinking the numbers of the Cook Islands Party-led Government to 11 in the House. Political observers and elected officials were speculating on the intentions of Bishop and Maggie, and whether their absence in the House played a role in the Government’s decision to ask Queen’s Representative Tom Marsters to dissolve Parliament and announce a snap election. Bishop said the two were coming back to sit in Parliament for a scheduled 1pm sitting, where he expected to deal with a number of pieces of pending legislation, including the supplementary budget bill which included amendments to the $195.5 million budget for 2013-14. Previously, Finance Minister Mark Brown said he was intending to table the budget bill in a night sitting on Tuesday – putting Bishop’s interpretation of how events were supposed to play out at odds with the government. In a press conference yesterday afternoon, Prime Minister Henry Puna said he was “very disappointed” not to see Bishop and Maggie in the House on Tuesday to offer support to the Government, saying numerous phone calls and text messages to the MPs went unanswered. “They both bolted to Aitutaki,” said Deputy Prime Minister Teariki Heather, who was present at the press conference, along with Agriculture Minister Kiriau Turepu. “It’s hard to argue against negative conclusions drawing from that,” added Puna. As for Bishop’s role in the Prime Minister’s inner circle, Puna’s Advisor Trevor Pitt said the future remains uncertain for the Aitutaki MP. “Technically he is a Cabinet Minister, but I think there is a question mark hanging over his head as to what his future is,” said Pitt. When pressed yesterday, Bishop said he was remaining loyal to the PM and the CIP. “I’m not going to criticise my leader, he is still the leader of the party I belong to,” he said. “If they want to believe rumours,that is their problem,” he said. “The fact is that we have never let the team down.” Maggie said he had “no comment” with regards to the developments. - ES St Joseph’s Maori Day Maori language and culture was alive at St Joseph’s Primary School yesterday when the school held a “Maori Day” event showcasing their Cook Islands Maori language and cultural knowledge. Dressed in their best pareu wear and traditional costumes, students sang their favourite Maori songs, performed short skits based on old myths and legends and had lots of fun chatting in Maori. The day was organised as a fun way for the students to reinforce their Maori language and culture lessons they had been learning throughout the term. It was a colourful and joyful day for all. - MW Road Safety Council elects new officers Dr Aumea Herman made a presentation on “Progressing Cook Islands Injury – Road Traffic Injury Research Project” to the annual general meeting of the re-formed Road Safety Council held recently. Meetings will be held on the third Monday of each month at 1.30pm. Election of Officers: President, Mike Pynenburg; Vice President, Brent Fisher; Secretary, Lynne Samuel; Treasurer, Thomas Wynne; Police Representative, Teaukura Enoka; Youth Representative, Valentino Wichman; General Representative, Tapu Enjoy. - Mark Ebrey TMV petition referred to Select Committee Parliament has agreed to review a petition that aims to put a halt to the $60 million Te Mato Vai water project. The petition, which contains 1946 signatures gathered by a citizens group called the Te Mato Vai Petition Committee, was read in Parliament by Clerk John Tangi yesterday. Opposition Leader Wilkie Rasmussen, who tabled the petition earlier this month in Parliament, moved a motion to have it reviewed by select committee, which was agreed to by MPs from both sides of the floor without dissent. It will now wait until a new Government is elected in July. The petition cites 11 concerns with the project including cost, alleged conflict of interest by an elected official, and criticism of the public consultation process. Construction of the project commenced this week, beginning with the replacement of the ring mains which encircle the island. - ES Nukutere focus on school fee deficit Nukutere College has a major task ahead of it collecting outstanding school fees, the PTA AGM was told. Chair Munokoa Purea said there were huge outstanding fees for 2013 and also those from years’ further back. As a result the PTA had taken up the challenge of working together with parents and the Board on the collection of school fees. Information evenings were held and a recommendation that a survey be held to get the views of all families on the collection of fees. This was carried out with the assistance of Teina Rongo. Purea said families were informed on the results of the survey through the college newsletter. Recommendations had been taken on board to assist in the collection of fees and positive responses were also received from parents in the payment of school fees. She told the AGM that because of funding and staffing allowances from the Ministry of Education, there was a need to promote Nukutere College. In November students from other schools were brought to Nukutere and introduced to what Nukutere has to offer and the day was enjoyed by all. Officers elected: Chairperson, Munokoa Purea; Assistant Chairperson, Eddie Drollet; Secretary, Amanda Pauka; Treasurer, Teariki Pennycook: Executive members, Lynette Hagai, Madeline Sword, Chrissy Tatum, Ake Utanga, Mr and Mrs Reeves: Staff Representative, Tatari Mitchell. - Mark Ebrey Long-legged friend This hairy arachnid attracted plenty of attention when it found a perch outside the CINews office on Tuesday. At about 12-15cm in width, the spider was the biggest many of us had seen. Natural Heritage Trust director Gerald McCormack confirmed the spider as being a female Heteropoda venatoria, more commonly known as the Brown Huntsman. The Huntsman is a large free-roving spider which eats cockroaches and other insects. LETTERS No response from PM on Sept petition Dear Editor, Last week I was asked what the Prime Ministers reply was to Mauke’s purse seine petition. That question brought back terrible feelings. You see we still have had no reply and by the end of last year I was so disheartened over this that I pretty much gave up. But the question must be asked. Does Government have procedures in place for handling matters brought to their attention by the general public? I know schools have such procedures. When I was a principal, even if only one parent approached me about a matter, I would be obliged, in fact required, to look into it and get back to them. If they gave a written complaint, I would have to reply in writing. No less should be expected than a written reply from the Prime Minister addressing each point of Mauke’s petition. To refresh - on Sept 13, 2013 Mauke, one of only eight inhabited islands of the Cooks, sent a petition to the Prime Minister. A petition that bears the signatures of over 90% of Mauke’s voting population. The petition requests are as follows: • Stop negotiations with the EU purse seiners. • Phase out all purse seine fishing within the Cook Islands EEZ. • Allow FADs (fishing aggregating devices) only to be used by local small scale fishers. • Review the charges on fish caught by foreign fishing vessels so that charges reflect the true value of this natural resource which we believe to be as valuable, if not more so, than oil because when oil runs out we have alternative energy sources, but when the fish run out we cannot make more. • Review the annual TAC (total allowable catch) within the Cook Islands EEZ so that fishing is kept to a sustainable level that will ensure food security for future generations of Cook Islanders. To date we have had no written reply to this petition. When MMR came for a supposed consultation late last year they didn’t even verbally address each of these issues. We have been totally ignored! We may be a small population, but we are still one island and that matters because our islands are connected via the ocean. Impact to one island eventually impacts upon the other islands eg Aitutaki’s lagoon now suffers similar issues to Rarotonga’s due to human impact. Sadly, evidence suggests that Aitutaki’s problem is making its way via currents to the uninhabited island of Manuae where some corals are suffering a disease only associated with human impact. We are one huge inter-linked body, if one suffers we all suffer, if one is overfished we all end up with less fish. Still waiting for a reply! June Hosking QR should have asked PM to go back to Parliament Dear Editor, Article 37(3) of the Constitution reads as follows- “The Queens Representative may at any time, by notice published in the Cook Islands Gazette, dissolve Parliament if he is advised by the Prime Minister to do so, but shall not be obliged to act in this respect in accordance with the advice of the Prime Minister unless the Queen’s Representative is satisfied, acting in his discretion, that in tendering that advice the Prime Minister commands the confidence of a majority of the Members of Parliament”. Whilst I have the greatest respect for the office of the Queen’s Representative this does not mean I cannot disagree with his actions and his reasoning. The Queen’s Representative has a duty to uphold the principles of our brand of parliamentary democracy and to ensure we maintain within the context of our Constitution and the conventions upon which it is based the institution of Parliament. In my view he has failed in his duty and too quickly capitulated and adopted the transparent and specious grounds tendered by Government to justify this hasty action to dissolve Parliament (wishes of the people; preparation time for 50th anniversary etc, etc) resulting in an interruption in and unfinished parliamentary business. The QR pursuant to this above quoted Article has discretion as to whether he accepts the PM’s advice or not to dissolve Parliament but that discretion is over-ridden if the PM can demonstrate that in seeking the dissolution he is supported by a majority of members. It would, in other words, be his duty to dissolve if the PM had the numbers but clearly, from accompanying news bulletins, he did not and he could see a loss of Government and the Demos (or a coalition of Demos and disgruntled CIP members) replacing his administration. It is not the duty of the QR to acquiesce in the Government’s survival plans but to consult with better advisers than he has and determine whether, within the parameters of the Article and constitutional conventions, continuation of parliamentary government through to the expiration of the present term could be secured. He did not do that and it is my contention that he should have. Parliament was in session. He should have, acting in his discretion, dismissed the PM and his advice and sent him back to Parliament to secure an endorsement (if one was to be forthcoming) by seeking a confidence vote. If the PM were defeated the PM could then request a dissolution but, again, the question of discretion would operate and again; it is not the job of the QR to do the Prime Minister’s bidding but firstly to determine by whatever means were at his disposal (calling all members to an informal meeting) and ascertain whether there were support from them for an alternate government to be formed. From all accounts there would have been; and proper parliamentary government could then have continued in an orderly, constitutional manner. This was obviously not what the PM wanted and the QR by his actions and inaction has allowed the PM to orchestrate events to his own ends. John M Scott Cooks doesn’t need a RED presence Dear Editor, It is with dismay that I RED that Telecom NZ has conditionally sold its 60 per cent control of the local mobile network to Digicel. In Vanuatu, my adopted country, Digicel entered some four years ago and proceeded to paint the town RED – RED in colour and RED in debt with continual targeting of a low capita population with gambling via texts and heavy handed marketing which has not only transformed Port Vila Lenakal Santo into a red town, but created a junk phone and wastage problem on the outer islands also. The beautiful Cooks are very special – RED buildings, trucks, taxis and phone gambling is NOT what the Cook Islands need. Mike Pole Vanuatu Digicel’s response: Digicel’s arrival in Vanuatu in June 2008 as the second operator offered consumers an alternative network provider offering greater value and affordable rates by consequently reducing calling rates and providing a wider range of promotions and plans for voice and SMS. Before Digicel’s entry, SIM cards were US$50 and now they are US$5, handset ranges were limited and expensive, now entry level smartphones are US$60. Prior to Digicel’s entry into Vanuatu, mobile penetration was 12%. It is now over 100% (Source: World Bank 2012). Vanuatu is a geographically challenging country; spread over 83 islands across a large expanse of the Pacific with a total area of 12,274 square km, of which is 73% forested with steep terrain and unstable soils; 80% of the population live in rural areas. Only 38% of Digicel’s cell sites have grid power, necessitating a high reliance on solar and diesel. More than 50% of sites have no road access and, in some cases, it is a four hour hike for re-fuel or maintenance. Despite these geographic hurdles, Digicel has delivered and brought telecommunication coverage to 93% of the population, including remote islands who never had access before. Furthermore, the network consistently performs well above global standards. In addition to supporting customers with the best service at the best value, Digicel supports local community-based initiatives. These include supporting women’s computer club and classes on Nguna Island with the provision of a generator to power computers and also, recognising that women are often the main breadwinner growing fruit and produce to then sell at local market, Digicel has provided roadside markets on Efate, Epi and Malekula islands. In another initative, Digicel has provided solar lights with mobile phone charging stations located in seven different locations across the islands of Vanuatu. Digicel is the proud sponsor of the Vanuatu National Cricket team and has well known Cricket Captain and local role model Andrew Mansale as a Brand Ambassador. Furthermore, Digicel supports Community Cricket initiatives including the Annual Children’s Day Cricket Carnival, and also helps the Vanuatu Surfing Association through supporting coaching, surfboard refurbishment and competition events for youth in beach communities in Port Vila and Santo. Other community projects and sponsorship include schools in rural and under-privileged urban areas and also cultural events such as the Fire Music Festival. To mark Digicel’s Fifth Anniversary in 2013, five kindergartens across the islands were selected and received donations of school supplies, books and building materials. In Vanuatu the Digicel brand is very strong and Digicel’s advertising supports a number of local businesses including being the largest advertiser in the daily newspaper and radio and sponsoring national and local radio stations as well as other businesses such as self-employed bus drivers and shop-keepers. Digicel is a major employer, providing direct employment for over 140 people and indirect employment for many more. Digicel does run a range of innovative competitions, producing an average of 50 winners per month with a range of prizes. Recently, Port Vila resident Markson Ray came away with the top prize of US$1000 for the March SMS game, Markson was speechless when told of his 100,000VT cash win, exclaiming: Mi no save bilivim! (I can’t believe it!). Paul Stafford Digicel Pacific Limited SPORTS Touch thrills and spills Today we share more action photos from the open men and women’s touch rugby finals on Monday night. The men’s finals was taken out by the experienced Da Ropaz team who faced a valiant Nukz Power crew while the young women’s FBI team gave it their best and applied plenty of pressure on their opponents the Bounty Hunters in the women’s division. However, the experienced Bounty Hunters rose to the occasion to win the grand final 5-2 and take the champions crown. Yesterday mixed touch teams took to the field for their playoff games ahead of next week’s grand finals. Five-a-side soccer hypes up Five-a-side soccer builds up today as the women’s and men’s divisions play their second game at the CIFA complex in Matavera. The action packed games will see more teamwork, technique and speed in this fast paced competition. Today’s five-a-side competition will see the women’s division play their second games at 4.45pm while the men’s category head into their matches at 5.20pm. The women’s division kicks off with Tupapa Qweenz going head to head against Hoteyes on field one. Corporate will take on Tic Taks on field two, Lady Bears will play Hush Barbizs on field three and Cherries will play SWAT on field four. In the men’s division Fast & Furious will face No Ordinary Family on field one, high goal scoring Snowbirds will play DJS on field two, Virgin Ave will take on Friends on field three and Yelloweez will contest Turbo on field four. Last Monday’s games saw the men’s division Snowbirds overwhelmed the Yelloweez seven to nil and Virgin Ave astounded the Turbo’s five to nil in a lively game. In the women’s division, the goal scoring spree intensified with Tupapa Qweenz thrashing the SWAT twelve goals to nil and Corporate crushing the Hush Barbizs eight to nil. We encourage you to come and show your support for your teams today. - CIFA Media Results from Monday’s match: (women) – Cherries 3 vs Tic Taks 0, Tupapa Qweenz 12 vs SWAT 0, Hush Barbizs 0 vs Corporate 8, Lady Bears 0 vs Hoteyes 3, (men) – Snowbird 7 vs Yelloweez 0, Virgin Ave 5 vs Turbo 0, Fast & Furious 1 vs DJS 1, No Ordinary Family 4 vs Friends 2. Draw for today, women’s division: Field 1-Tupapa Qweenz vs. Hoteyes, Field 2-Tic Taks vs. Corporate, Field 3-Hush Barbizs vs. Lady Bears, Field 4-Cherries vs. SWAT. Draw for the men’s category: Field 1-Fast & Furious vs. No Ordinary Family, Field 2-Snowbird vs. DJS, Field 3-Virgin Ave vs. Friends, Field 4-Yelloweez vs. Turbo. Bears to battle Aitutaki Sharks Arutanga field and the Avatiu Swamp will host league games today with the Arorangi Bears scheduled to play the Aitutaki Sharks and the Avatiu Eels set to host the Titikaveka Bulldogs. At Arutanga field, the Bears will be looking for the killer blow after missing out on toppling the top of the table Eels last weekend. They will face an Aitutaki side with nothing to lose and their vocal supporters today at 5pm. Meanwhile, at the Avatiu field – the premier men’s Eels side will host the Bulldogs in what should be a bruising encounter between the top two men’s side. The match will kick off at 4.45pm. The two clubs will meet again on Monday in the grand finals of the premier grade Navy Epati Memorial Challenge. The Tupapa Panthers reserve grade will host their Arorangi Bears counterparts today at Victoria Park with this game scheduled to kick off at 4.45pm. On Saturday all the league action will be at Nukupure Park in Ngatangiia where various age grade games have been scheduled before the main premier game between the Ngatangiia Sea Eagles and the Takuvaine Warriors at 3.30pm. - MW This week’s draw: Thursday 17 Aitutaki Sharks vs Arorangi Bears at Arutanga field – 5pm Premiers, Ref-Pio Mitchell assisted by A.Tanga/ T.Benioni, (Sub Official-B.Toka). Thursday 17 Tupapa Panthers vs Arorangi Bears at Victoria Park – 4.45pm Reserves, Ref-Ngavavia Tou assisted by T.Nelio/T.Taomea. Thursday 17 Avatiu Eels vs Titikaveka Bulldogs at Avatiu field – 4.45pm Premiers, Ref-Nga Takaiti assisted by P.Ngaroi/B.Bishop, (Sub Official-W.Tangata). Saturday 19 Ngatangiia Sea Eagles vs Takuvaine Warriors at Nukupure Park – 2pm Under 19 Warriors vs Eels, Ref-Bishop Bishop assisted by T.Nelio/T.Taurarii, 3.30pm Premiers, Ref-Tangi Taomea assisted by N.Tou/N.Takaiti, (Sub Official-P.Mitchell). Close encounters in mixed jam basketball The Mixed Jam basketball competition is well under way with week two results being boosted by some good scoring and tightly contested games. As expected, the game between the New Year’s tournament finalists the Ngatangiia Sharks (sponsored by Pacific Divers) and Wigmores Superstore (formerly Up and Go), provided a lot of the buzz talk. As with the rules of this tournament, teams must field at least three female players and two males. This affected the Sharks who only had two females turn out which meant that they had to play the whole game with four on-court players. Step up Sharks’ Brendon Heath (14 points) who managed to take some control of the game to see his team scrape through by nine points to take out the first of their meetings 38-29. Other games of the evening saw a determined Avalicious team out-score Team Audit by a small margin 25-22 in a close encounter while the other closely contested match was Ministry of Education Supremes 22 and MFEM Giants 18. The final game of the evening was between the Ministry of Health Scrubs overwhelming Moana Sands 44-14 with Nukutau Pokura chiming in with a well taken 24 point haul. This week’s draw will see Team Audit taking on the MFEM Giants in the starting slot at 5.30pm, MOE Supremes mixing it up with Moana Sands in the 6.20 game; Wigmores Super Store will take on the MOH Scrubs who come hot off a two game winning streak at 7.10 and the final game also to provide some entertainment sees the Sharks looking to take a piece off Avalicious in the 8pm closer. Games are scheduled each Thursday and tip off at 5.30 at the TSA. Spectators are more than welcome to come and support the teams with a small door charge of $2 while children are free of charge. - CIBF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENT Public Notices The Office of the Prime Minister wishes to advise the public that Friday 18 April 2014 & Monday 21 April 2014 will be observed as a public holiday in respect of Good Friday and Easter Monday, as stipulated under the Public Holidays Act 1999. Happy Easter! 78225 / /1842 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mr Tony Bullivant on behalf of Anchorage Restaurant has filed an application with the Liquor Licensing Authority for a Restaurant/Bar Liquor Licence to provide for the Sale of Liquor on the premises at: ARORANGI(Village) RAROTONGA(Island) Days and Hours of Trading:Mondays to Saturdays between the hours of 11am and 12midnight. Sundays to bona fide diners between the hours of 6pm and 10pm. Any person who objects to the said application should do so in writing, addressed to the Secretary, Liquor Licensing Authority, PO Box 61, Rarotonga by 23 April 2014. 78141 / /2592 Scotts Farm announcement to customers- As expected and foreshadowed in numerous letters to the newspaper Government’s interference in the local egg industry has meant a scaling down of our operation to the point where we cannot now supply all your requirements. We will do what we can from our diminished production but you may need to be looking elsewhere. 78273 / /2134 Tamarind House Restaurant & Bar Ph: [682] 26-487, Email: [email protected] Web: EASTER HOURS Tamarind House will be Closed on Easter Friday: OPEN EASTER SATURDAY FOR DINNER FROM 5.30PM OPEN EASTER SUNDAY FOR BRUNCH FROM 9am to 2pm OPEN EASTER MONDAY FOR DINNER FROM 530PM. 78269 / /1697 NOTICE TO TE APONGA UIRA CUSTOMERS We advise all our valued customers that the March power consumption charges included in your April power bill has been levied at the new April VAT rate. We apologise for this and we will be crediting your next account with the difference between the amount you were charged and that which you should have been charged. 78180 / /1823 New Shipment of Quality New & Used Furniture just arrived at The Furniture Centre. Phone 21285. 78200 / /1986 School Holiday Tennis Coaching Starting Easter Monday ages 4-7 9am -10pm, 7 upwards 10am to 1pm, For enquiries Phone 75614 or 22033. 78276 /37474 /1931 French is Fun! Children’s Holiday Programme 7 to 11 old French *Art *Craft *Cooking 22, 23, 24 - 29, 30 April & 1 May / 9am to 12pm / Tupapa Heights $45 per week 1 or $80 for week 1 & 2. Register your child’s spot! 76556 - 26556 or afrarotonga@gmail Programme on website or facebook page. 78211 / /1626 Cook Islands Game Fishing Club - Easter Competition The Easter Game Fishing Competition, sponsored by Cafe Salsa will be held on Saturday 19th and Monday 21st April from 0600 to 1800 hrs. This competition is for financial members of the Cook Islands Game Fishing Club Inc. All boats must pay registration fee of $20 by 11:30 pm at the clubhouse on Thursday 17th April. Prize-giving will be from 1900 hrs on Monday, winners must be present. Peter Etches Secretary CIGF 78239 / /2176 Cook Islands Towage Ltd (Barge) Shipping Notice Cook Islands Towage (Barge) is receiving cargo for Mauke Atiu Mitiaro from Wednesday 16 April to 24 April 2014. Barge will depart Sunday 27 April 2014. For further information please contact 27674. 78272 / /1853 TUPAPA MARAERENGA DEMOCRATIC PARTY NOMINATION OF CANDIDATE FOR THE UPCOMING GENERAL ELECTIONS The Tupapa Maraerenga Democratic Party is pleased to announce that nominations for candidacy for the upcoming General Election are now being accepted. Candidate Nomination Forms and Selection Criteria can be obtained from Eddie Drollett on 52884 and Membership Cards can be paid and collected from Pauline Dean on 71002 and Tokoa Harmon on 71099. All Nomination Forms and Fees to be submitted to Eddie Drollett at the Opposition Office in Ruatonga no later than 4pm on Thursday 17 April 2014. No late nomination forms will be accepted. For further information, please contact the following Committee Members: Eddie Drollett 29033/52884 William Framhein 25020/55998 Kia Pupuru o Vaevae e Tu ki te Papa Nui o te Au, Koia mou to tatou Tapere- Tupapa Nui. 77974 /37430 /1808 The Rickshaw Ph: 22-232 or 26487 Email: [email protected] The Rickshaw will be Closed on Easter Friday: OPEN EASTER SATURDAY FOR DINNER FROM 5.30PM. OPEN EASTER SUNDAY FOR DINNER FROM 5.30PM. OPEN EASTER MONDAY FOR DINNER FROM 5.30PM. 78271 / /1697 2015 NEW ZEALAND COMMONWEALTH SCHOLARSHIPS The Government of the Cook Islands is seeking “Expressions of interest” for Scholarship awards from suitably qualified Cook Islands men and women to study at a New Zealand academic institution commencing in February 2015. Scholarships are funded by the New Zealand Aid Programme and are for PhD or Masters level study only. The scholarships are available to those working in the public, private and non-government sectors, and to those residing in the Cook Islands. There are 2 awards available for this scheme and these will be offered equitably to 1 female and 1 male candidate. Applicant selection will be based upon meeting the scholarship eligibility criteria, primarily that of: • Academic merit of the candidate • The quality of the research proposal • The proposed course of study meets Cook Islands Government’s National HRD priority needs National HRD priority areas are as follows: Agriculture, Education (Secondary teaching: for Maths & Science subjects), Finance Management, Health, ICT, Marine Resources/Fisheries, Renewable Energy, Trade areas and Waste Management although other areas may be included (excluding Aviation, Civil Engineering and Architectural studies). For further information and application forms, contact Anna Roi on ph 29357 ext. 245 or email [email protected]. Application forms must be received no later than 12pm Wednesday, 30 April 2014. 78166 Cook Islands Tourism would like to advise the public that its Visitor Information Centre will be trialing new opening hours during public holidays beginning on Friday 18 April – Good Friday, Monday 21 April - Easter Monday and Friday 25 April – ANZAC Day. Our temporary opening hours for public holidays will be from 10am – 2pm. For all enquires contact us on phone 29435 or email [email protected] 78237 2014/2015 NEW ZEALAND PACIFIC SCHOLARSHIP (NZPS) & REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIP (RDS) AWARDS The Government of the Cook Islands is seeking “Expressions of interest” for Scholarship awards from suitably qualified Cook Islands men and women to study at a Pacific Regional Institute (excluding Australia) or NZ academic institution. * NZ Pacific Scholarship – undergraduate study in NZ only • 5 multi year awards • 1 single year award – study options are at undergraduate, graduate or at postgraduate level that are designed to take no longer than one year to complete * NZ Regional scholarship – are available for both undergraduate and postgraduate study at a Pacific based tertiary institution (eg. USP, FNU) The NZPS & RDS scholarships are open to Cook Island persons from all sectors of the community, public and private, living here in the Cook Islands. Applicant selection will be based upon meeting the scholarship eligibility criteria, primarily that of academic merit and that the proposed course of study meets Government’s HRD priorities for the Cook Islands. 2014/2015 SHORT TERM TRAINING AWARDS (STTA) Employers wishing to develop staff skills through New Zealand provided training are invited to apply for assistance from the New Zealand Aid Programme supported Short Term Training Awards. This may include new studies towards courses at tertiary institutes (e.g Universities and Polytechnics) provided that completion is within a period of less than 12 months. Please note, degree studies, postgraduate studies, conferences and workshops will not be considered under this scheme. STTA will not be awarded where the proposed training is available in-country. The STTA awards are open to Cook Island persons from all sectors of the community, public and private, living here in the Cook Islands. Scholarships and the STTA are offered in specific subject areas that are relevant to the development needs and employment opportunities of the Cook Islands. Applications will be prioritized according to the following HRD priorities for 2014/2015: Agriculture, Education (Secondary teaching: for Maths & Science subjects), Finance Management, Health, ICT, Marine Resources/Fisheries, Renewable Energy, Trade areas and Waste Management although other areas may be included (excluding Aviation, Civil Engineering and Architectural studies) For further information and application forms, contact Anna Roi on ph 29357 ext. 245 or email [email protected] Application forms must be received no later than 12pm, Thursday 24 April 2014. 78098 Church Notices Thursday 17 April Jesus came, died, buried, rose, ascended and glorified Lord of Lords and King of Kings! 7.00pm - Evening service by the Joseph family. Friday April 18 - Family Day Sunday April 20 8.30am - Flash church news by Intern Tangaroa Uea on Radio Matariki 9.30am - Home Sunday School visitations 10.00am - Sunday School for all ages ‘The Third Day’ Luke 24: 6 - 7 11.00am - Special Easter Service - Bishop Pere interviews all Elders on Jesus’s Resurrection! - fellowship luncheon - Alive for Jesus nationwide radio ministry with Elder Teiaa Potoru 2.30pm - fellowship with Jesus’s inmate friends 4.00pm - Nothing but the Truth TV Ministry - ‘The Awakening’ by Bishop Ellis. 7.00pm - Special Easter Sharing Service & Bishop Pere’s Teaching Monday April 21 at 10.00am - Picnic Day - Venue to be announced later. Aere mai te katoatoa rava! Aere mai te katoatoa rava! Contact: Bishop Pere 23778/55177 Dial-A-Prayer 26777 Email: [email protected] 78268 / /1632 Tenders Crown Law Office Sale Tender Tenders are sought for the sale of a Ricoh Aficio 2020D photocopier on an as is where is basis. For viewing/inspection contact Dorothy Ivaiti on phone 29337 for appointment. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Send written tender in a sealed envelope marked “Crown Law Office Tender”, Crown Law Office, PO Box 494, Avarua, Rarotonga. Tenders close on 18 April 2014. 78095 / /1985 Services BRAD’s AUTO Panelbeating & Spraypainting Car Parts: we can order Main Road, Nikao Ph 20779. 78173 /37375 /1811 Grounds Maintenance Services Need your lawns and hedge trimmed and/or maintained? No job is too big or too small for us to handle. Give us a call at T&S Ltd on 29069 or 70716 for a free quote. 77710 /37065 /1931 Businesses for Sale Are you looking to invest in a thriving, profitable business? HIDIES BAR is for sale. Contact CIs Realty LTD. Brent- 23358/55154. 78194 / /2286 For Rent 2 bedroom house, furnished in Akaoa, Arorangi. Long term preferred. Phone 24900 or 55302. 78217 / /2415 2 bedroom unfurnished, Inave, back road, quiet. Phone 74552. 78246 /37464 /2061 2 bedroom Modern House in Avarua, newly renovated with new kitchen and appliances, furnished, $315 per week, long term, enquires phone John 55743. 78012 /37453 /1931 For Sale 16.ft Fibreglass cabin boat on trailer 90hp Johnson motor Reliable good condition $15000 ono Phone 24737 /54737. 78218 /37435 /1931 Back in Stock PAVING SLABS mixed with Recycled Glass 600 x 600 x 50mm - Ph 55026 Email [email protected] 78170 /37375 /1811 JVC 21’’ TV boxed, In excellent Condition $350. Phone 70580. 78176 / /2270 1997 Ford Taurus (silver), gearbox shot, selling as is for repair or parts. What offers?? Contact Trevor Simmons, Tikioki. Phone 24466. 78210 / /1931 Pigs for Sale $100-$150. Call phone 75661. 78235 /37470 /1931 Pigs for sale. Phone 72488. 78238 /37448 /1931 Rauti muramura and Tiare Maori cuttings. Phone 24922. 78240 / /1903 Baby walkie, baby carrier and baby girls size 1 clothes. Phone 55617. 78244 /37469 /1931 For Breeding or eating Pigs 25-30kg, local, coconut fed, not too fat Goats for sale, male & female Call Joe 56433. 78251 /37467 /1931 Avana vacant section 1170m2, 53 years lease $40k. Phone 52160. 78257 /37451 /1931 Playstation 3 for sale with controller only $500. For any inquieries pls contact Mary Taio on 54541 or 29853. 78270 / /1857 Garage Sale Massive Monster Garage Sale!! Saturday 19 April whole day starts 7am next to Tipani Rentals, Arorangi mainroad look for sign. Men, ladies, kids and baby clothes, household goods, linens, toys, shoes, towels and much more. Barbeque food with chilled drinks to go!! Contact 52331, 55440 or 56546. 78248 /37463 /1931 Situations Vacant Experienced skipper and crew for 50ft charter yacht. Phone 74919. 78111 /37367 /1931 MURI BEACH CLUB HOTEL FULL TIME SECURITY STAFF MIDNIGHT TO 8AM SHIFTS IMMEDIATE START PH: 23000 & ASK FOR DAENA/LIANA OR E-MAIL: info@muribeachclubhotel 78227 / /2162 OFFICE AND HOTEL HOSPITALITY If you are honest, computer literate, reliable, friendly, and wish to portrait the Kia Orana/Meitaki feeling to our guests, we would like to hear from you. Full training given, full time flexible hours, at Aro’a Beachside Inn. Call Jan at 22166 for an appointment or stop by to fill out a job application. 78242 / /1997 Live in Nanny/Domestic helper required to look after 3 adorable children. Please call 25761. 78132 /37383 /1931 Job opportunities available for couple. 1. Fish cutter/handyman 2. Warehouse freight Handler 3. Housekeeper 4. Nanny For a full Job description/to apply Email: ziabuksh@yahoo 78155 / /1723 Shop Assistant Manager Needed Job Requires you to: -Manage Shop Staff -Assist Customers -Work on the Till @ Times -Check all Products & Stock in Store Must have Experience and be reliable. Hours of work will be Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Rotational on Saturday. If you are a self-motivated Person that is happy to do whatever it takes to get the job done then please drop off your CV or email to [email protected] Or you can contact Tia or Kelly on 22259. Good Rates for the best person! 78232 / /2502 Skipper & deckhand for Reeltime Fishing Charters, male or female. Some experience needed. Phone 74919. 78110 /37367 /1931 Te Vara Nui is looking for a full-time Food & Beverage Supervisor to manage our 3 Restaurants and work in the capacity of Head Maître D’. Phone 24006. 78121 /37371 /2512 Wanted to Rent 3 bedroom house wanted to rent. Preferrably furnished. Preferrably Titikaveka or Muri. Phone Ben 52894. 78214 /37429 /1931 VACANCY POSITION: PRINCIPAL IMMIGRATION OFFICER Applications are sought from those persons with the experience, commitment and vision to manage the immigration service for the Cook Islands Government and people. We are looking for applicants with a number of key attributes, including the following: • Minimum of five years of practical experience in strategic and change management and leading successful teams; • Sound knowledge of Cook Islands immigration legislation, policies and procedures; • A good understanding of border management control systems, immigration and related policies; • Demonstrated capacity to deal professionally and courteously with work colleagues and the public and is a team player. Please call telephone 29-347, email [email protected]. or visit for the job description and application requirements. Applications should be addressed to Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, P.O. Box 105, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, or e-mailed to [email protected]. Applications close on Wednesday 30th April 2014 78258 Tere Joseph (Mrs) Office Manager Cook Islands News “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” Phil. 4:13 e tere@cookislandsnews w cookislandsnews p (+682) 22999 f (+682) 25303 PO Box 15 Rarotonga Cook Islands
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 18:54:18 +0000

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