COOK ISLANDS NEWS, Wednesday 26 March 2014 FRONT PAGE - TopicsExpress


COOK ISLANDS NEWS, Wednesday 26 March 2014 FRONT PAGE STORIES Long-haul air services locked in until 2018 Long-haul access to the Cook Islands has been secured until at least 2018 with the Government’s signing of two contracts with Air New Zealand yesterday. Signing on behalf of the Government was Prime Minister Henry Puna, who put his signature on the agreements which will provide regular service to Rarotonga from Sydney and Los Angeles. Just over one third of the 120,000 visitors to the country used the services in 2013, said Cook Islands Tourism Corporation chair Ewan Smith, who was present at the signing. The number of visitors arriving from Sydney is expected to increase from 22,000 to 30,000 in the coming year, he added. The Government has been underwriting both routes since 2007 – meaning they pay all expenses to ensure the Kiwi airline incurs no losses. A further 10 per cent return is paid on the Sydney service, guaranteeing the airline a profit. Under the new contracts, the 10 per cent return will now apply to both routes, however, the Government has negotiated a new formula on how the return is paid out. Air New Zealand will now be paid a return based on the expenses it incurs in providing the flights, as well as a percentage of revenue. Secretary Richard Neves of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management said this will provide greater incentive to the airline to fill planes and sell tickets. Local officials and stakeholders also hope to benefit with a planned upgrade to Air New Zealand’s fleet of planes. Smith said a larger Boeing 777 with a capacity for 330 passengers is expected to begin servicing the Los Angeles – Rarotonga route, providing a 33 per cent increase from the current plane. Chief Executive Halatoa Fua of the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation said the increase in capacity will be vital for growing the tourism sector during the low and shoulder seasons and bringing in visitors from North American and European markets. The agreement will last from November 2014 to November 2018, and comes into effect after the existing contracts expire in October. The four-year terms of the contracts “create certainty with supply and stability with service” which is vital for the sector, said Smith. Government expenditure for the underwrites came in at $5.2 million for the first six months of the 2013-14 fiscal year, approximately $1.1 million under budget. Cost for 2012-13 was $9.45 million, and $11.8 million for 2011-2012. - Emmanuel Samoglou Beer will be sworn into Parliament next week James Beer, the declared winner in last month’s by-election in Murienua, is expected to be sworn in next Monday during the first day of the upcoming sitting of Parliament. Clerk of Parliament John Tangi confirmed Beer will sit during the session after taking his oath – which he said will be the first order of business for the House. The issue of whether Beer will be sworn in has been a hot topic amongst political observers, as his presence in the House closes the margin between the opposition Democratic Party and the ruling Cook Islands Party. His presence in Parliament would give the Demos 10 parliamentary seats, compared to 13 for the ruling Cook Islands Party government, with the remaining seat held by independent Atiu MP Norman George. Although the declared winner, Beer is currently involved in an electoral petition before the High Court which has both sides alleging violations of the nation’s electoral act. “I believe he is entitled to be sworn in, since he has been declared to be the winner,” said opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen. “We will wait and see how Government handles this with the petition.” - Emmanuel Samoglou OTHER STORIES Did she sail at long last? Avatiu Wharf was bustling with activity yesterday as Pukapuka-bound passengers prepared to set off by boat for the remote northern island. The crew spent the morning loading Taio Shipping’s MV Maungaroa II to the brim with cargo – including food and motorbikes - and the vessel was scheduled to leave Rarotonga at 5pm. Passengers, with their friends and family, were congregating at the wharf from early afternoon, milling around waiting for the ship to go. If she set off, the Maungaroa II will be the first passenger boat to land in Pukapuka since last year. Taio Shipping staff said the boat would be taking eight crew members and about 25 passengers, including four teachers who have been stuck in Rarotonga waiting for transport to Pukapuka since mid-January. No passenger boats have been to Pukapuka since December and the island’s runway was damaged by rain the same month, ruling out flights. Teacher Jari Zapp said he was excited about leaving but, after multiple false starts, was not holding his breath. “First you get excited but you can only stay that way for so long, after being given about 10 different departure times.” The Maungaroa II has capacity for 50 passengers, according to Taio Shipping staff. - Ben Chapman-Smith Panel suggests $1wage increase A formal recommendation has been made to Internal Affairs Minister Nandi Glassie that he increase the minimum wage by $1. The Minimum Wage Review Panel announced yesterday that it has advised Glassie to lift the minimum wage from $5 to $6 per hour. Glassie is expected to make a final decision by the end of this week so that any wage change can be introduced on April 1, to coincide with the VAT increases. The Wage Panel said its findings showed most employers in Rarotonga already pay most, if not all, of their employees more than the current minimum wage. “Pa Enua businesses, on the other hand, have revenue and profit constraints that may limit their ability to raise wages,” the panel said in a statement. An increase to $6 per hour would cost the Government an estimated $150,000 per annum. The minimum wage has been set at $5 since 2006. - Ben Chapman-Smith Turoa Bakery could be in action by May Nearly five months since it was burned to the ground by an arsonist, one of the country’s oldest bakeries is rising up from the ashes. Builders are busy laying the foundations for the new Turoa Bakery, which could be back in full production by as early as May. The family-owned Titikaveka bakery and adjoining Saltwater Café were annihilated by fire in early November last year - a fire police later confirmed as an act of arson. Turoa Bakery director and shareholder Atua Atuatika said the bakery will be “larger and higher” than the original building and will be stocked full of new equipment. “We need to get up and running as soon as possible,” Atuatika said. “I’m really exited. I can’t wait.” The Saltwater Cafe will also be opening up again, renting a space at the front of the building. The entire rebuild will cost about $1.1 million, which is being partly paid for using a $100,000 loan obtained from the Business Trade Investment Board (BTIB) and an insurance payout from Tower. Before being burnt down, the bakery had 16 workers and Atuatika said he will be doing his best to re-hire all former employees. “We promised them after the fire that we’d look after them. At the moment some of them are working at our competition or in other jobs but we’ll give them the first option.” The aim is to make the bakery more efficient and cost effective than before, although annual profit at the time of the fire was already “in the millions”, Atuatika said. He said the bakery will be pumping out a number of new products and he is sure customers will be pleased with the range. Since the fire, he and the other two company directors have been busy looking at how to get the business up and running again. They have had numerous meetings with banks and suppliers and recently signed a new contract with a flour supplier in New Zealand. Local contractor Mike Rennie Builders is leading the job and the steel building frame is being shipped over from New Zealand, manufactured by a company called Form Steel. “It will be a lot of steel, with corrugated iron on top,” Atuatika said. The fire was a tragic event but Atuatika said he and his fellow shareholders decided to stay positive, trust in God and keep looking forward. “Life is full of challenges and these things happen, for whatever reason. We couldn’t sit back and start whinging about it.” As far as he knows, police have still not caught the arsonist responsible. “I don’t know what’s happening in terms of the arson. Everything has just gone quiet.” Atuatika is a third generation baker whose grandfather Atua Tavai founded the Turoa Bakery back in the 1950s.- Ben Chapman-Smith Aussie couple donate to disability services An Australian physiotherapy couple have generously donated nine sets of crutches, a wheelchair and $1500 to help disabled people living in the Cook Islands. Erin McCarthy and Thomas Bicknell, who work at Sunshine Hospital in Melbourne, are staying in Rarotonga for two weeks doing voluntary work with the National Disability Council. Both had already done voluntary work and work experience in Rarotonga two years ago, when they saw there was a need for more resources. “I guess we recognised there were a lot of things we could help with if we came back,” McCarthy said. While planning a return trip to the Cooks, McCarthy and Bicknell set about contacting private businesses in Melbourne asking for donations. They ended up being given eight pairs of brand new and one set of used crutches, and a child’s wheelchair in near-new condition. “I was really stoked they came through,” McCarthy said. They then decided to try and raise some money through a “wine drive”, selling more than 130 bottles to friends and family members for a profit. “A lot of people decided they didn’t want to buy wine but wanted to give money.” The couple ended up raising $1500 which, along with the crutches and wheelchair, has been handed over to National Disability Council co-ordinator Pat Farr, who is hosting them. Virgin Airlines kindly donated excess baggage allowance so it cost nothing to bring the items to Rarotonga. Farr said she is extremely grateful to the couple for their generosity and that the $1500 will be put towards helping disability services in the outer islands. “They often miss out on funding so I want to make sure this goes to them, rather than staying here in Rarotonga.” Founded in 2002, the National Disability Council is an umbrella organisation for all disability services. “We all work as one really big team because the bottom line is we’re here for the people who need us,” Farr said. McCarthy and Bicknell said the most appealing feature of the Cook Islands is its people. “It’s so remote and the people are lovely and welcoming. Obviously the weather and beaches are great too. It’s a good get-away from the hustle and bustle of Melbourne,” Bicknell said. After Rarotonga, the couple are heading off to travel throughout Central and North America, before ending up in London, where they intend to stay and work for 18 months. - Ben Chapman-Smith Japanese diplomatic official visits Atiu A diplomat from the Japanese Embassy in Wellington was recently in Atiu to assess development initiatives on the outer island. First Secretary Reki Kataoka was on the island during Thursday and Friday last week to assess a proposed water tank programme application which was submitted by Health and Internal Affairs Minister Nandi Glassie – one of two MPs for the island. Kataoka was accompanied by Glassie’s Chief Executive Officer, Man Unuia, for the two-day visit. Unuia said if the water tank application is successful, it will add a further 280,000 to 300,000 litres of water capacity throughout the island. “Each concrete tank has a 20,000 litre capacity and will further add to the government’s initiative of providing water tanks into the homes on the island under the climate change scheme and other government assistance,” he said. Presently, Unuia said the water level on the island has improved given the amount of rainfall over the last two months, relieving Atiu from the critical water shortage experienced at the end of 2013. Also during his visit, Kataoka took the time to inspect a second Japanese project on the island, which includes funding for the acquisition of special health equipment that was received last year. Unuia said the equipment, purchased brand new, was still in “immaculate condition” and is being well-maintained, a credit to the health professionals of the island. - ES Fishery surveillance in the spotlight Fisheries officials from all 17 member countries of the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency are in Honiara this week turning the spotlight on the work they do to monitor, control and keep watch over offshore fishing. The Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Monitoring Control and Surveillance Working group will look at the evolving challenges in the field and the realities of applying elements of a regional strategy at national level. Agenda items include the work of fisheries observers on fishing boats in the Pacific, standards and regulations guiding licenses and how FFA members issue them, and sensitivities around sharing sovereign data. Understanding the complexities of maritime boundaries and multi-lateral agreements such as the Niue Treaty on co-operation in surveillance and enforcement are also part of the technical sessions. Wez Norris, FFA’s Deputy Director-General, said there are exciting opportunities ahead for monitoring control and surveillance (MCS) work in the Pacific, especially in the field of emerging and information technologies. “We are continuing to see a change in monitoring, control and surveillance work in the region, where we continue to see less rogue fishing vessels doing their own thing, and focusing more on vessels that are ‘legitimate’ but perhaps not acting as legitimately as they should and could be,” he said. While issues such as managing information are as critical now as they were when the work of fisheries surveillance began in the 1980’s, Norris noted the emerging impacts of electronic reporting and surveillance technologies to the current regional MCS strategy, which also comes under the spotlight this week. The strategy runs to 2015 and is under review at this meeting to ensure it remains relevant to the MCS realities for Pacific Fisheries. A key part of the self-examination will look at the ongoing process where FFA members can band together on solutions as a key way to overcome issues around capacity at the national level. The meeting will run in parallel with the QUAD operational Working Group; the QUADS comprise the aerial and naval arms of Australia, France, New Zealand and the USA. - Release Takitimu’s PTA elects new chair Ruth Horton has taken over from Victoria Dearlove as Takitimu Primary School PTA chairperson for 2014 following the recent AGM. Mrs Dearlove has been chair for the past four years giving “time, continuous support and dedication to the school”. In her final report Mrs Dearlove said she was delighted to advise that the school is fully staffed for the first time in several years and thanks must be given to the teachers who are now teaching different age levels to what they have taught in the past. “With support from the rest of the staff and the principal I’m confident that they will all achieve excellent results at the end of the year,” she said. In what seems to be a sign of the times, $26,000 from the PTA funds was also used for security screens for the whole school which everyone felt was necessary after several break-ins last year. With the school planning to purchase iPads in the near future, the teachers are much more comfortable knowing that their classrooms are very secure. PTA funds of $2000 were also used to purchase SRA kits to support the children in their English literacy with MOE topping up the funds for the kits. The students and teachers love the kits and there is no doubt that the level of comprehension has increased as the students all enjoy the challenge of reading on their own and answering the questions. “This was money well spent and it is very rewarding to see the kits being enjoyed by the students and seeing them keen to move on to the next level of reading,” she Dearlove. Several staff members attended a course for using iPads within the classroom and it was wonderful to see the children enjoying this modern resource to assist with their projects and research, Mrs Dearlove reported. “This is a potential area that the PTA could look at funding in 2014 with remaining funds.” Other officers elected were: Assistant Chair, Phillip Strickland; Secretary, Timothy Arnold; Assistant Secretary, Manarii Etches; Treasurer, Ann Taruia; and Assistant Treasurer, Merian Noovao. - ME SPORTS More women take on triathlon More women decided to tackle the full course individually at the weekend than in previous years. There was a rise in numbers from 10 last year to 17 and a total of 29 women which included 12 that competed in four teams. The women triathletes, who had great support from the men, tackled a 400 metre swim, 16 kilometre bike and four kilometre run course in cool conditions. While rain soaked the island on Saturday morning, racers enjoyed calm conditions with light rains on the final run leg of the course. Today we share the women’s triathlon results and more action photos from the day. Final Showdowns at School Comp It’s D-day for Rarotonga Primary School soccer teams who will battle it out in what will be action-filled grand finals matches at the CIFA Complex in Matavera today. The action at the CIFA complex is set to kick off at 2.45pm when the girls division teams take to the field followed by the competitive boys division at 3.20pm. The match up for top honours in the girls division will see Avatea and Avarua school square off. Both sides are evenly matched in their goal scoring and defensive skills and should put on a fine display of soccer prowess today. Battling it out for third place will be Apii Nikao Maori and Arorangi while last year’s champions Nukutere College will meet Titikaveka and Apii Te Uki Ou will play Papaaroa for school pride. The match of the day is set to be between the Arorangi and Avarua boys teams with some fearless goal scoring opportunity to feature in what should be an evenly matched and exhilarating game. The two sides will be battling it out for the top honours in the boys division. In last week’s semi-finals in the boys division, Avarua disposed of Avatea one goal to nil, while Arorangi easily defeated Nikao by 11 goals to nil. In the exciting girls division semifinals – Avarua overpowered Arorangi by four goals to nil and Avatea crushed Nikao’s hopes of a finals spot by one goal to nil. Today, Nikao will play Avatea for third place in the boys division, while Nukutere will go head-to-head against Titikaveka and Te Uki Ou will play Papaaroa. The last four weeks of competition have seen school pride and spirit as vocal support of teachers, parents and schools have heightened and encouraged the children to perform at their best. Good luck to all the school teams in today’s final football face-off. We encourage all the schools to bring on their football swagger. Semi-final results (girls) – Avatea 1 vs Nikao 0, Avarua 4 vs Arorangi 0, Titikaveka 6 vs Te Uki Ou 0, Nukutere 3 vs Papaaroa 0, (boys) Arorangi 11 vs Nikao 0, Avarua 1 vs Avatea 0, Nukutere 6 vs Te Uki Ou 1, Titikaveka 5 vs Papaaroa 3. Today’s draw – (girls) Field 1-Avatea vs Avarua, Field 2-Nikao vs Arorangi, Field 3-Titikaveka vs Nukutere, Field 4-Te Uki Ou vs Papaaroa, (boys) Field 1-Arorangi vs Avarua, Field 2-Nikao vs Avatea, Field 3-Nukutere vs Titikaveka, Field 4-Te Uki Ou vs Papaaroa. We encourage you to come, support your schools and show your school spirit. Join the schools and support the biggest participation sport and Play Football in 2014. - Matariki Wilson/CIFA Media Cooks sevens ready for Hong Kong action A warm up match against Italy yesterday will be the last hit out the Cook Islands national sevens will have before they compete in this weekend’s Hong Kong rugby sevens series. The Cooks team including (from left) Cam Kilgour (manager), Hayden Reid (backline coach), Josh Petero, Teu Paerau, Simon Marcel, Louis Makuare, Junior Kiria, Francis Smith, Chad Tuoro (head coach) physio Cam Simmiss, (seated left to right) Harry Berryman, James Raea, Chay Raui (co-captain), Greg Mullany (co-captain), Sean Fletcher and Teina Savage touched down in Hong Kong earlier this week after a successful final three day camp in Auckland. As soon as the team landed in Hong Kong on Monday morning, they went straight to work with solid skills training on the field as well as gym work. The team also visited the Hong Kong stadium that will be their battle field for the upcoming tournament. Team manager Cam Kilgour, in his manager’s log, commented that the trip was a real eye-opener for the players. “The stadium visit was an eye-opener for all of us and we now realise how big this tournament is,” says Kilgour. The Cooks team’s main goal at the tournament will be to earn a spot as a core team of the HSBC Sevens World Series. The national team has been named in pool G of the 12 teams in the competitive qualifier draw in Hong Kong. From the 2013/14 season a two-stage promotion and relegation process comes into effect for the World Series, with promotion to core team status for the 2014/15 campaign on offer to one of the 12 teams in the competitive qualifier draw in Hong Kong including the Cook Islands. These 12 regional qualifiers will battle for the one promotion place on offer in a competition played alongside the main 16-team World Series tournament at the Hong Kong Stadium. The winner will take the place of the bottom-ranked of the 15 current core teams after round nine of the World Series, the Marriott London Sevens on May 10 and 11. The national team has been named in pool G along with Japan, Uruguay, Trinidad & Tobago of the 12 teams in the competitive qualifier draw in Hong Kong. The draw has been made for the HSBC Sevens World Series core team qualifier to be played at the Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2014, with the hosts facing sides from Europe, Africa and Oceania. The first of the pools features two of the strongest sides in last year’s qualifying tournaments – leading European qualifiers Russia and the highest-ranked African side in the draw, Zimbabwe. They are joined in Pool E by the first of the two South American qualifiers, Chile, and Barbados, the second-ranked side from the North American and Caribbean region. The other Asian heavyweight in the draw, Tokyo host nation Japan, starts top seed in Pool G and has matches against the Cook Islands, Uruguay and the top Caribbean nation, Trinidad & Tobago. Tournament hosts Hong Kong were drawn in Pool F and face matches against the second European side, Italy, African qualifier Tunisia and the second of the Oceania qualifiers, American Samoa. Draw at a glance – Pool E: Russia, Zimbabwe, Chile, Barbados, Pool F: Hong Kong, Italy, Tunisia, American Samoa and Pool G: Japan, Cook Islands, Uruguay, Trinidad & Tobago. These 12 regional qualifiers will battle for the one promotion place on offer in a competition played alongside the main 16-team World Series tournament at the Hong Kong Stadium. The winner will take the place of the bottom-ranked of the 15 current core teams after round nine of the World Series, the Marriott London Sevens on May 10 and 11. The new format is in line with the IRB Sevens Plan developed in partnership with the IRBs member unions and approved by the IRB Council and reflects the IRBs mission to deliver a pathway that ensures that all member unions have a transparent and merit-based opportunity to participate in the HSBC Sevens World Series. The HSBC Sevens World Series 2013/14 core teams are Argentina, Australia, Canada, England, Fiji, France, Kenya, New Zealand, Portugal, Samoa, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, USA and Wales. - 7 World Series/MW Experience and speed at touch Experience beat speed at the touch rugby field on Monday when men’s team Da Ropaz thumped the speedy Nukz Power side 11-4. It was another exciting afternoon of touch rugby for open men and women teams who will play out their last round of games next week. The experienced Da Ropaz are the current leaders on the men’s table and look to be the hot favourites to take out the men’s division. Other men’s games on Monday saw the Itiki Power lads overpower the Western Stallions 4-2. In the women’s division – the hot Bounty Hunters looked every part the champs in their uniforms with a convincing 7-1 win over the Nukz Power ladies. A good turnout of players for team Kaos saw the ladies defeat team Vaine Toa 5-0 while the FBI ladies showed great speed to edge out Kimiora 5-3. Today’s touch rugby attention turns to the mixed competition with games kicking off at 5pm. Get along to the Nikao field for fast and fun touch rugby games. - Matariki Wilson Today’s mixed draw – 5pm on field one Wackies vs MOE, 5pm on field two Justice vs Telecom Cook Islands, 5.30pm on field one Tereora College vs Tumeke Smurf, 5.30pm on field two Nukz Power vs Maritime Cook Islands, 6pm on field one Live Smart vs 007, 6pm on field two1 MFEM vs BCI Transactions, 6.30pm on field one Northern Stormers vs Westpac, 6.30pm on field two MFEM Kings vs Mongoose. Referees boycott league A personality clash between rugby league referees and club competition director Taua Benioni led to a partial referees boycott last weekend. The boycott of some referees saw the scheduled reserve and premier grade matches between the Arorangi Bears and Ngatangiia Sea Eagles called off by club officials. The issue was discussed at weekly club league review meeting on Monday where Benioni says the way forward will be a meet between him and the referees concerned. It seems both parties want to be the boss and run the show but as one diehard league fan commented, “don’t let the referees upset the season.” The game between the Bears and Sea Eagles will now be played next week according to Benioni. Meanwhile, league fans are hoping the rift between the referees and competition director will be ironed out before this weekend’s games where the Sharks are set to battle the Bulldogs with the game also a Navy Epati Challenge trophy semi-final game. The Sea Eagles will meet the Eels at Nukupure Park and the Panthers will take on the Warriors while the Bears take a break. - Matariki Wilson CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT Public Notices COOK ISLANDS RUGBY UNION Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 26 March 2013 @ 5pm, CISNOC Buildings in Nikao/Rarotonga. AGENDA Opening prayer. Adoption of minutes from AGM held 26/02/14. 2013 Presidents Report. 2013 Financial Report. Election of Office bearers for 2014 - 2016 term. Other matters: 2014 CIRU Rugby Calendar. Closing prayer. For further information contact Ben Koteka on [email protected] or mb 54469. 77376 /36887 /1839 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mrs Jane Pearson on behalf of Nautilis Resort has filed an application with the Liquor Licensing Authority for a Hotel Liquor Licence to provide for the Sale of Liquor on the premises at: MURI, NGATANGIIA(Village) RAROTONGA(Island) Days and Hours of Trading:Mondays to Saturdays between the hours of 11.00am and 12midnight. Sundays to bona fide diners between the hours of 6.00pm and 10.00pm. Any person who objects to the said application should do so in writing, addressed to the Secretary, Liquor Licensing Authority, PO Box 61, Rarotonga by:7 April 2014. 77808 / /2293 Uipaanga Na te Kopu Tangata O Ngati Rupe E kapikianga teia ki te kopu tangata o Ngati Rupe I Rarotonga nei, nga kopu e toru; (1) Rupe Tama, (2) Taiava e (3) Itaaka. kia tae mai ki tetai uipaanga puapinga na tatou ki to tatou ngutuare Aitutaki Hostel a te Ruitoru (Potoru) ra 26 no Mati 2014 I te ora 6 I te aiai. Au akakoroanga: - Akapapuanga I te au parani no te Toka akamaaraanga o te tupuna vaine Tepaeru-Ariki - E te au manako keke Me no roto koe I teia au kopu tangata, noou teia kapikianga. Kua matau ua tatou, tetai mereki ki to rima ka kapu ti tatou me oti ta tatou uipaanga. Aere mai kia akarongo koe I te au nuti ou. Na te Tiemeni George Nicholls, Mobile Phone 54330. 77789 /37112 /1931 Tupapa Maraerenga Democratic Party Meeting to be held at the Tupapa Osana Meeting House. On Wednesday 26 March 2014 at 6.30pm. Old and new members are most welcome to attend. Agenda: 1. Opening prayer and welcome 2. Financial report 3. Financial membership 4. Selection of candidates 5. Other matters 6. Closing prayers. 77751 /37093 /1931 NGATI PI INCOPORATED MEETING Members are advised that there will be an AGM to be held at 6pm Friday 4th April 2014 at Pi Mataiapo Residence, Arai Te Tonga. Inquiries to Tiamata Ate Rongo Mb 55507” 77821 / /1931 Ekalesia Muri, Muri Tapere, Ngatangiia, we have a meeting at 7pm on Wednesday 26 March 2014. Preparation for the coming duties in April and other important matters. All are welcome the more the merrier. God bless. Keta Williams Diakono, Pu Tapere. 77778 / /1931 Calling all Patrons of Mapumai Village of Atiu A meeting to be held at the: Venue: Rangiura meeting house nikao. Date: Friday 28 March 2014. Time: 5pm. Agenda: Quick raffle fundraiser and future matters. Secretary Committees: Puna Rakanui Sam Mataio Suzanne Tauira Everybody please bring $5 for our license. Meitaki Maata to all Mapumai Personnel. 77799 /316513 /1931 Found Found outside Foodland, driver’s licence with Westpac visa card. Name: Coralie Mary Heironymus. Come to Foodland to pick up. 77780 /77780 /1931 RED KAYAK, JUST OVER THE REEF IN TITIKAVEKA PHONE MARITIME POLICE AT 26018 FOR DETAILS. 777 Services Grounds Maintenance Services Need your lawns and hedge trimmed and/or maintained? No job is too big or too small for us to handle. Give us a call at T&S Ltd on 29069 or 70716/52914 for a free quote. 77709 /37065 /1931 For Rent 2 bedroom unit & house Matavera. 1 Bedroom unit Arorangi. Close to main road.Phone 73530/ 21444. 77638 /36982 /2419 2 bedroom house, short term, fully furnished, back road Tupapa. Call 73380. 77803 /37110 /1931 Three bedroom fully furnished house in Tepuka. Must be honest and reliable. Phone 76132. 77512 /36874 /1931 Rooms from $70 week, Including power, hotwater. Suitable female, sober habits. Arorangi Phone 20201, 9-5pm. 77797 / /1917 3 bedroom furnished, Ariki Road Atupa, $245 per week plus bond, long term, careful tenants required. Phone 22411. 77755 /37098 /1931 1 bedroom fully furnished, large modern apartment, Arorangi, Sky TV, Internet, Serviced weekly, $250pw. Phone 53000. 77787 /37086 /1931 For Sale Tiare maori flower bags. Phone 20201. 77817 / /1917 Piglets for sale. Phone 22459. 77795 /36044 /1931 Vehicles for Sale Ford Ranger Pickup 2wd Diesel, 28000k, 5 years old, as new, no rust $20,000. Telephone 22148. 77699 /37037 /1931 Toyota Reliability1.8l 7 seater, very economical, excellent condition. Available end March. $16,500 Ph 57894 777 Situations Vacant The Ministry of Internal Affairs invites applications for the position of: - Consumer Commissioner. A full job description is available upon request. Please contact Eva Mapu, Phone 29370, or email: [email protected]. Applications must be addressed to the Secretary of the Ministry. Applications close 31 March 2014. 77637 /37053 /2039 La Casita and Rickshaw Excellent Opportunity For Full or Part Time Work In Hospitality. Supervisors with Bar skills, POS skills & Front of House experience. Friendly, Well-spoken and well-dressed essential Waiters & Waitresses - experience preferred, training can be given. Kitchen Hands - experience preferred, training can be given Great rates of pay for the right applicants. Excellent opportunity for full or part time work. Please phone: 26487 between 9am - 2pm. Ask for Komera, Sue or Julie. Email references to: [email protected] 77677 /37063 /1697 Wanted caregiver/ house keeper live in for elderly gentleman, must be experienced. Call 27651. 77782 /37108 /2502 BRANCH OFFICE MANAGER Polynesian Rentals Limited is 100% locally owned and is the longest serving car rental company in the Cook Islands with 6 offices located on Rarotonga. We invite suitable applicants to join our experienced team to take on the role of Branch Office Manager. Competence in day to day organization, computer skills, public relations and communication is essential to this position with further on the job training provided for the successful applicant who will also hold a current Cook Islands drivers licence. This is a Monday to Friday appointment with alternate weekend rotations if required. Applications including CVs should be emailed to [email protected] by Friday 28 March.” 77768 / /1726 Kia Orana! - The Edgewater Resort & Spa are currently seeking full time and part time staff. If you are a team player and have good communication skills, honest and reliable, confidence and personality and the ability to work under pressure and multitask - then we are looking for you! Full training will be provided for the right applicants. The positions available are: Housekeeping Supervisor Housemaids Kitchen hand Restaurant cleaner (6-12midday) Security Officers (Pm shifts, weekends) For further queries, please contact the HR Manager Jeff TIKITAU on ph 58008 or Jennie GEORGE on ph 53533. Application forms are also available from Reception - We Look forward to meeting you! 77810 / /1759 Housekeeper needed party time, honest, reliable, good start pay. Arorangi area. Phone or text 55483. 77798 /36050 /1931 Live in nanny/Domestic helper required to look after two children. Please call 73760. 77818 /36056 /1931 RESERVATIONS/HOSPITALITY. If you have worked in reservations previously or would like to receive training in this area, we would like to hear from you. You must be honest, computer literate, friendly, good spoken English, and proud to be a Cook Islander showing our visitors the Kia Orana & Meitaki feeling. The position is 40 hrs p.w. flexible shifts. Pick up application forms at Aro’a Beachside Inn or call 22166. 77820 / /1997 Sous Chef/Baker Wanted Sous Chef/Baker or experienced cook (min 2 years preferred) required for our busy little cafe. Must have strong leadership qualities with the ability to work well as a team. Must be organised, punctual and hardworking. Come and join our great team at the Koru Cafe, Aitutaki. Please forward your CV and covering letter to [email protected] or apply in person at the Koru Cafe, Aitutaki. Front of House Staff Wanted Front of House staff required. Must have a great smile, good communication skills and be customer focused. Come and join our great team at the Koru Cafe, Aitutaki. Please forward your CV and covering letter to [email protected] or apply in person at the Koru Cafe, Aitutaki. We look forward to hearing from you soon! 77646 /36999 /1931 Chef wanted evenings plus cleaner. Phone 21118, 25433 or 73764. 77663 /37062 /2230 Experience Essential Moana Sands requires an experienced housekeeper who can work sole charge as well as lead a small team. Good remuneration package offered. Applications in writing please; forms available at Hotel reception or email [email protected] 77809 / /1978 Pacific Resort Hotel Group A Great Place to Work... We are currently seeking the following: -Senior Landscape Gardener -Groundkeeper -Carpenter -Handyman -Chefs and Cooks -Waitstaff - experienced -Barperson - experienced -Team Leaders & Supervisors To apply email: work@pacificresort or contact Ani Thompson on 53731. 77585 /37017 /1866 Wanted to Buy Medium size fridge/ freezer call 73380. 77802 /37110 /1931 Wanted Live in housekeeper/caregiver needed for an elderly lady residing in Mitiaro. Genuine interest only. Also live in housekeeper for a loving family. Call mobile 76949. 77748 /37091 /1931 PORTS AUTHORITY Ports Authority General Manager The Ports Authority is a Crown owned Statutory Corporation established by an Act of the Cook Islands Parliament in 1995. The Act is called the Ports Authority Act 1994-1995. Applications are invited from suitably qualified individual for the position of General Manager of the Ports Authority with proven experience in meeting targets to effectively manage and oversee the Ports overall business operations. The applicant should possess the following qualification and experience: • A degree in Business Management and strong understanding of financial discipline • A minimum of at least 5 years senior management experience • Sound understanding of Sea Port operation management • Proven ability in management and leadership skills • Strong written and oral communication skills both in English and Maori • High level of interpersonal and representational skills • Computer literate – Words, Excel and PowerPoint • Ability and experience to maintain good working relationship with all key stakeholders and customers • Ability to work under extreme pressure Written applications supported by CV, two referees and copies of qualifications addressed to: Chairman Board of Directors Ports Authority P O Box 84 Rarotonga Job description can be obtained from the Ports Authority office. Closing date of application is Friday 28 March 2014 @ 4pm All applications will be treated in the strictest of confidence. Enquiries and further information: Contact Chairman of the Board, Phone: 22114; Mobile: 56890; email: [email protected] 77443 FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY COMMISSION Human Resources Review Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced individuals to undertake a comprehensive Human Resources (HR) review of the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) on a short-term contract basis. The review would include: The establishment of a HR and Organisational Development Strategy A review, updating and rewriting of the FSC’s current Personnel Policy The preparation of individual job descriptions for all FSC staff The specification of Key Performance Indicator’s for all FSC staff The establishment of a suitable Annual Performance Appraisal system The preparation of a comprehensive training and development plan for each member of staff The preparation of a succession plan to assist in staff retention and development of key staff; and To provide training/guidance to the Senior Management Team on the implementation of the above. Background information regarding the Commission can be viewed at Remuneration will depend on the final terms of reference and conditions agreed with the successful candidate. Interested parties are requested to submit their CVs with a covering letter to: The Commissioner, Financial Supervisory Commission, PO Box 594, Avarua, Rarotonga; or send by email to [email protected] by 4pm, Friday 28 March 2014. 77570 Teaching and Support Staff Applications are invited from experienced and motivated individuals for the following part-time positions to commence in the school year: 1. Nikao School: Office Secretary 2. Rakahanga School: Teacher Aide (Program Support) 3. Tereora College: Teacher Aide (IE) 4. Araura Primary School: Teacher Aide (ECE) 5. Arorangi School: Teacher (fulltime) 6. Araura College: School Guidance Counselor (fulltime) Applications close on Friday 4 April 2014. Job Descriptions are available from the Ministry or at: Please submit a cover letter with Curriculum Vitae and references to: Director HRM Division Ministry of education PO Box 97 Rarotonga Cook Islands Ph (682) 29357, Fax (682) 28357 or email [email protected] 77791 Tere Joseph (Mrs) Office Manager Cook Islands News “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” Phil. 4:13 e tere@cookislandsnews w cookislandsnews p (+682) 22999 f (+682) 25303 PO Box 15 Rarotonga Cook Islands
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 19:29:03 +0000

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