COPIED: THE HEART OF A WOMAN..7 I woke up early the next day, - TopicsExpress


COPIED: THE HEART OF A WOMAN..7 I woke up early the next day, probably around 4:30am to hear Kelvin making a phone call in the sitting room. His voice was very low, preventing me from getting much of what he said, but the little i heard almost exploded my heart, bringing up my suspicion to a very alarming level. “yea you know i’m just tolerating and pretending because i feel grateful and indepted. I’ll call you later” were the exact words i picked up and it left me wondering if he was actually discussing me over the phone. He returned to the room seconds later to see me sitting on the bed. He drew close and stared at me with concern. “hey what’s up?, are you alright?” he asked, “yeah just woke up. Couldn’t find you” i answered with a fake smile. “i was speaking to a colleague concerning a little deal that didn’t go right. I had to make the phone call in the sitting room in order not to disturb you” he explained convincingly, but my mind told me he was lying. “so let’s go back to sleep my dear. I really have lots of engagements to honour later in the day” he said and forced me down on the bed. After breakfast, he left me all alone in the house and headed out. I really felt bad watching him leave, but had to wear a smiling face and pretend as if all was fine with me. I had no reason to stop him since he claimed it was work related, but i knew better than to believe the silly lie. “Work issues on a sunday morning huh???”. However I took the oportunity to visit Gen. Johnson later in the day, using the visit to thank him for the help he gave to me by getting a Job for Kelvin. I spent close to an hour with him before heading over to Lydia’s house in Kubwa. Lydia was my agemate and a family friend. She was lucky to get married at the peak of her youth. She married a naval officer at the age of twenty five. A marriage blessed with two cute kids. She equally was the person who arranged and set up Kelvin’s apartment when he moved over to the capital city the previous year and as a true friend kept minute tabs on him, though the information she supplied weren’t much nor anything appalling. I showed up at her house at exactly 3pm that fateful sunday. She was very glad to see me. “i truly don’t understand what you see in that boring Owerri you folks call the Eastern heartland. Move over here jor and set up a restaurant, i bet you will make much more than what you earn in Owerri over here” she joked as we hugged. “hmmm madam know all. Leave me jare, where will i get legit land or a decent site in this Abuja without getting scammed a hundred times over. Abeg free that matter ” i laughed, “as if you don’t have connections in the right place to buy even Aso Rock” she joked. “I came to see how well my fiancee Kelvin is doing. I came into town yesterday ” i informed her seriously. She breathed deeply and shrugged, “hmmmm how much do you trust that guy?.” she asked curiously, making me nervous with the question. “well we are engaged. Have you forgotten we chatted about it all through christmas” i answered with a smile. “well, there is this girl who works in his office, he usually hangs out with her almost every weekend. But i’m not sure if anything is actually going on between them. They always look serious together, so i don’t know if it’s just work things or something else. I have seen them a couple of times at Mrs ladipo’s eatery. Emmm Oh God I have forgotten the name of the place. It’s just in front of my hair salon. I don’t know why it always skips my memory. You know mrs ladipo nah? The woman you once gave things to bring for me some years back in U.S” she explained carefully, piercing my heart with the little information she gave me. “why then did you keep such information away from me” i asked, instantly feeling dizzy and sick. “are you okay? You don’t look too well” she asked, jumping to my side and holding me with concern. I just didn’t understand what happened to me that moment. The sitting room began revolving around me. I hard difficulty breathing while body slowly drenched with sweat… “i’m okay, just a little headache” i replied, closing my eyes as i tried to calm down my failing nerves. “hey you have to take it easy on yourself. Let me get some pills” Lydia said with concern, left the room and returned with a glass of water and some pills which i took from her….. “you know you really have to take it easy on yourself. What happened to you some moments back is a clear sign of stress. It’s obvious you labour yourself too much. I advise you make your stay in this city to at least a month. A month of rest without anything to bother you” she seriously advised after i regained composure. “i think you are right. I’ll follow your advice, but then I will need a new favour from you” i said with a weak smile. She drew closer and stared at me curiously. “i need a house. A good bungalow. Just find me one i can buy or rent. You know my taste. I think i’ll not only be staying a month in this town, but will be staying forever” i said calmly. She nodded and laughed with happiness, without leaving her eyes off me. “I hope you won’t mind me asking what made you make such a sudden unexpected decision?” she asked suspiciously. “i do mind Lydia, but don’t worry in due time you will get to know” i smiled at her. She shrugged with resignation and smiled back. “i’ll get a nice place for you within a week” she promised. I dropped my eyes and thought over my decision. It probably was going to cost me a fortune, but yea it was a sacrifice i had to make. “Kelvin is mine and no sharp-eyed girl is going to reap where she didn’t sow” i promised myself, before standing to leave. “one more favour” i said to my pretty friend, who nodded with full attention. “i need all the information you can get about the mystery girl. I mean the girl Kelvin always hangs out with” i said, “arhhh, i see. Consider it done” she accepted with a provoking smile, which gave the impression that she was slowly discovering what i was holding back from her. I ignored her smile and quickly changed the topic to another thing. Kelvin dutifully took me for a little walk later in the evening. He equally used the opportunity to apologize for being away most part of the day. We strolled down the street discussing like dedicated lovers. I pretended as if all was fine while deep down i was dying to ask him many questions. I wasn’t a dumb little girl and so had to hold back my questions. There wasn’t any need asking him of the unknown girl since i knew he would definetly lie about her. I had to investigate and get every information by myself. “i’m no longer leaving in a week. I think i’ll be staying permanently” i informed him after a little thought. He stumbled and almost fell with shock. “what???” he gasped. To be continued..............
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 08:17:49 +0000

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