COPPERBELT University (CBU) management has lifted the suspension - TopicsExpress


COPPERBELT University (CBU) management has lifted the suspension of all students linked to the recent violent riots that caused damage to infrastructure leading to its closure last week Friday. Management has, however, surcharged Copperbelt University Students Union (COBUSU) leadership to bear the cost for repairing the damaged infrastructure valued at K112, 000. CBU vice chancellor Naison Ngoma announced the decision yesterday at a press briefing held in his office which was convened to highlight progress made towards the reopening of the second highest public learning institution in the country. Prof Ngoma said management after engaging various stakeholders had given itself a period of two weeks in which to be able to address all the necessary challenges required for the reopening of the institution. “We have given ourselves two weeks to reopen the institution and certain options for reopening are going to be provided to Senate to because it is Senate that closed the institution and it is them to make give guidance,” Prof Ngoma said. He said Senate would be meeting next Monday during which managements proposals on the date of reopening CBU would be tabled. “At this meeting, management will make a proposal and we will expect Senate to provide more guidance on the reopening of the school,” he said. Prof Ngoma said in order for everyone to start on a new side when the institution is reopened, he had lifted the suspension of all students including the suspensions emanating from events before June 12 were a number of students rioted over a Zesco power-cut and an attempt by some of them to rape female students was made. “We have received a lot of cooperation from the students’ union leadership regarding events before june 12 and for the sake of all of us starting on a new side, I have decided to lift all suspensions,” Prof Ngoma said. This was however without people bearing responsibility as it was managements’ considered view that only students responsible for the riots bear the cost. “It is management decision that COBUSU failed to provide leadership and so they are going to be surcharged and since the union has got an account, the money is going to be deducted from them,” he said. Prof Ngoma said in the event that the account was going to be found with insufficient funds, the union as a body would be made to pay. And on accommodation, the vice chancellor said management was not rescinding its decision to enforce the rule on ban of squatting. “We are not going to play games with people’s lives and continue to make answers,” he said. Six COBUSU leaders were suspended for allegedly inciting fellow students to boycott classes and prior to that, four students were suspended in connection with riot over a Zesco power failure which occurred on June 10.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 06:33:23 +0000

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