[COPY PASTE - SALAH SATU KOMEN] Let me write once and for all - TopicsExpress


[COPY PASTE - SALAH SATU KOMEN] Let me write once and for all why Erdogans AKP is so popular in Turkey. Erdogan has improved Turkey in all aspects from economy to human rights. Yes, human rights and freedom as well. Let me go through some of his successes. 1. it is an undeniable fact that AKP has radically transformed the healthcare system. An unprecedented change has taken place in the service quality of hospitals. This is a major contribution by this government. 2. After the crippling 2001 economic crises in Turkey, Turkish economy has been stable for so many years thanks to Erdogans smart policy. In 2002-- GDP was 230 billion dollars In 2013 GDP is 796 billion dollars 3. The share of education in the budget. 2002-- 9.5 % (Before AKP) 2013 -- 18% (Now) 4. The number of airports in Turkey: before AKP-- 25 airports (in 80 years TR history) Now, there are 52 airports. That means AKP has built 27 airports just in 10 years. 5. The size of divided roads in Turkey Before AKP: 6000 km (in 80 years) AKP built 15 000 km (in 10 years) 6. Before AKP Turkey borrowed $23,5 billion from IMF Now, All the debt is paid back. 7. Before AKP, zero high speed train. Now, many big cities have or will have high speed trains quite soon. 8. In 2001 economic crises, 25 banks went bust. ($47 billion lost) No bank has gone bust for 10 years. 9. Before AKP, No Kurdish TV channel. Kurdish was totally banned in public sphere. Now, several Kurdish TV channels including one state owned 7/24. Moreover, Kurdish language programs at universities. 10. Before Erdogan, minorities were very scared to reveal their identities and their associations and properties were illegally confiscated by old Turkish state. Now. a substantial area of the confiscated land and literally hundreds of their properties have been given back to the original owners, the Armanians, Greeks, Jews and Assyrian. What is more, several rundown churches have been restored and returned to the Christians. For example Mor Gabriel Monastery in Mardin and St. Aziz Pandeleimon Church in Bursa. 11. 700 000 tablet computers have been given to students absolutely Free of charge. 12. The amazing project, tunnel under the sea (Marmaray) that connects the two sides of Istanbul has been completed in a relatively short space of time. 13. Before AKP, disabled people were given a trivial amount of money. Now, both disabled child and his or her mother get a considerable money separately. Incomparably good amount of support given by the current government. 14. School materials, e. g. books are for free from elementary to high schools. University tuition fees were removed, (Zero fees). 15. 232 water dams have been built in 10 years. 16. the difference in 2002 and 2012 National Parks were 33 (3.4M H) now 40 (5.6 M H) Natural Park were 17, now 189 Areas for Advancement of Wildlife was 0 (Zero) now 43 17. The number of the registered vehicles (cars etc) in Turkey 2002 -- 8,6 millions 2013--- 17,9 millions 18. Turkey is the fourth most generous country in the world after USA, UK and EU. (Just google this: Top 30 government donors of international humanitarian assistance 2012 ) 19. The number of blue flag beaches, which shows the enviromental management and water quality in beaches, has more than doubled. 2002-- 140 high quality beaches (Before AKP) 2014--- 379 high quality beaches (Now) I can carry on and on. But there is no need to belabour the obvious. 20. As a result, AKP has won all the 9 elections in 12 years. 3 national election (34%, 46%. 50%) 3 local elections ( 40%, 38%, 45%) 2 referendums ( 68% and 58%). 1 Presidency (%52)
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 04:11:24 +0000

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